Not if the target ship is accelerating or decelerating - teh fire control solution is for he speed the ship is doing right at the instant you shoot - not 10 seconds later when your shells arrive.
At short ranges or with a target that isn’t manoeuvring then yeah - what you say is true. But it was true with the green aiming circle too.
Not how they did it in IRL at all - they pointed the director at the TARGET SHIP, then the guns were directed where to shoot from that mechanism - which updated continuously and in real time - see the video above.
Exactly as fire directors have always done since they were invented - see the video above for irl.
And it was also what was the green aiming circle doing - except unrealistically at intervals - irl it was continuous
I was doing that anyway - except the position of the magazines was relative top the green aiming circle
The range finder was pointed at the target ship. The FCS is literally a room buried in the ship. Big difference- and not all ships even had FCSs despite having range finders. As well, as I keep noting, the point was that you needed to utilize that skill to play the game well- not learning it was tantamount to failure, so you had to improve and learn skills, no different that learning how to play a fighter or a new tank ingame.
Also, since as you say, it’s only pointing to where you are aiming when firing, all that means to me is lacking the adjustability in aim that I used to great effect on targets, knowing the exact range my guns were set to and ranging shots to learn the lead estimates/hood overs and how to adjust as the enemy ship turns.
The funny thing to me here is really only you and one or two others here have commented in support of and favouring this update, while many many others are opposed. Al that means to me is that you are benefiting from it while most players dislike it. Hell, even I might benefit from it- but I don’t WANT that. I want to improve because I improve, not because the AI automates it for me.
Maybe cause every one else is enjoying it instead of arguing on forums?
I’m here just cause it was my suggestion that was suddenly implemented. And i like it.
Only issue here that devs doesn’t tutor players how to use new aiming. So half of comments like “aggh i can’t shoot anyone what’s happening” will be gone
Buddy I went and looked, compared to everyone else in the discussion, your stats are bottom to mid.
And again since you’re trolling I’m done with the Kevin Nealon Merry go round with you after this you can just ramble on incoherently forever if you want. So for the last time…
I’ll say once more in the hopes perhaps you get your airway out of the glue filled paper bag long enough to comprehend this…
Boasting about doing better after mechanics were added that remove player skill from the equation is not the ego boost or massive win you are imagining it to be. But hey as long as you got your harness and helmet on you go run around the daycare playground all you want little buddy and make sure you keep telling everyone you’re the new aim system champion.
Sir, you have to point at the plane, instead of pointing at the lead indicator.
Lead indicator wasn’t removed from the game, but it serves no purpose now.
BTW: This works at any range, even long before the lead indicator appears. Now you can snipe enemy planes with HE-VT from 10 km away without any need for radar.
This is not correct, because the FCS can’t predict the future, but your eyes and your brain can. The old aiming system was basically all about using your eyes and brain and pay attention to the enemy position and movement.
Let’s think about this a bit more. A very common situation, it happens in basically every battle.
In the previous aiming system, you could just completely ignore that FCS calculation. It was obviously wrong, because the FCS included the inertia of the ship. It’s a huge mass and it takes a bit of time to steady the ship’s course. But a player with a brain knows that this guy will actually move to the left side (on the screen), so there is no sense to aim to the right side of him, like the FCS shows. You will never hit him if you follow the FCS calculation.
In such situations I could just ignore the FCS and shoot the point of the water I want my shells to lands. Which is clearly on the left side of the ship. At least for me this is intuitive and I never really had to think about this. For me it was clear that shooting at FCS calculation doesn’t make sense in this situation, because the FCS is not smart enough to predict what will happen next, it shows you this specific moment.
Basically, in the old system I had to shoot slightly to the left of the position of the enemy and then slowly move my mouse to the left side, while shooting at the enemy (because I knew he will gain more and more speed). It all made sense if you only think about this.
The problem with the new system is, that you have to not only make the same correction as before, but you also have to take additional correction for the FCS calculation error. You can’t ignore this calculation anymore, even if it doesn’t make any sense. If for example the current FCS error is 50 meters to the right, you need to move your mouse 50 meters more to the left to correct this.
I know that you want to say now you don’t see a problem with that, just make that correction. But there is a big problem with this system. Since the FCS calculation can be very misleading at the beginning and then catch up with the enemy movement, in this particular situation you have to first make a correction to the left and then… start moving your mouse to the right! Yes, to the right, because when the FCS will finally starts catching enemy movement it will correct itself quickly (the green circle will quickly move left), and to compensate for this you will have to move your mouse right. And when the FCS finally get the proper correction, you will have to move your mouse left again (because the enemy will keep gaining more and more speed).
I’m not saying that you can’t try to learn this system, but this is simply counterintuitive. Especially you don’t see the FCS calculation anymore, so you have to remember all the stupidity of this system, to make a proper correction for it.
I checked only one of my battles and the most extreme situation I found is this one:
You can clearly see with your own eyes that this destroyer is pointing left (on the screen), so you know he will move left. But the FCS still shows you to shoot at the far right side of him, which doesn’t make any sense. With this new system you have to correct this by moving your mouse very far left. Whole this green line has to be corrected by you, so in this situation you basically have to aim almost whole the screen to the left from this enemy (just to compensate for the wrong FCS calculation). But when the FCS will start catching up with the enemy, you will have to move your mouse to the right (because the FCS error will be smaller and smaller, so your correction to the FCS calculation also have to be smaller).
You basically need to learn to make correction based on the FCS calculation. It always matters what the current FCS calculation error is, because you have to correct it with every shot.
That’s why I said when I heard for the first time about this system that some players with brain will try to fight with this new system and try to predict the current FCS calculation errors and try to make corrections that include these errors. But this is more of less guessing, because you never know what the FCS currently shows. You can try to predict this of course, but in most situations it will make more sense to just aim at the enemy directly and just wait for them to steady their course. The FCS will sooner or later start to be accurate again. And if you try to overpredict it, you may end up not hitting anything at all.
So the biggest difference is that in the old system you could just ignore the FCS calculation, especially if you knew it’s not correct. In the current system you can’t ignore this FCS calculation, you always have to include all the errors of it in your correction. Or you just simply shoot all the time at the enemy ship and wait for the FCS to correct itself, which is a much simpler solution (even if you will miss some shells at the beginning, when the FCS error is huge). It usually makes more sense to do this than trying to correct the FCS calculation error, because you never know what the FCS actually shows at this specific moment and when it will become accurate (you definitely don’t want to make big corrections when it happens, and it will happen sooner or later).
Que se gana tocando algo que nadie se queja… Que forma de joder un modo de juego divertido… He pasado de hacer 15000 puntos de daño con el Mikuma a hacer 1350 en una partida de 15 min. Todos los proyectiles se quedan corto y por más que lo intentas no eres capaz de subir el disparo. Me gustaría ver al genio que ha decidido cambiar este modo de juego e improvisar y retocar cosas que no hacen falta. Ahora el más tonto te da y por mucho que intentas evitar, siempre te da. No te hace gran daño, pero algo hace. Poner el modo como estaba antes por que ahora es vomitivo. Que pena dais…
What I miss in the discussion is the change on coastal gameplay. previously (coastal) boats had no marker at all (except some frigates) so aiming was complete done manually. Now all boats, even reserve ones have the aimbot! So for this section one can’t say thats the same kind of playing.
In addition boats are now a even easier target for bluewater, they can kill them from far away (also due to ridicoulos visibilities). Plus the now even more laserbeam-kind AI secondaries and AA - which also massive nerfed planes.
in wt ground and naval (and in some planes) the player acts in different roles, looking at naval he is captain, helm, artillery officer and gunner (main, AA and sec.) and torpedo gunner. these roles cant be separated as in RL
When we select a ship as target we act as FCS-officer which gave previously the lead indicator for the gunner to point the guns. If we press the fire button we maybe the gunner as the FCS can’t send the grenades to the enemy. So from my pov pointing the guns now directly at the target and press fire feels wrong - if only this would be the effect ok - but as described by a lot of comments these change causes a huge number of side-effects as wt is a complex system where nearly every parameter has a number of dependencies to other ones which must be taken into account but often were ignored by the devs…