here is all the kind stuff he has said about americans if anyone was wondering.
Maybe he is calling us apes, because we go bananas over oil? 🤔
btw i’m not trying to be mean i’m just trying to understand. I couldn’t care less what he says about me but you can’t just go behind a screen and be horrible to others.
Yeah I wouldn’t say that kind of stuff to anyone on the forums, he should just have some grace and quietly exit once shown he is wrong
Did i say something wrong or are you talking about him?
Talking about him
Hes just mad, people frustrated with their gameplay and lives come here to insult others and to argue forever because they don’t do well in the game. Worth ignoring this guy lol, you know hes having bad time.
Fun fact, because both the missile and radar are HPRF only, if you go cold close to the ground there is a good chance the missile never gets near you or fails to acquire if it does. Or you can notch it with ground no chaff required.
Bro they should rework top tier in general, this shit keeps getting crazier. Thought i’d hop in a “nice relaxing” 9.0 jet bomber game to get away from the missle spam for a bit. But without an bomber airspawn, missles or flares at 9.0 and no ballistics computer to drop your bombs with, that is pure hell aswell trying to grind your way further when you’ve got a swarm of super sonic rocket launchers around you.