My bullets do nearly zero damage and others cut my wings off with a single 50 cal hit from 1km away, my ping is 42 only. Why?

Yes, thats his Wing tip. And it looks like the IL-2s wing tip, too, maybe you should have posted a clearer screenshot.

As I said, a wing tip being removed is an not, and has never been a kill in War Thunder. It will net you a kill if they crash afterwards, but by itself it will not be an instant kill.

It has been like this since literally Beta. I have gotten many kills while missing a wing tip because the enemy assumed I was dead, and I have even more often flown back to base and repaired.

Yes they were on fire for 10 seconds, if you had given it 5 more seconds they would have fallen out of the sky and crashed anyway.

Again, literally none of this shows that your guns are not doing enough damage. It shows that everything is working fine. It doesnt even show the thing you argued your friend had with his “Mig19 doing nothing but yellowing a fuselage”.


Google “confirmation bias”

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If you dont believe this, then dont argue as if there is some sort of damage nerf happening to you but not others. Or a certain region vs others

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I got nothing to add to the conversation but I find it a bit funny that this post is within earshot of another post that is titled

To be fair, current MiG guns are inconsistent ash now.

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50 cals are fine as they are, just overall my guns deal no damage whatsoever. Like, at all sometimes.

these are some fat sparks right there. Sure my aim wasn’t the best but then you have things like this:


Absolutely bonked, severe damaged as soon as i disengaged after seeing the fire.

Damn that gameplay was just “stall them out” simulator lol

Well, for the first one you probably got only a couple hits, but since you had a long burst on a plane that wasn’t maneuvering, there were definitely more hits on you than you think. Remember, unless you have all tracer belts, there’s more bullets than what meets the eye

And also, just to remind anyone, 7.7mm bullets are a third inch in diameter, while .50 cals are a half inch. That can make a big difference when it comes to damage output. You can see that for yourself in damage analysis or test drive.

The reason is because you bother the Forum Staff so much by posting this stuff they have to target you in game for disciplinary action. Maybe if you slow down with the posts criticizing them the bad times will slow down for you.

No not really, the game has nothing to do with this community. They chat ban me in game because I “kindly” ask people to stop posting N word chains and “kindly” ask them to not steal kills from anyone and third party.

well, the fun part is that 50 cals usually blow up wings when the planes are turning hard.

Stop. Posting. Cropped. Screenshots.

You’re actively putting effort into giving us less information.


Better yet, post an actual video clip. We’re 75 posts into this thread mostly because we’re still lacking basic info which should have been in the opening post.


We are not the Police…

Not our Job… but if you mean if someone is Trolling / Derailing the topic then it is

I see no reason for this to continue anyway…