My bullets do nearly zero damage and others cut my wings off with a single 50 cal hit from 1km away, my ping is 42 only. Why?

Again, none of this is evidential in what they were wanting to see…

What makes you think i reinstalled windows or the game for that issue? It has happened through three clean wipes because it happens to all of the near-spain anmd spain based players I know. I reinstall windows because sometimes the updates corrupt the system and my Autodesk projects do not work as well.

so we are now literally disregarding server replays huh? Amazing, all for the refuttal of anyone’s objective experience.

We don’t need the server replays, we want to see the SPARKING from your end SHOWING that you’re lagging or desynced enough to cause the issue.

The fact that you passed up on both of these statements without response, leads me to believe you don’t want the testing, and you only want the issue…

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You’re on a laptop? Unplugged, and on wifi?

what are you talking about? I’m not talking about lagging or desyncing, i’m literally talking about frag deficiency (as you very much saw that despite objectively obliterating planes i still get a critical hit and furthermore no kill).

The fact that you passed up on both of these statements without response, leads me to believe you don’t want the testing, and you only want the issue…

I am not going to answer to something that has nothing to do with the issue i am trying to address. You and I aren’t talking about the same topics. 40 ping does not cause any sort of lag. My experience resumes to: Cut wing off: Hit. Black out entire plane: Critical hit. Or basically doing no damage like it happened with the Zero.

What would be good is a duel match on a custom server, with a number of engagements on each server set, showing what each sides ping is and showing how everything comes together. And shots of the actual engagement, not just anecdotal ‘stats’.

1v1 me then

Answer the question posed, not what you want to answer… And the dark crystal meme pics are typical of someone who merely wants to wallow in the mire of finding problems to moan about.

Tell me I got the trifecta, without telling me I got the trifecta… replying

you are deviating the topic i am talking about to what suits you the most. For a doctor you’re pretty bad at prognosis if you keep asking your patients about unrelated things. You doing this is as if I went to the consultation asking why I have an allergic reaction to spider bites that makes me want to scratch til i bleed and you asked whether I sleep lying on my left side or right side.

Your avoidance makes it clear, I’m right…

You’re on a laptop, unplugged, on wifi… That’s directly what I’ve pointed to 3 times now, and here you are trying to deviate the topic so you can claim victim.

Is this a laptop?

This is my main topic:

You haven’t addressed none of my posts whatsoever. Even despite I told you already that I don’t have neither sparks nor high ping.

1v1 me.

You’re the one not addressing anything in the slightest.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not seeing what we want to see, it’s the fact you’re being obtuse and leading to be a headache for the sake of it.

‘1v1 me’ no… Timewaste someone else.

If you think i’m avoiding just 1v1 me, I’ve accepted the request since the first time you said that the only way to see it is in a 1v1. We do no longer use protection analysis as a source of argument, we even disregard the very server replay, all possible to belittle me.

You were asked for actual evidence and proper video of what was happening, rather than screenshots of scoreboards and kills…

You were directly pointed out about wifi and laptop power management and you ignored those points for the sake of being argumentative and keeping on being obtuse to lure peopel to blame the game.

It comes back to a bad faith issue with the further engagement on this topic.

What the actual heck has that got to do with you being on the forums?

That’s one way of seeing it, but understanding it and having it explained to you is a total other topic.

What even is this rambling, because it’s nothing at all about belitting you, it’s about you ignoring what’s said to you, in order to keep complaining…

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Why are you calling for the tech moderator for?

I think we need @Pacifica in here to be honest.

What evidence do YOU want? Isn’t the server replay enough? Isn’t the ultimate method of verification just not enough for you?

why do you want Pacifica? To flag me and get me banned? If anything you should be the one banned for not following topics, slandering and gaslighting. I call Metralla because he’s a technical moderator. You’re calling the police because someone offended you. Learn the differences.

I’m not wanting any evidence now, you’re beyond reasoning…

The fact you ignored what I mentioned for so long and even after being called out for it, show you’re not worth anyones time as you only want to moan about the game at the end of the day.

Actually, I want them to step in and sort out the issue of you ignoring the point.

None of which has been done here, and quite the opposite, slandering, and not following topics is what you just attempted by trying to derail your own topic avoiding the point.

You’re calling Metralla because they’ve sided with you in the past on your airfield camping issue, whioch was what you tried to derail this thread with.

The veiled insult shows that the issue with you even being questioned, you ignore and nitpick to keep your issue up.

You also didn’t clarify in your posting of your machine, whether or not you use wifi…

I’m pretty sure I’m right somewhere, and your avoidance is because you merely don’t want to admit something that detriments your want…

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The F5E FCU is very good

If you can check my posts on the f-5e, all I’m getting is kill assists too with the guns you’re blasting planes off by. But yours might be pure luck because i’ve never been one shot nor blown up by an f-5e, hell, i’ve NEVER been decomissioned by an f-5e, the only time I did get badly damaged is when I was on stock mig23 mld and one clipped my wingtip, I could have safely returned to the airfield but I got greedy and killed a J35XS head on with an r13m1. That guy ended me.

And my point about the wifi… (I don’t care if you declare it now, it’s already too late, you avoided it from the mentioning of it)

You take too many tangents and throwout too much idiocy to bring up everything else that I’m no longer working on anything you bring to the forums.

You derailed the thread yourself, and it was just you.

Stop avoiding things when they’re directly put to you.