Yes. Even the fellow Russians in the thread say “you are trolling again.”
You can read it all for my arguments there
I’m pretty sure they are trolling. Especially after their post earlier in the “Naval Mode is Dead” thread. Where they threw up someone else’s stats that rightfully disagreed with them and kweedko gave them a hard time about not doing good enough supposedly. I went and checked their own stats and they were essentially the same K/D’s.
We all know there’s people out there that will always surprise us. But I find it difficult to believe someone would go through the trouble of saying essentially they couldn’t handle it previously when we had to and were actually able to aim and now they find it easier. Since you don’t actually do anything and as it turns out the AI aim bots are superior to them. So while everyone gets the same AI aimbots now, which the vast majority of players feel is getting in the way of playing the game. This person instead feels like they’ve got an upgrade. Then pretend they honestly do not see the contradictory nature of trying to announce they’re a superior player while simultaneously holding that position.
So I think they are trying to take the troll crown from “the flying fox” or something with these comments perhaps.
I did. The argument was to make it more like mobile to “bring in new players.” There was no evidence presented it would actually do so, and most of the actual arguments in the thread were against it because it would “dumb down” the game. Some even went so far as to wonder why have any aiming at all, just press a “kill all” button and collect the rewards. If people were accusing you of “trolling again,” I’m pretty sure that means you have a reputation for it.
Forum dwellers ain’t the majority.
Which, having used it now, it does not.
You are doing exactly the same as you were with the aiming circle, except your aim point is now the actual ship and not the aim circle.
Your guns are still automatically traversing and elevating exactly the same, you are still able to lead or lag, aim short or long as required to adjust for any perceptions you have of the enemy changing course or speed.
There are 2 differences:
*There is no longer an aiming circle, and so…
*The aiming point no longer shifts every few seconds - it remains on the target ship.
Shrug - that’s argument ad absurdium and slippery slope all in one.
Pulling in outsiders to displace the original community is one really honourable and admirable thing, truly.
We can see the same amazing approach to GRB getting arcadified maps, and naval AB becoming WT mobilified. I suppose next-up we’re mobilifying air AB to pull in the casual phone crowd since they’re in larger masses, and then turn air RB into arcade mode (although gaijin is already doing that quite excellently driving people out).
the time will show who was right
Atm i see more people playing on all BRs than before patch, and we have ground marathon running so i call it a win for NAB. And really enjoy it last two days.
If we are “doing exactly the same” then why change it?
Dunno - I didn’t make the decision and am not the person to ask, nor do I have to justify it.
All I saw was the news in the devblog and then the worries posted on here.
I waited for the change to happen so I could to try it a few times before commenting - and I was worried due to all the comments.
But I quickly found the anticipatory fears were unjustified.
I disagree for one major reason. It’s taken aiming skill out of the equation. We had already removed advanced fire control systems having any advantage over a WWI era fire control with the last aiming change. Now we’ve gotten to the point that you literally just have to point and click on a target.
Can you imagine the uproar if they extended this to air and ground?
That’s not true by any objective analysis - previously you “just” laid your aim on a green (for me) circle.
Now you lay it on a ship. You still have to account for changes when 1 or other of you is accelerating or changing course - leading or lagging, over or under just like you did on the aiming circle - in EXACTLY the SAME WAY
That is the only difference - both aiming points will/would give you precise aim if neither ship was moving.
apart from the updating of the aiming circle there is no actual practical difference at all - indeed the current version is a better representation of any fire control system once mechanical computers/directors were invented - they used real time continuous updating of the required gun settings based upon continuously pointing their rangefinders at the target - not somewhere in front of it!
Here’s a great overview of them from 1943:
You’re right. I don’t know why I’m arguing. It’s not like I’m going to play it anymore, so they can dumb it down as much as they like. I noticed you didn’t address the fact that every ship has a 2 second firing solution time now, which really screwed over ships that had better technology. Now that’s irrelevant too. Everyone gets instant fire control solutions, just like in real life…
No, you don’t, because the AI is doing all that leading for you now. All you do is lay on the ship and spam the fire button now. There is no other skill required. Also yes, rangefinders pointed at the target to estimate range- they did none of the calculation. The player is supposed to actually function as the FCS in doing the lead calculations in your head. You get fed data on range, your ship’s course and speed, estimate the enemy ship’s speed, use knowledge of bearing, and fire and adjust fire just as they did irl. All of that is now done automatically by the ingame AI. That is the point we are railing again- when you eliminate all that skill, there is nothing left. Just point at magazines and ammo det the enemy.
Yeah quality of fire control is something that could be usefully introduced… in RB at least… but that change was a couple of months ago…
Yah I was against that change too, and it made life for coastal players very rough with destroyers engaging coastal spawns from 4-5km+ with accurate fire as they didn’t have to worry about ranging shots, fcs speed, or changing back to enemy destroyers. It eliminated the risk-reward gamble of changing from target to target.
It was introduced. They removed it all. It used to vary depending on the ship. Both the initial firing solution and updates were different depending on how good your system was. Then they made everything the same.
Why, it’s ain’t fun, and ain’t realistic.
That is realistic (you are performing fcs functionality) and it IS fun. The whole point of gaming is skill-based fun. Improving and learning. It’s not about just smashing the fire button. With that answer I can only guess you have the age or maturity of a 7 year old.