My expectations for the next ground event

So, with the last event stage finishing today and considering that the next event vehicle may be a ground vehicle I’m sharing my expectations for this one:

AMX-50-120 (France):

I think everyone who comes to the Forums also know most vehicles featured in game, and the Surblindé is no different. This one is quite interesting as it gives the good of two efficient vehicles: The powerful cannon of the 50 heavy series and the mobility of the 50 medium series.


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Leclerc T4 “Terminateur” (France):

The introduction of the Object 292 to the game, I see as game changing, not the new event cycle but the introduction of more efficiently high caliber kinetic energy shells. And I think this may be the chance for France gain its spot with the Leclerc T4. I like dumb caliber cannons.

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M151A2 “Jeep” TOW (United States):

This is a bit unusual, specially for a vehicle in War Thunder, as we barely have any wheeled 4x4 or 4x2 vehicles like a Jeep. I think most of people have ever seen or played the Type 93, with the M151A2 wouldn’t be much different but you’ll be able to engage ground targets instead of depending on scouting them.

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Object 299 (Soviet Union):

Also, another unique and unusual design, specially for Soviet Union, I call this the Soviet AGS, it follows the same idea of the Armata project and is actually a partial antecessor of one of the vehicles. It’s a project for standardization of various vehicles and one of them is a tank destroyer based in the universal chassis equipped with a 152mm auto loaded cannon.

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M38 Wolfhound/M24 (United States):

USA’s AMX-10RC! Chevrolet was cooking in 1944. Responsible for the development of a hybrid modification between a M24 Chaffee turret and a M38 Wolfhound chassis, this may be one of the expected vehicles for future addition and for this event is a chance for featuring such cool looking vehicle.

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This is my expectations for the next event vehicle that may happen on 27th September and maybe announced earlier considering the 3 days pause between events. And I wanted to know if someone else also has any expectations.

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While I wouldn’t mind this vehicle being in the game, I dislike the fact that so many people spread misinformation on it.

This vehicle was not an attempt to mate the M24 turret to the M38 chassis.

It was a vehicle created to test if the M38 chassis could handle the recoil of the 75 mm cannon. The turret was not functional, as the turret ring was far too larger for the chassis, and was simply bolted in place, which wasn’t important given the nature of the tests. When they needed the turret to face another direction, it would be unbolted, lifted with a crane, rotated in the desired direction, and rebolted back in place.

So it’s the same situation with the Pz. IV/V? I may be wrong or just misunderstood but seems that the vehicle had the turret, also, fixed in place.

I don’t know much about the Pz.IV/V.

I’d actually love to see the Jeep with a recoilless rifle on it. Not that it’d really be great, but it would definitely be silly as all get out.

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I just wanted something good for Italy, France, or Israel in the mid-tier… Something between 6.7 and 8.0.


I have just one expectation:

Something not from USA/USSR/Germany.

I’m expecting a Russian SPAA.


I want Ratte.

Or a T-80U variant

Increase your expectations dawg

It’s gonna be the T-90A Trophy for USA

I hope not, not because politics but it’s just a T-90A with broken Shtora and disabled ERA. Doesn’t worth 40-45k points for a skin.

Since Petard I’m expecting something for France. Specially Leclerc T4.

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That will not happen

Oh yeah who are you to say mr gaijin employee event maker

I dont know why you feel the need to attack me because i disagree with you, but in previous interactions with gaijin they have said they would not be adding anything from the current war going on and adding that to the us tech tree right now would cause a huge uproar.

The more likely would be an abrams with a trophy system installed if you are referring to the information in the video showing a t90 trophy for usa.

why would they call it T-90A if its an Abrams

Place holders man, miss directions, concealment. The name isnt permanent as it will change esp if it was going to be on a video they are releasing.

Ah yes twice USA and France… should be something for UK or Italy too.

what would you propose?