My bullets do nearly zero damage and others cut my wings off with a single 50 cal hit from 1km away, my ping is 42 only. Why?

you literally avoided the point of the post since the first reply you left here since you decided to acknowledge the “edgy title post” over actually addressing the damn topic of such post where I said I only have 42 ping. Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, and the fact you’re saying I side with people while completely forgetting I occasionally agree with some of your posts is insane. Adding to all you do to me is also: playing the victim; something you constantly accuse me of, despite i’m never in a defensive state.

You even ignore everything.

You keep mirroring your flaws onto me. Keep being the way you are, i’m sure you have lots of friends outside of the game.

Oh, I see you even blocked me. The Karen arc is completed. Truly a brainiac, with 0.3 kill death ratio, lecturing me on how to aim >^^<

But you’re the one bringing every other thread and every other instance you can have with me, to try and avoid the point I made in the first instance…

And no matter whether YOU think it doesn’t apply, doesn’t matter. The mentioning of wifi that I made was actively ignored, as was the point about the footage being video evidence wanted, not a server replay, or a screenshot… Actual footage to SEE the issue.

You wanting to pass off you calling that tech mod first off, shows a genuine problem with you. It was because they sided with you that time, and you think you can beckon them to save you from the truth and the situation you want to ignore.

Contrary to your thoughts, you can still be impacted by packetloss and ping jitter, without seeing how bad you’re having it displayed from inside the client.


dude you literally sound like a carbon copy of my ex boyfriend.

Contrary to your thoughts, you can still be impacted by packetloss and ping jitter, without seeing how bad you’re having it displayed from inside the client.

I’ve stated this since the very beginning of my journey as a war thunder gooner. That my ping sometimes acts like i’m on 10 times more than what the game says.

Here something very old, if that is useful.

This was EXTREME though and it was when mg151 was meta.

If anything you’re just blocked from PMing me, I don’t need you extending your issues with me into PMs.

Nothing to do with this.

Where’d you actually mention that, and why’d you think that ignoring my points was even a thing to do?

This also isn’t yours, and nothing to do with this thread in the slightest.

The end result of this is I grow tired of your baseless accusations and throwouts.


The server replay shows what the SERVER saw. And the SERVER saw what the game has told you you have done, It doesnt help.

We want to see a video clip, not from a replay, of what it looks like ON YOUR END. So we can see where your rounds are physically going on your end.

For example, on my 200 ping end, I have both gotten kills with rounds that I thought I missed on my end, and have been killed plenty of times by rounds that on me end were no where near me. So we need to see YOUR END.

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Yes exactly, the server sees I cut a wing in half near the pilot with multiple 30mm shells and i still get a critical hit. Literally the issue I’m talking about.

You have 3 kills and 3 assists, that shows me that you wer able to get 3 kills which is already a pretty decent game in Air RB, while still having enough ammo left over to be firing at 3 MORE planes, which you wouldnt have had the ammo for if, as you said, you werent doing any damage and had to keep firing lots of rounds into to kill them.

Of the screenshots, only the first spitfire was a bit meh. It probably should have given you the kill, but Im not seeing any reason for you not doing enough damage. His plane was completely in pieces and was just waiting to burn out.

Remember a Critical hit just means you made something black on their plane. It does not mean, nor has it ever meant, that they are dead or even severely crippled and out of the fight yet.

The 2nd Spitfire was severe damage, that is a kill. I dont see the problem here.

3rd kill, once hes severely damaged you are almost always done. You dont need to “secure” it. Thats the whole point of severely damaged, its to help with kill steals.

4th: you exploded him. I dont see a problem.

5th: you blew off his aileron. Thats a crit hit. It told you it was a crit hit. As I said it doesnt mean they are dead.

6th: his damage hasnt fufilled the severe damage mechanic yet, if he had burned for a few more seconds he would have been dead anyway. Pilot snipes always result in an instant kill, if the 109 hadnt hit the pilot he would have gotten an assist for that. Sucks for you, lucky for him

None of these screenshots are showing me that your guns arent doing enough damage.


If you actually believe that gaijin is somehow making guns do more/less damage based on country, use a vpn or something to go play in a country that “gets more damage”

Where? The two screenshots you posted where you did rip the wings off you literally said you got the kills on them.

i do not believe gaijin specifically targeting individual accounts other than applying corrective protocols and changing money for premium currency.

two screenshots? I count more, and yes, they would have been kills if i fragged enough.

Likewise - my standard ping is 210-220.

Very, very rarely gets below 200, and reasonably often goes >300

Sounds like a sensible chap, what with being your ex … and you are the common factor…

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I just came from a match with lim5, shots point blank with the air target belts literally tickling the targets and getting kill assists.

aim better

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There are only two kills there where you ripped the wing off to satisfy the severe damage rules. The first spitfire was his wing tip only, thats not a kill and never has been.

The IL-2 his wing was black but still attached, so it was technically still in a controllable state.

The game is trying not to reward kills prematurely where “dead” planes are still capable of flying and maneouvering. That again was one of the whole points of the severe damage mechanic.


well, if I get a hit doesn’t it mean I aimed?

the first spitfire was the wingtip only
the “only”:
imagenthis plus ten seconds burning.

The Il2 wing flew off, you can see the cutting crease and the vortex of the wing changing to the “clipped damaged wing” vortex here.

There’s no point replying to this person - they is impervious to anything except their own little illusion.

what ilusion do you mean? I’m literally linking videos and images about the impact my guns do in the game and you’re calling it an illusion?

The illusion is the one you have of even partaking into air RB conversations and pretending you’re an enlighted knower while being an exclusive tankist that comically enough actually has bad aim. People who do this are usually terminally on the forum and see every sort of post. I never dwelled into ground RB topics. Well you actually have flown the f58 and the g91y not very long ago and most of your kills are AI.