Neglected state of Japanese Top MBTs

They just got too much stuff. Like, they were quite good before, but then BAM-BAM. And they got sub-tree in advance to any more old TT (Italy or Japan), that gave them another really good top-tier MBT, combined with two really strong squad vehicles. So overall just really strong line-up out of nowhere .

would also love if gaijin stopped ignoring the issues with the top tier japanese MBTs

Not sure about you but the Type 90’s seem to be doing well at 11.0. I fear fighting them and will always take them out first if I can, save them wiping out an entire flank with that chain gun.

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Yes, they got a fast shooting MBTs, but pretty sure he meant about mobility performance in general. Nothing in firepower.

Had you read the actual comment not jut the surface vague layer called a title perhaps you would realize that his comment was for the vehicles in its entirety not 1 piece or another.

“Japanese Top MBTs”


Main Battle Tanks

Japanese Top Main Battle Tanks


5 11.0 + MBTs

They do not lack MBTs, their MBTs are extremely effective utilizing their great mobility and matching it with the fastest reload speed at top tier for an MBT.

There is very little negative other than armor, but even then its armor is more than the Ariete.

The first three lack effective pen but this is countered by a lower BR and their fast reload.

Their top MBTs have over 600 penetration, something only the US / Germany / Sweden have ignoring the 292.

Britain, Italy, Israel? Sure they all have their downsides and all of the them are on the weaker side of top tier MBTs, but they DO have 600mm pen

You don’t seem to fully understand what this is about. It is not about amount of MBTs or their performance in game, but representation of the real vehicles mobility and an annoying bug with the suspension that is not an issue with another vehicle, thus proven to be fixable.

Yet both reload, and in the Type 10s case mobility are slower than reality. While I understand reload is due to balance, it’d be nice to have at least an official statement regarding such balance inaccuracies whenever they do appear in game. The mobility on the other hand should be addressed, as the quick acceleration is one of the main things the Type 10 is known for.

Armor, once again is fine for gameplay, but still based solely on assumptions, some of which even proven to be irrational. Examples would be the lack of wet ammo stowage in the hull that was present on the Type 90 or the empty space next to the hull composites for “track tension mechanisms” that are placed externally.
Furthermore, the person that did make these assumptions has openly stated them to be based on assumptions like “Japan doesn’t know how to make tanks” rather than actual sources which is highly questionable.

While the classified nature of the tank prevents an easy fix, and gameplay is arguable still fairly good as is, a statement on the matter would be nice. Especially a detailed description on how and why the assumptions were made and what they are based on, though that is unlikely seeing the semi-official statements we do have from a certain someone I won’t name due to forum rules.

The in game performance is not much of a pressing issue, but since Japanese tanks aren’t exactly the most well known there are a not insignificant number of people basing their entire knowledge of them on War Thunder, so to prevent misinformation it should be made as clear as possible what is a balance nerf, a bug and especially what is an assumption and why it is assumed.
This is an issue with any lesser known vehicle in game as well, not solely Japanese, which is something stated in the original topic too in the second sentence under the title.


This has already been discussed.

Does Britain have a round penning over 600? I thought they were limited to ~580.

Chally 3 has DM53, same with the Ariete

Wow, now if they’d only get an IFV and functional top tier SPAA I’d finally finish grinding them.

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Yes and no, I am referring to pure acceleration which is more due to more efficient use of torque in the transmission and stepless gear ratios.

Essentially it rockets past the 30hp/t Type 90 despite having less hp/t due to having more actual torque on the ground for its weight and especially more optimal gear ratios at any speed.


MAUSWAFFE is talking about this, even with lower HP and lower hp/t it is still faster.


They do not lack MBTs, their MBTs are extremely effective utilizing their great mobility and matching it with the fastest reload speed at top tier for an MBT.

There is very little negative other than armor, but even then its armor is more than the Ariete.

Type 90 stuck playing with an FOV of 8 with gen 1 thermals.
No armor.
Mediocre APFSDS with 480mm of pen.
Only 3 crew members.
-7 and +10 elevation without hydraulics, which take time to activate and if you go for front depression the engine deck prevents shooting behind and vice versa.

Ariets get DM53 that’s 150mm more pen.
Also Gen 2 thermals for driver and commanders.
4 crew members.
-9 and + 20 elevation.

I would argue the Type 90s are definitely pushing it at 11.0 when really the only quality they have over 10.0 and 10.3 MBTs is reload speed.

Honestly Type 90 would benefit a lot from having a lower zoom level instead of this being the only one.

It’s massive tunnel vision, can barely use thermals at all as you’re mostly stuck in third person if you want to have any sort of situational awareness

Are 11.3 and 11.7 respectively.

They all play in 11.7 games anyways.

No. 11.0 is downtiered consistently due to the BR black hole set up at 10.0

The blackhole is 10.3 so that would be equal for the Ariete and Type 90.

Except that 11.3 is a full 1.0 downtier where as 11.0 is a 0.7 downtier meaning more 0.7 higher vehicles can be in the match than 1.0