I’ve already got the admission i wanted from you. I’ve got nothing left to say, you agreed with me on the F-14 being way too strong currently.
See ya man
I’ve already got the admission i wanted from you. I’ve got nothing left to say, you agreed with me on the F-14 being way too strong currently.
See ya man
You’re an insufferable player. Have a good day.
So you will rather have all the planes from pretty much all the nations of the 10.7-11.0 BRs suffer then nerf the OP plane just because “meh i won’t be able to left click 6 times get my kills and go back to the airfield as easy as it was before”?
BR decompression = make everyone suffer, got it.
Riiiight, since you seem to not have any actual arguments other than anti-us rage, I’m just gonna leave this where it is. Enjoy dying to the worst ARHs in the game.
In most cases, these examples apply.
The RWR not pinging is not skill issue, but most of the other examples are.
there will realistically be no BR decompression, not in any foreseeable future, and demanding it instead of implementing any actual changes will just keep the status quo, as if it wasn’t already obvious enough
Man, I feel like supporting the US main here since I’m farming US right now. But in terms of the FOX 3 missiles, I don’t have any problem dodging them with my Mig23MLA. However, the only way to dodge it without countermeasures is to just stay away from it by flanking around the battlefield or flying between valleys since multipathing is extremely hard now.
Enjoy playing the game while knowing that you literally can’t do anything playing any other nation but one which has an unfair advantage over others at every BR imaginable
Sounds like complacency. The F-14 shouldn’t be facing F-15Cs, Su-27SMs, or any of the other TT jets as the meta is currently. The F-14 would be in the same situation your little pencil plane is, honestly.
Ok, I’ll remember that while I play my German, Israeli, Russian, and Swedish trees. Useless complaints about the worse ARH missile in game that finally got a buff, laughable. If I can avoid them it in a J35XS you can do it in an F-104G.
How? At what BR below 11.7 does the US have some crazy unfair advantage, besides the F-104 rabbit hole?
Good luck my guy.
Or what, you will get only 3 kills instead of 5 while clicking the mouse with one hand and holding blue ribbon in another?
Like I said, if you think the F-14 is gonna get ANY kills against the new TT jets, you’re ignorant to the abilities of the F-14. The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side.
Yeq, no RWR at all, but I love the Draken. So fun.
Short time being the like 30 seconds the AIM-54’s motor burns, leaving a huge and extremely obvious contrail moreso than literally any other radar missile. God forbid an R-24R get shot at you, you’ll never see those.
right, because the J35 has the same manoeuvrability as the F-104 flying at high speed, right? Regardless of what you are playing the level of delusional is just beyond comical
Reminder F-14A has really bad RWR and radar locking from modern jets tells nothing.