My bullets do nearly zero damage and others cut my wings off with a single 50 cal hit from 1km away, my ping is 42 only. Why?

I have very bad damage output, my cannons regardless of the type do little to zero damage; especially 50 cals which are famous for behaving like 30mm HE guns, and 30mm which leave the planes burning with no major damage, ending up in steals. I’ve had my planes literally cut in half with a single 50 cal tracer but my guns in general do as much damage as 7.7mm’s. Why? Ping is low, aim is good, why? why does this happen? I need help. I end up getting “hits” on planes that should blow up and end up killing me after because i spend most of the ammo on them and get nothing but sparks, or planes like the sea fury and p51s that have very little time frame to kill targets. Why does this happen? Even with my do335 with the two 20mm and the mk103 all I’m getting is like three kill assists per match because the zeroes simply don’t die when i shoot at them.

Never ever in my life til when i actually learned to aim i managed to get a single “aircraft destroyed” within the time i’m shooting at the enemy, it’s all until they crash or disintegrate, or until someone steals the kill. Now I can get it by sniping the pilot when I have the chance but not much either.

Wake up guys, Mantis is back with another copepost today!


He made one about the sea fury not too long ago lol


Damn does this guy get paid to do this?

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one? he has done like 10 just for the sea fury


Where’d that ping thread go with that edgy title you had going?

…edgy title? since when saying whether geographic location of the players affects ping or not is edgy? You are edgy, doctor.

Not edgy myself, but I did find that thread… Didn’t notice it was that long since you’d posted it.

If you use wifi in the slightest, I’d be removing that from the equation. And if you use a laptop to game, you want to do so whilst plugged in to the power.

As someone who plays with exclusively 200 ping, this sounds like a user error to me. I do not have this problem with any aircraft or weapon.


user error is when mk103 clip through paper planes? well, either that or the other users have insane ping and that’s why I cannot kill them efficiently. I’m pretty good at aiming lately especially on deflection shots, and I have exaggerated a lot in the title. But the “aircraft destroyed” message is very rare still.

If you are the only person having this issue then what other explanation can I give?

Since I play on 200 ping, that must mean almost EVERY plane I fire at would have the same issue as you are describing. But it doesnt happen at all, I lead, I aim, the enemy plane explodes. This includes planes using the Mk103.

So what else do you want me to tell you when you provide no evidence of video footage of this happening, other than a complaint that you arent killing anything?

i am not the only person having this issue, other friends of mine that live in the same country as me and nearby ones suffer the same issue to a lesser degree. My closest neighbor and I will take out Mig19s and never get a single “aircraft destroyed” in 1v1’s even despite having three of the hardest hitting guns in the nose.

Then record some footage of it happening and post it here.

No one I play with has this issue, that includes me, Other local friends also on 200+ ping, and some American friends who are playing on sub 50 ping.

No one else on the forums has posted a complaint on this issue that Ive seen either.

Your friend in the Mig19 is probably just missing.


your friend on mig19 is probably missing

Yeah, because having a yellow fuselage core is definitely missing the shot 💀

So in one game you got 3 kills and in the other game you got one, I dont see the problem here?

How do you know he has a yellow fuselage? A screenshot doesnt show me how you are aiming and where your rounds are going.

Nor does it tell me things like what belts you are using.

… the kill assists surpassing the number of kills?

How do you know he has a yellow fuselage? A screenshot doesnt show me how you are aiming and where your rounds are going.

because he showed me it after. It happened in 2023 and even yet I have reinstalled windows onto brand new drives.

What belts am i using? Of course, air targets for the mk103 and stealth for the mg151. For nr30s I pick air targets for 1v1 and ground targets for RB because of the faster velocity, for hispano i pick stealth or tracers, both are good, for type 99 i pick tracers, for ho.5 i pick stealth.

Your scorecard shows nothing of the issue you are trying to prove.

What would be good is a duel match on a custom server, with a number of engagements on each server set, showing what each sides ping is and showing how everything comes together. And shots of the actual engagement, not just anecdotal ‘stats’.

Even if this is a real issue, its not something thats going to be solved by reinstalling windows or the game.

We need some actual gameplay footage of it happening before anyone can help you.

And again, neither I or anyone I play with has ever had this issue.

Heres two clips of proof I have:

Mm all those exploding planes

how does having three enemy kill assists not prove that my bullets frag less than they should? Isn’t a kill assist the result of not dealing enough damage to a target? one of these kill assists were mk103s literally trespassing an orange A7m1 and then a zero.

First kill: Shot left wing off, shot to the core, player tag is still red.

Kill feed says I “critically damaged” instead of severely damaged
Seafire eventually kill steals the completely inutilized mkV spit that still didn’t give me a frag despite having the plane completely obliterated.

Second kill:
Severe damaged, wing shot off. Still not even a kill.

Third kill:

Spitfire needs four mk103 kisses to actually die. First is a crit, then severe damage, then eventually a frag.

Fourth kill:

Sea fury gets a black wing root and half elevator; kill feed doesn’t even register it.

Two Mk103 shells later the sea fury is dispatched. Poor thing.

Fifth kill:
Barely any damage shows a critical hit on kill feed. He then gets killed by someone else and I get credited for the assist.

Sixth kill:
I absolutely blow up the il2 in half and yet I don’t even get more than a crit. In fact, the battle log does not register anything. My shells landed close enough to knock out the pilot, and yet the 109 that got credited for the kill just needed a 13mm IAI through the armor to kill the pilot.