Yes you can - you literally just put the aiming point lower - it really is no different from the old one in that you can aim high or low, add deflection left or right by moving the aiming point.
the only difference is that you do so relative to the target ship instead of the aiming circle.
There’s an awful lot of princesses complaining about peas in naval right now…
Ain’t no trolling here just enjoying new system, cause i asked for it year ago and been surprised they released it. And looks like I’m not the only one enjoying it cause there more players in battle then before patch.
That wasn’t your comment. There was no need for your “Quitters gonna quit” BS. You can tell people you enjoy the new system without personally attacking people who don’t which, according to every thread and poll, is upwards of 95% regardless of your claim.
It’s also not helpful to argue with him, it only makes this topic less and less readable. Just let him has his opinion and ignore his sarcastic comments. I don’t mind some people liking this new system, it’s fine. You will never get 100% of people supporting the same thing. There is no point in arguing whether blue or green is more beautiful. It’s always a matter of taste.
The real problem is that it looks like barely anyone played Naval Arcade in the Russian community, and there are still no topics about this issue on the Russian forum. The only hope is that the number of players will suddenly be reduced in Naval Arcade and the devs will notice this and make some statement about the aiming change situation.
Keep in mind, the only official info about this change we have is this one:
So the devs clearly think that this change is good and everyone likes it. Only a reduced number of players after the update can prove them wrong. We, as players, have no way to reach the devs in any other way. Unfortunately, that’s how it works in War Thunder.
And full teams of players show that peps enjoy it more than any polls.
So i guess that devs just look at statistics not on polls and decide leave it or revert it.
His own poll shows two thirds of people didn’t want it. That’s some interesting “proof” he’s offered. I’m just not going to engage with him anymore, since he’s not debating in good faith.
I’m sorry? Do I have to?
This is not the Russian War Thunder Mobile forum.
Nor is it the War Thunder Russian Thread?
So no I do not understand your irrelevant post.