There is also more destructive aircraft for their respective BRs than the f14.
US hater not being able to comprehend that a plane that can’t dogfight, with no radar missiles, and mid-at-best IR missiles is a bad plane.
Ah yes, you need to play a plane yourself if you wanna know its strengths that it has over yourself and others. Make it make sense.
I played through the entire US tree. The F-5E, the F-104A and the F-14 (Your targeted “op US junk” planes) aren’t even in my top 10 most played nor top 10 most kills IIRC. Just admit that you have some kind of hate for the US tree, brother. Your gripe is a plane’s ONLY strength. You want that POS plane to go up in BR and, like you said to me, you have no idea how that plane actually performs. You think its the best thing since sliced bread because this sudden MP change makes it strong all of a sudden.
Or you’re just a bad player
Heres my stats for comparison
If you’re the only person doing bad in that plane, maybe you’re the issue not the plane.
Like i said multiple times, its a bad plane but due to compression of BR, it faces things that it really shouldn’t.
Lmao radar missiles at 10.7? Can’t dog fight = bad plane? 9Js being “mid-at-best” at 10.7? Dude you are just showing with every single word how little do you know about the game and how hilarious it is to listen to a guy that judges planes solely through the prism of US planes. Literally just shows a man how intentionally powecreeped US tech tree is. Just stop burying yourself any deeper
2.2 second burn time, not great energy retention after the missiles burn out.
When you have no other strengths, yes.
This is just you refusing to listen to reason simply because I dont like playing other countries lmao.
Says the guy whos upset that hes facing difficulty in an uptier. You play a shit plane and expect it to play like an F22 or something. Honestly, I don’t know what you expect.
bro you are just hopeless, go back to your little safe space called US tech tree and continue playing using a single braincell you have left; just don’t try to think about game too much, you lack both the expertise (to this day ive thought such stereotypical US mains like yourself only exist in jokes, you are literally a meme material) and an actual intellectual ability to perform any basic comparative analysis
keep drinking your bud light and having a boner on how cool murica is raaaaahhh
Bros not even talking about AIM-54s or the F-14 lmao, hes just angry that he cant come up with a proper response to me checking his unrealistic hopes for a great time in an F-104
whatever helps you sleep at night
I know you’ll sleep great thinking the only reason your F-104 is shit is because the USA is overpowered.
sure buddy keep saying it to yourself
Yeah F-14s are comically powerful this patch. 0.3BR above my Phantom yet they get better IR missiles, better SARHs, buffed phoenixes that outrange everything anyone below BR 12.7, on a very potent airframe - even moreso now that the MiG-23 has been nerfed - all at 11.7, or 12.0 if you want stronger engines, all aspects, and better phoenixes. That 0.3BR gap is already funny, but this absolute monster being a lower BR than a glorified harrier 1 with AMRAAMs glued to it is just silly.
It’s not. It performs properly despite compression.
People haven’t adjusted to the lower multipath zone it’s been only couple days. Expected behavior and while seeming so powerful, as people get used to flying lower youll hit less.
I’ve met players like you before. The complaining will never stop. The F-14 could get moved up to 19.0, and you’d start complaining about SARHs, then if they got a nerf you’d complain about the F-5E, then you’d complain about MiG-21s and such, you’ll never be happy.
as you say bro
Its flight model is pretty mid, its missiles are just objectively bad compared to the things around it, top that off with okay speed. The only good missile it even has as of now is the AIM-54, and that is literally the worst ARH missile in the game. No way in hell do I ever pick the F-14 over an F-16 or F-15.
And yet we can have a positive KD because despite you saying everything is mid, in reality its great.
You can try to explain away everything but you can’t cheat on the KD ratios
Because it faces PHANTOMS and MiG-21s, and other such low planes. My entire point is that its a bad plane, but it seems so good because it faces shit planes that shouldn’t even be facing it.
Guess that applies to 80% of war thunder’s jets then since most jets would have difficulties in full uptier. A plane isn’t shit because it can’t seal club everyone in an uptier, if that happened it would be op. Youre trying to define good as overpowered, however the f-14 is normal powered. it does fine at it’s own br. It does well at downtiers and it doesn’t do so well in uptiers. Completely expected. Don’t forget that every downtier you go the hostile team also gets a higher br jet that goes into downtier. Fair game.
My whole point is that its only good because it can seal club planes, my guy. It cannot survive in a full uptier whatsoever. However, it just creams all over F-4 phantoms and shit, in a completely unfair matchup. I think BR needs to be decompressed so that the F-14 can fight more fair fights, and not just seal club shit that never had a chance.