Hornet’s Sting: Improvements and New Features!

Today we’ll be doing a brief overview of the improvements and features coming in the Hornet’s Sting major update! We’ve already talked about some of the main changes and vehicles coming to the game in the CM Covert Disclosures article and vehicle dev blogs, so be sure to check those out to keep up to speed with what’s coming.

Updated Hit Effects

In this update, we’ve done a lot of work to update the effects of impacts on various surfaces in the game. Depending on the power of the projectile and its caliber, a funnel effect appears in the center of an explosion, throwing up clouds of dust and earth. Dirt, stone and small fragments are thrown into the air, forming a thick cloud together with the smoke of the charge. The effects of impacts look realistic for each type of surface, be it soil, snow or sand.

The effects of hits on the hulls of armored vehicles has been updated too. With the aim in mind to make these effects look more authentic, our artists looked at materials and video recordings from firing ranges. The result is that effects for shells exploding on armor, the effect of penetration and scattering sparks have now become more realistic. This change affects all types of caliber shells, including guided missiles.

Improvements to the Interface

As mentioned in the CM Covert Disclosures article, we’ve updated the stat cards for tank ammunition. Since then, we’ve finalized new stat cards for all secondary weapons, smoke grenades, machine gun and autocannon belts. All of the most important aspects of ammunition is shown at the top of the card, making it easy to glance at. The penetration effects and values for each shell are presented in detail too.

You’ll now be able to see your friend’s player profile background when hovering over their name in the in-game friends list. The squad leader will always display their current status, whether they’re still in-game trying to salvage a battle, or have left and are ready to play another.

Aerodynamic Hot Stuff!

Aerodynamic heating (where an object heats up when it travels at high speeds through the air) has been added to missiles and bombs. This will mean that it will be easier to lock on to these types of ammo with IR seekers at distance, all of course depending on the speed they are moving and how much they have heated up. This opens up new possibilities when trying to defend against missiles and bombs!

Naval battles: Hull Sections, Flooding and Arcade Aiming

We’ve reworked the mechanics of hull destruction for ships and are introducing new capabilities to the damage model of naval vessels. The updated hull strength mechanic closely tied with the loss of unsinkability is back and will affect battles of both coastal and bluewater fleet. Depending on the class and dimensions of a ship, when one or more sections of the hull are destroyed, the irreversible flooding process begins, leading to the destruction of the ship.

Small and medium boats will now be destroyed if any section of the hull accumulates damage equal to the amount required to destroy all other sections. For large ships, you’ll have to destroy three sections (except the front and end sections), however this will not be easier to do than destroying the ship in other ways.

Torpedoes and mines have been given a new type of damage called hydroshock, a sudden change in pressure from an explosion. Hydroshock will cause additional damage to the hull in the form of a high-pressure sphere, the radius and damage of which will directly depend on the power of the explosive.

There’s another piece of good news for naval players. In Arcade Mode, you no longer need to lead salvos, as the gunners will do it for you. Just aim the sight at the part of the hull you want to hit and press the fire button. The target will now always be in the sight’s field of view, even when firing on a collision course at long distances.

Lead time for missiles

For the F-16C, F-18C and Su-30SM, a lead circle will appear when launching air-to-air missiles, similar to the lead marker for aircraft cannons and machine guns. This displays the optimal lead direction for launching air-to-air missiles along the most effective trajectory.

Set up those radars!

If you’re a fan of top-tier jets and use your radar, we’ve now added the “Switch Radar/IRST gyro stabilization on/off” control that allows for more flexible control of the radar’s vertical viewing area. This will either stabilize it relative to the world coordinates (this was previously the case when the “Constant elevation of radar antenna” option was turned off), or fixing the antenna elevation angle relative to the aircraft’s axis, which now allows the scanning area to be adjusted using buttons and quickly returned to the center position using a new “Reset Radar/IRST direction to boresight” control.

The old “Constant elevation of radar antenna” option has been replaced with a new “Disable radar antenna gyro stabilization at mission start” option. This new one is responsible for which of the two modes of antenna vertical stabilization will be active at the start of the mission by default.

New Multi-Function Displays (MFDs)!

We’ve added a new flight instrument screen for the Su-30 and other modern Russian aircraft, while the Su-30 itself comes with a set of authentic displays that show the radar operation in different modes, including search by speed, as well as RWR screens and a screen for external weapons.

For the F-18 Hornet, two authentic displays of radar control in the azimuth-range and azimuth-elevation modes have also been added, as well as a page for external weapons on the MFD.

Try out all these new features and much more in the upcoming Hornet’s Sting major update! Thank you for reading and we’ll see you soon for more news!


We’ll have to see what.this is like on live. But I hope the Devs are ready to remove it if it’s horrifically bad

I hope they add symbology in cockpit HUDs where applicable for this.


Very cool thank you.

This is also very cool, thank you.

This can be very cool depending on if its coming to more planes expeditiously.

This is super cool. Thanks.


When can this feature be added to the aircraft body? According to some sources, the R27ET can lock onto high-speed moving targets 10km away in clean background high altitude, which is obviously not possible in games. The aircraft on standby on the ground and the aircraft flying at two Mach speeds are obviously not at the same temperature. Sometimes, the maximum speed of the aircraft is limited not only by structural strength but also by temperature

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I know this is somewhat an unpopular opinion, but I actually like this change.

Until now, Arcade has been the same as RB, except slightly sped up, which made Realistic redundant and pretty much pointless.

With this change, Arcade is now more actually Arcade, and Realistic is actually Realistic; making a place both for those who want a more casual experience and those who want the opposite.

Besides, now Arcade will be ideal for those not familiar with Naval to give it a try and introduce themselves to it. I have talked with many people in the past who were deterred from playing Naval because they deemed it a bit too complicated.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about this change. And I think it will be a bit hard to adapt at first, it felt weird on the dev server- but I think, at the end of the day, it will be beneficial and encourage many new players to finally give Naval a chance so that it’s not a niche mode played by 70 hardcore Navy enthusiasts.

EDIT: I thought there was no lead in WoWs, and I thought WT had just copied their aiming system, which is quite successful- but I just checked and there is no lead indeed. So yeah, nevermind, this change is not good.



Which is it?

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as already discussed in other topics me and many actual arcade players dislike this change and doubt that the number of new players will compensate the number of leaving active naval gamers.
This will ruin coastal gameplay as bluewater ships can now even easier destroy them just at spawn (in most maps). The lines of sights are so ridicoulos, often ships/boats can be targetted behind islands w/o having view of any part of the vehicle.
Now even boats doesn`t need anymore to lead with their machine weapons - transferring naval arcade to a point and click dumb shooter for kids - but these already discussed complaints seemed not to reach the devs/designers…


Then play Naval RB?


Because most of the currently arcade players are actually realistic players, but whom are playing the slightly faster paced version of the mode, which is what arcade is right now.

Now, arcade will actually be more arcade and differ significantly from realistic, instead of being just a slightly faster realistic mode.


I had my reasons to play arcade it made much more fun as naval RB for me. Making arcade worse doesn’t make RB better


What determines which aircraft get this new feature? is there something specific one needs to look for in sources to get this added to other aircraft?


Updated, should be three, thanks!


@Stona_WT With the new MFD pages are there plans to improve the MFD’s on other aircraft in the future? Like more realistic radar/RWR/TGP pages along with some more weapon stores pages for certain aircraft?

Or how about having control of the TGP pod from within the cockpit? Would be a nice addition for Sim players and VR players too instead of being stuck using the dedicated TGP view.

Appreciate the clarification

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People asked to fix close combat aiming in Naval Realistic, here is the Arcade change nobody asked for.


This is false, like I wrote in the other topic:

What does “actually Arcade” mean? In Ground Arcade and Air Arcade thee is no automatic lead for the guns. You still have to make a correction yourself, just like in the current Naval Arcade. This new automatic aiming system will be completely different than anything else. Even in WoW you still need to lead with your mouse, so it won’t even drag new players from that game. Who should play a game where aiming is automatic? Five year old children?

And to be honest, it’s illogical to not lead the guns at all. In Ground Arcade you still have to do this, like I showed in the other topic:


So no, this change has nothing to do with Arcade. Unless you would want all Arcade game modes to get automatic aiming. But I can assure you it won’t happen, because aiming was never a problem in Arcade game modes. Naval Arcade has a lot of issues that the devs don’t notice and never cared about. Aiming system was simplified in this game mode a few times in the past and I only saw less and less players playing it.

It looks like you are talking about the game mode that you don’t play, but somehow you know the best what this game mode actually needs. Well, maybe you should play it a bit first and see all the issues this game mode actually has. The aiming system where you have to lead with your mouse is not one of them.


more workload for my GPU😅

All of the differences you list boil down to faster pacing. No inherently different mechanics.

I mean, the guns are led- except they are led by some of the dozen crew members of the several hundred ones in the ship. I think that makes sense, hahah.

In Arcade, you are basically the captain telling the crew where you want them to shoot, while, in RB (or AB till now), you are doing the gunners’ job yourself.

Yeah, nah, just a couple thousand matches across both the Arcade and Realistic modes on U.S, Germany and Japan depending on the mood, and the only reason why I don’t have thousands more of matches across both modes and more nations is because of the poor state of Naval, which Gaijin is gladfully working on gradually.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about this change. And I think it will be a bit hard to adapt at first, it felt weird on the dev server- but I think, at the end of the day, it will be beneficial and encourage many new players to finally give Naval a chance so that it’s not a niche mode played by 70 hardcore Navy enthusiasts.

EDIT: I thought there was no lead in WoWs, and I thought WT had just copied their aiming system, which is quite successful- but I just checked and there is no lead indeed. So yeah, nevermind, this change is not good.

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I won’t even comment the first part of your post, because it doesn’t make sense.

Air Arcade doesn’t have automatic aiming. You can check gameplay videos on YT. It’s really better not to talk about things you never checked. Current Naval Arcade has lead indicator which is more than enough, it shows players where to aim. Ground Arcade doesn’t have any lead indicator. Air Arcade only has lead indicator (just like current Naval Arcade). So the new automatic aim is something completely different than any other game mode or even any other game I played.

In games I played before, (Steel Ocean, WoW) you still need to lead with your mouse. There is no automatic aiming there.

So you have 300 battles in Naval Arcade after many years of playing the game.

Actually, after 5 years of playing the game I have more than 100 battles in Sim mode. I guess it makes me Sim expert.


All 300 Arcade matches are from the past few months; until then, I played mainly RB until I realised that queue times were much longer because everyone had flocked to Arcade because it was the exact same thing except faster. And then I stopped playing Naval because of its issues, particularly regarding rewards, which gladfully will be fixed soon.

Yeah, having a big ass circle with a line babysitting you where to shoot to hit is not automatic aiming. But it pretty much is.

Ground Battles take place in a 3D enviornment, where the main factor to take into account is shell drop- which Arcade already does. In Naval, you don’t have to deal with shell drop- but with lead instead. It’s the equivalent.

I thought there was no lead in WoW, so I thought WT had just copied their aiming system, which is quite successful- but I just checked and there is no lead indeed. So yeah, nevermind, this change is not good, screw it. See? There was no need to be pedantic and a dick about this. I misunderstood something because I misremembered a thing and that’s it.

Now I will strike out and edit with an update my comments defending the change because I don’t agree with it anymore.

(I was writing my replies as I read your comment, hence why the 180 at the end).

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