Multipathing and AIM-54s

You mean every ARB game is US vs US, which brings you back to square one.

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also another hardcore US main, what a surprise

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Very main, to the point I haven’t played them in months.

every game for who? for you? for your friends? do you have actual verifiable statistics to be able to use it as a valid argument, not some shit you would just spit out because someone’s talking that your favourite nation’s plane is overpowered?

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Aside from US and Isn’treal you hardly ever played anything else (and “meh haven’t played much lately” argument adds absolutely nothing to the conversation)

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And have ever played in last… two years ARB above 11.0 or you’re just all high and mighty on the forums?

Nice stalking, do I have followers now?

you could ve made the same so you won’t ask stupid questions about whether or not im playing ARB top tier

all you US mains are just anecdotical, literal comedy material, playing most busted TT in the game without having any side perspective but still think they have any right to tell people playing european nations on whether or not their planes are good/bad

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Amount of copium in this post is too damn high.

as you say murican

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Blame world of developing duopoly in aviation after ww2 and especially you can cope and seethe about Germany neglecting their own aviation, using downgraded surplus US/Ru hardware until they got their shit together.

If a guy shows up here and tells everyone how easy it is in War Thunder to avoid ARHs with notching and crank maneuvers and obviously shows with his performance that he can not do it by himself, then that should be pointed out.

I don’t dare to say that the F14 is an invincible aircraft that absolutely needs a BR adjustment.

However, I know that under the current parameters I cannot escape the F14’s missiles with a BR 11.3 Tornado when targeted with a minimum of skill.

No maneuver works and the low flight has no effect. By the way, not less than 60m, as I have experienced several times.

I was last hit by an AIM 54C 15m above water.

With my Mig29, with enough radar awareness, I have a good chance with a crank maneuver and simultaneous use of the afterburner and a few chaff.

I don’t have to eat leaves while flying low.

However, the Tornado only has low flight (which it is bad at in War Thunder, even though it was built for that.)

No vs. good odds is a problem, I would think.


Skill issue, should’ve played US tech tree because all other TTs are just bad (c) US mains in this thread

Great, so you do agree with me then glorious muricas’ planes are so strong and cool (only in video games), which is just yet another proof that F-14 should be moved higher in BR

Thankfully its up to Snail, not you to decide.

And when we’re at it, German Starfighters and Phantoms at 13.0 when, they also are so strong and cool after all.

literal braindead yankee post

I’m merely using your own arguments against you.

without understanding the core reasoning behind them in the slightest, like an average US main you are

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All I see is copium of wehraboo, no traces of reason found.

This one guy can keep rageposting lol it won’t solve his skill issue and the devs won’t be changing anything just because someone cries out loud instead of learning how to play the game