just played 2 matches 4.7 italy (saetta and geniere) and us coastal 3.3 - in both matches I was 1. in my team - its just a click and hit
How can you not understand the idea that eliminating any form of lead means the game mode is FAR easier. This is basic cause and effect.
It has zero to do with getting “pommeled” (you mean “pummeled” by new players. Not a single person has complained about that, so don’t bring in some straw man argument. If you don’t want to add anything productive, and are just here to troll, why bother?
This new arcade aiming mechanic is so bad that I prefer WoWs aiming mechanic
Because it isn’t true - lack of lead is only useful for targets maintaining constant speed (including stationary) - if a target is altering speed you have no indication of it at all - great vs AT and noobs, useless vs anyone taking any evasive action.
Totally agree with you, the new arcade mode should be renamed dumb mode.
I succeed now all mission watching TV, eating, drinking, the only thing I have to do is to aim, select and fire.
Please keep old aiming system as realistic play and the realistic mode as simulation mode, so everybody will be gladed, as well skilled players and dumb ones.
Hilarous and so true …
Please DEV, apply same aiming system to tank and planes, I’m so dumb.
Yes, but you have to remember that if someone is changing course or altering speed, they will have the same problem with accurate shooting, because they never know where their gunners are currently aiming.
So it’s not like they can constantly maneuver and easily kill enemies at the same time. Sooner or later they will have to steady their vessel and when they do that, if only the enemy kept pressing that left mouse button, they will get hit and eventually die (they won’t be able to recover, they will simply get hit salvo after salvo).
I wrote before that there will obviously be players who like this new aiming system. The question is, how long they are going to play Naval Arcade, before they realize that holding the left mouse button battle after battle is just boring. Of course there are players, who loves pressing the left mouse button. About a year ago the was a banana clicker game that became very popular (150k players at the same time), even if everything you had to do there was to click that left mouse button. But look where this game is now – literally no one plays it. I suspect it will work the same way in War Thunder. At the beginning some players will be happy that they just press that left mouse button and eventually hit the enemy. But how long before it becomes boring?
If you want players to commit to a game, that game has to require at least some skill. You want players to have a room for improvement. The goal of most players is to become good at the game and enjoy it. With this new aiming system there is basically no room for improvement (you will be pretty much as effective in your 1st battle and 1000th battle) and the whole fighting is about pressing the left mouse button. Technically, you could just select the enemy (or just keep the auto selection enabled in options, so the game won’t even require to press that additional button), then just hold the left moue button and you can read a book in the meantime. The only thing that is required is to look at the screen from time to time, so you know if the enemy is dead already (so you can select another one) or not yet (so you can continue reading your book). And yes, I know people don’t read books these days. The thing is, this new aiming system is just deadly boring.
I played Naval Arcade only because I liked the challenge of aiming. Everything else in Naval Arcade is pretty bad. The balance doesn’t exist, maps are pretty much all the same (many cruiser/battleship spawn points are completely crazy), capture zones don’t work in bluewater battles at higher BRs, even the matchmaker has difficulty equalizing the teams (which shouldn’t really be that hard), we have tons of bugs in Naval that devs ignore for years. What’s the point of playing this game mode right now? I can assure you that from my own experience, researching all the vessels in the tech tree changes absolutely nothing. When you finally do it, you will only feel that you have wasted a lot of time and gained nothing. I didn’t even like the Battleships/Battlecruisers gameplay, in my opinion it was boring even before this aiming change, so I didn’t play them much.
After the devs added big waves to Naval battles I stopped playing new Coastal vessels (I had all old vessels already spaded), because shooting became too random and too annoying. I switched to destroyers and cruisers, where I had some fun. But with this new mindless aiming there is no point in playing Naval at all for me.
And no, I don’t really enjoy Naval Realistic that much, so I’m not going to switch to this game mode. The same way as I enjoy Ground Arcade much more than Ground Realistic. If some day the devs destroy Ground Arcade, I will just stop playing it. I won’t switch to Realistic, because I simply don’t enjoy it that much.
Anyone from Gaijin? Anyone?
There’s I think at least 3 or 4 threads now with hundreds of comments about this Brainrot no skill mobile game, aiming system. 95% of the comments are overwhelmingly negative. Seems there’s one guy that really likes it and the other guy that always pops up to argue with everyone else no matter the topic on one side and literally everyone else on the other. Queue times seem to be exponentially increasing. You’ve got 10,000 battle players calling it S**t and players with 50 naval battles saying “I like it it’s neat I don’t have to think”. You don’t have to be a card carrying member of Mensa to see where the player count and queue times will be a in a couple weeks. Can we get this reverted back to the previous aiming system please so we don’t all of us, players and company waste more time not playing the game.
sadly after only joining wt from wot because they said they were starting a naval game i will probably just play air from now on … i only started air to give me better options for naval
but this brain dead response to who knows what has killed my fav to the point i get little or no enjoyment from playing it now … if i go on my language will go down and my description of gaig staff will get to the point of slander … i am so disappointed with what they have done …
maybe we should rename our thread to “turret baskets”?
This topic seems to generate a lot of feedback from gj staff… ;-)
The complete lack of any response from Gaijin on this is very telling. They knew people would not like it, and they wanted to do it anyway.
That’s the only conclusion I can come to. Previously, I asked why the developers chose to make this change and if they consulted players. I just wanted to be informed. But no response. It should have been a simple answer. But nothing.
Incorrect - the gunners are always aiming exactly at the aim point and taking into account your own manouvres at that instant.
So it’s not like they can constantly maneuver and easily kill enemies at the same time.
As above - yeah you can - if you were confident doing so before the change then it’s actually easier to do so now!
As above - yeah you can - if you were confident doing so before the change then it’s actually easier to do so now!
I only played 1 battle with this new aiming system. My gunners kept shooting all over the place without any sense, when I was moving. They could aim one salvo 100 meters in front of the enemy ship and the next salvo 100 meters behind the enemy ship, which is hilarious.
Anyway, the thing that dragged my attention is that we have Wednesday evening, and I play on EU/CIS servers. Naval queue times weren’t the best before the update, but evenings were still fine to play, especially on EU/CIS servers.
We have just 2nd day after the update and the queue was pretty much empty. I waited 3 min 30 seconds to find a battle and then half the team were bots. Of course later more players joined, because we have the new rules, where you can even join mid-battle if you have that option enabled.
I also played at 5.3 BR, which was one of the most popular BRs (4.3 - 5.3 never had problems to find battles).
It is interesting, because even I didn’t expect that few players to play Naval Arcade so soon. I expected probably even more players than before at the beginning, at least during the first few days/weeks. But it looks like a lot of players just stopped playing. Maybe old Naval Arcade players moved to Naval Realistic, I don’t know queue times there. It would be interesting to hear from Naval Realistic players how are their queue times and do they face many bots or real players. Because Naval Arcade feels abandoned right now.
The problem isn’t taking your own movements into consideration, which you could with the old system. You always knew your course and speed relative to your target, and could adjust accordingly when trying to juke for instance.
The problem is that now there is no way you can compensate for enemy movement easily. Before, if I knew someone was changing direction, I could compensate with the aiming circle. Now it feels completely impossible. If I aim for where they are now, but they are in the middle of a course change, I can’t compensate for where they will be after completing their maneuver.
I HATE it.
The problem is that now there is no way you can compensate for enemy movement easily. Before, if I knew someone was changing direction, I could compensate with the aiming circle. Now it feels completely impossible. If I aim for where they are now, but they are in the middle of a course change, I can’t compensate for where they will be after completing their maneuver.
That is exactly the same as it was when you were aiming between aim point updates.
Now you have to do it all the time, but you can aim directly relative to the ship (ahead, short, over, etc) instead of doing it relative to the aiming circle, which is much easier IMO.
I HATE it.
I don’t love it but it certainly is not difficult to do.
That has not been my experience. I refuse to play until the roll back this change. If not, I guess they’ve lost a player who has played since alpha testing. Their loss.
Finding information onto why they did this is almost impossible, if they don’t reverse it I quit.
c you all somewhere else then
It seems like Gaijin is trying to turn naval AB into an idle clicker game.
I haven’t tried it yet, but wouldn’t this aiming system be annoying against a manoeuvring target since you can’t manually adjust where the shells with drop?