Multipathing and AIM-54s

First you resorted to attacks and now you’re whipping out the middle school comebacks because you dont have anything intelligent to say. Can you go any lower?

ok shitter

good boy


Once again, shut up ape

You are being incredibly annoying right now, and you should take a break from this forum.

If you can’t discuss changes and stuff like this in a civil way, please leave. This goes for everyone on each side.


What do you have agasint the us???

i would gladly delete the topic since it completed its goal a long time ago, but i can’t, so might as well talk to you imbeciles

Why do you hate the usa?

To be fair, the US is the best nation in Air RB, and the players are usually the loudest and most likely to complain. (Essentially they’re the most annoying type of nation main)

Still doesn’t excuse his behaviour.

Look at his previous post he is very rude and disrespectful to all us players calling us apes and using stereotypes I’m wondering why.

Take a look at this thread

You don’t say why you hate them you just call us mean things and are being disrespectful. Do you have something against the nation?

you remember this? super rude

I had enough interaction with americans coming to the country where i live to gain my opinion on them, thank you

And also it is not the matter of the topic so if you wanna discuss it we can go to DMs

Ok so we invaded you and won and you sour about it and taking it out on the players of this game? What if i came at you and called you stereotypes? Then I would just be a racist american right? Stop taking it out on people on the forums get a therapist.

Which one is he from?

One of many.

as mentioned, it is not a topic which is being discussed here so you have anything to say about it feel free to DM me

But why can you say that stuff in the forum?