Naval mode is finally dead

Give realistic another chance :)


EDIT: The “Realistic Aiming” does not work in Arcade Matches currently. I consider this a bug, have submitted a report: Community Bug Reporting System

Post I made on main thread, I think we should advocate for giving players the option to choose between all 3 aiming modes for Naval Arcade:


Lol, first he didn’t say he hated anything. Second, this is exactly what the forums are for: to discuss what we do or don’t like, and ideas and recommendations on how to make the game better.


Haha, I feel you, cheers brother 🍻


brother naval been dead


LOL, funny, another non constructive comment. Cheers bros!
Look, I can do it too! “If you don’t like Naval, why are you guys here in a thread about Naval battles? Just leave and go play ground or air.”


Sh*t mb my dyslexic ahh brain saw hate not have, sorry


idc what you play lol.

Nah, as I posted there, all you get is a distinct advantage to botting and to players who reject the classic aiming system.

This new system must, simply, be eliminated. As for those who now say “jUsT pLaY rEaLiStIc,” we have, we didn’t like it. I play GRB, ARB, but NAB specifically because NAB maintains realism while giving only speed differences and a what used to be a better aiming system imho. Now it’s been enshittified over the last updates to this new state. I hold no interest in NRB. I liked NAB. I want NAB back.


Yeah. I liked Naval AB. It actually told you roughly how much to lead (hint: it didn’t aim the f***ing guns for you, and you’d still have to adjust manually) instead of just guessing like in NRB which wastes time especially for BBs


Yeah that’s what I liked about the arcade aiming system. In fact, it was very similar to arcade aiming in Air and Ground, as in both those modes, you can still adjust your aim manually.

This change, coupled with the admission that the gaijin bots are just as effective as players, speaks to the absolute disaster of game design the Naval mode currently is.

I really want Naval to succeed. I don’t think Gaijin does.


Even then I only use the lead indicator as a general guess (as if I have an ENTIRE CREW DOING THIS FOR ME) and still have to work out the rest of the lead (z axis especially) and walk my fire to where I want it to go. The reason I don’t like NRB is the need to manually constantly adjust aim (as if you don’t have a crew whose job is to do that for you) and the extremely slow pacing.


Next thing we know shells will start adjusting trajectory mid flight lmao


Exactly, the lead indicator usually wasn’t that accurate and you’d have to adjust up if the target is moving away and down if they’re moving towards you.


Yup. Just enough help to make it not NRB, but not enough help to make it point and click. It gives you a general guess, and you go from there. Hell, before they made the lead indicator refresh instantly, it was even more challenging, because you had to more carefully watch the enemy ship’s movement and your own- which, again, was great.


I still like the new naval AB aiming, and I think that the player counts will go up with this change, not down. HOWEVER, I would be totally fine if the change was fully reverted for Naval AB, and am glad you and others are making your opinions known. I will fully support the majorities opinion on this subject. I would normally start making polls, but I think we should wait at least a day so that we can all get a better feel for the new system. If after playing Naval AB for the day and I change my mind, I will post with my updated opinions, and then be more ready to click yes/no on a poll. Cheers!


WTH is “Realistic Aiming”?


(It is not working currently, so don’t bother testing it out.) Before today’s update, it would allow you to use the aiming method that is used in Naval Realistic Battles, ie, full manual aiming control. Identical to Naval RB aiming, but in Naval AB.

I have made a bug report as the option is not currently working as intended: Community Bug Reporting System


Are they testing these changes and if yes are the testers even play arcade?

They have completly destoyed 3,7 to 4,7 as boats vs the destroyers are now insta dead.

Again Gaijin , Naval is suffering and need improvments to so many things, targeting was not on of them.

1.Fix your freaking spawn points
2.Fix your maps
3.make more intresting modes
4. BR decompression for Naval to your list [SilentTracker]


(I would say to add BR decompression for Naval to your list 😉 )


Well, some people likes this type of aiming system like slooow version of classic DOOM.
I decided never to play NAB though…