Forget it.
Happy to since I have no idea who you are or what you are talking about. Not a “bro” though.
It was bad argument for you. If you want to measure something.
As I said, I was just showing that I’ve played a lot of games and have good stats, so I’m not some noob who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It wasn’t a dick measuring contest. Great stats. Congratulations.
Tbh i didn’t mind the refresh being quicker, but considering theres other naval arcade changes that have slipped through because of the new aiming system which i genuinely cant stand
(Main guns on bluewater ships can be fired by ai again)
I just played one more battle on EU/CIS server today, again one of the most popular BR of 5.3. This was the best time for EU/CIS servers, it was the evening 19:00 GMT. Normally such battles were full of players. But look at this battle:
Only 12 real players and 20 AI bots.
During the battle only 2 more players joined. The final result:
This is pretty ridiculous. During Naval Arcade’s prime time, this battle had more AI bots than real players!
Well, at least now I know how Naval Realistic players felt fighting against AI bots for so long. Before this update, to see so many AI bots I had to play at some weird times, like the morning or the middle of the night.
I suspect that players who are so happy with the number of “players” playing Naval Arcade simply cannot recognize AI bots. They probably think they are real players.
BTW: The guy with 11 kills had a very strong ship at top BR in this battle. He kept ammo racking bots one after another. I feel like such ships will be completely overpowered with automatic aim. They were already very strong even before this change, but now they don’t even have to know how to aim. They just need to know how to press the left mouse button (what even a 5 year old child can do). It was just my second battle after the update, and I was unfortunately uptiered, so I’m still happy with 5 kills. Especially my team was completely destroyed relatively quickly. The battle was of course totally boring, I just kept holding the left mouse button the whole time.
Just posting to say I also hate the new aiming, for all the reasons that have been posted here and elsewhere a hundred times now.
Don’t know how anyone can find it fun or exciting to just put the crosshair over their magazine and spam the fire button until it blows up, and hope no enemy puts their crosshair over your magazine. The old system was good, required a bit of skill but still easy enough to learn, and satisfying to land big hits after actually having to use my brain a bit to work out where to aim to achieve that.
Was it incompetence or malace that compelled Gaijin to make such a drastic change without asking the community for feedback, or conducting some limited testing with us first to see what we think?
They’ve run test events in the past for new/big changes, such as removing the “The missile is launched” text… and yet we Naval players are just expected and roll over and accept these awful changes?
Hopefully Gaijin changes it back in a future update, in the meantime I’ll hold off playing Naval and let the, er, 3 users whose names on here I’m starting to recognise to have “fun” by themselves.
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I am genuinely really upset about the changes, i had literaly just got to a lineup i liked in coastal ( brit 2.3) and was really enjoying it for the first time. This has totally ruined the experience.
Btw, i like arcade for the torpedos and aircraft interactions with it. I do not care for either in realistic.
Gaijin literaly ruined the game for me.
Quite sad about it.
Oh jeez, the bot script makers are going to have an absolute field day :)
naval arcade is unplayable… considering quitting the game
they moderate and scrub the forums…
7pm That was my usual online time but after trying the NAB system a couple of times , I’ve moved to RB …it’s ok ,but preferred the pace of the previous NAB.
My main issue with new system is i found it boring , repetitive and dull , just constant use of fire button and hoping that I wasn’t being targetted.
Like I said before, some players will obviously move to Naval Realistic. This makes sense, especially if you don’t mind Realistic aiming. From the devs perspective, players that switch to Realistic are not a problem. They will still play the game, some of them will still buy something at least from time to time.
The only thing that hurts the devs are players that decide to leave this game mode completely. Because this means less players overall, which basically turns the game into a single player game. Of course some players will enjoy destroying bots over and over again, but at the long-term there is no purpose in it, there is no future for this type of game.
I don’t even understand how some Naval Realistic players be happy with this situation. Yes, some players will switch from Naval Arcade to Naval Realistic, but most players will just stop playing Naval game mode. Fewer players means less money for Gaijin due to less interest in the game. There will be barely anyone recommending this game for new players. Fewer players also means less resources put into the development of the game mode, because it’s simply not worth it from the company perspective. You could already see that Naval is not treated equally to Air or Ground game modes, because it always had less players than these game modes. Imagine what will happen with even fewer players.
I personally don’t see any positives in this situation. I’m sure it will only get worse as more and more players will find this new aiming system boring and pointless.
The worst part is that there is no guarantee that even if the devs revert the aiming change, all the players who decided to leave the game will come back. There is a good chance that many of these players will not return. It may be difficult to even achieve the pre-update situation. And that’s why I don’t understand making such significant change to Naval Arcade without consulting the players. This change is massive, it affects every player hugely, it’s basically an “adapt or leave” scenario. Are such changes really necessary in the Naval game mode?
But under the new aiming system, we earn more SL than before in BR4.7-5.3. Actually most of the players in naval AB just for the SL, now Gaijin just turned it into a SL maker.
This is true, with much less players, more AI bots and basically a legal aimbot (which the new aiming system in Naval Arcade really is), it will be much easier especially for inexperienced players to get SL in Naval.
I’m sure this statement is incorrect. There are for sure some players that only play Naval to grind SL, but I don’t think there are too many of them. I can’t imagine not liking the game mode but playing it solely to grind SL.
Especially you have other options to grind SL. My first recommendation would always be to buy a good premium vehicle in the game mode you enjoy and just play it when you need SL. This is the best option, because it also gives you fun. It doesn’t matter which game mode you play, a good premium vehicle will give you good SL.
Of course it’s faster to grind SL in Naval than Air or Ground. But why would you torture yourself by playing a game mode you don’t like just to get SL faster? Just play the game mode you enjoy the most with a premium vehicle and you won’t even notice when you collect tons of SL, while having a lot of fun at the same time.
I often played naval AB for the battle pass tasks which were mostly much easier as in air or ground - and the SL earnings are definitly much higher
To make SL, the most important thing is efficiency, AB has shorter time than RB. But for fun, teamed with your friends is the key, most of us research BB in RB and then earn quick SL with all premium vehicle’s preset. Second, sometimes we play AB is for battlepass mission or daily mission, when AB’s mission is more easier than RB, why not just choose the simplest one to finish. Third, to research costal ship tech-tree, AB is easier than RB to research it. The last thing, we just enjoy killing quickly to earn more score.
Same here…
Battle pass grind was fun… now need to mix and match as after planes being so easy target…cant get close enough to drop a bomb and PE-8 cow gets sniped just after the spawn.