Multipathing and AIM-54s

You are reported, please stop lying/trolling in this forum, you bring nothing to the conversation, go back playing F5C/F4S

This is probably one of the best comments on the topic, but unfortunately they won’t listen because being a branded US main requires no skill/brain/critical thinking, only being extremely self centred and arrogant/ignorant.

So, no variants of the Su-17 / -22, MiG-23 / -27 have all aspect missiles and are slow, are you sure?

I would be concerned how the F-14A would do at 12.0 or above without access to All Aspect IR missiles, or a HMS (both of which are possible, with the VTAS III & AIM-95 / AIM-9L; see spoiler below) considering how hot the engines are and comparative lack of countermeasures vs the F-14B.

AIM-95 & HMS

F-14A & AIM-95

The F-14B has its own issues with systems like the AN/AXX-1 TCS not being properly modeled and assorted issues with the AWG-9 and -54 interactions being odd, and a lack of HMS on top of seeing stiffer competitors at 13.0 since they are no longer limited to the 4 airframes in a full down tier per match limit and so efficacy would suffer due to seeing them more frequently which themselves have advantages over the F-14 airframe that can be used.

If you know / expect that they are coming and respect the threat they pose they are easy to deal with (especially if they are spammed at you), its only if you get ambushed and even then the AIM-7F is more of a threat at those distances since the AIM-54s take forever to get up to speed. Sure if played well they won’t be many options but its getting into the situation that the F-14 excels at dealing with and not knowing the issue, I personally don’t think that the F-111B, F-12A, F-102 / -106 or F-108, Su–11 / -15 MiG-25 or -31, etc. would be doing much worse, even they would be similar armed.

They don’t always get stuck with US pilots or teams so there is some explanation of the changes, also I don’t think fox 3s being able to see F-4Cs would be a good thing.


which variant of mig23 has all aspect missiles at 10.7 or lower? Lying much?

I would not be concerned about F-14 at all because it is a singular plane, even though it is from holy US TT, which makes people from every other nation suffer due to being unable to counter it in any meaningful way

you’ve been told multiple times already why exactly you won’t see it coming playing a non-us plane of this br, but you keep pushing this US main agenda nevertheless

So Fox-3 seeing F4, one of the most advanced planes of the BR is not okay, but Fox-3 seeing something like F-104/Mig-21 is totally fine?

Nvm, another 16-years old hardcore US main, you could say whatever you like

For a “US Main” i sure have a lot of games and vehicles that arent US


Edit: cope

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as mentioned, please go trolling/lying somewhere else

cherry picking modes where you have the least amount of matches played won’t help you with overall statistics bro

well, average US main just showed its true nature, nothing new

average Lawnmower showed their ability to do basic math, nothing new

Edit: lmao the butthurt is showing with flags

enjoy your 30 days of vacation

Since when were up tiers retired, no? at least try to not construct strawmen. the 10.7 /11.0 variants of the Su-17 / -22 do have the R-60M(K)

Try respecting your RWR, it might help to understand the capabilities of the system and where the limitations lie.

If you know your RWR can’t separate a Launch warning from the tracking signal. Please try to not assume they all must be tracking, play as if they are a Launch warning and proceed from there.

You know having pioneering systems makes things difficult to balance and if it got too hard to do so, Gaijin could always reimplement the Hard BR matchmaking wall that they had for a while which entirely prevented the F-104 from getting down tiers.

Well the fearless pioneers at Gaijin in their infinite wisdom had to start somewhere, and the fact that other Air Defense / Homeland Protection Airframes had been skipped over that would introduce these concepts earlier (AIM-4 equipt airframes; e.g. F-89, F-101B, F-102, F-106, etc.), and the fact that Multi-pathing was allowed to become a crutch that was left alone for long enough to develop a meta around abusing it doesn’t help, considering that it hard countered Radar missiles obviously devalued airframes based around their use, considering the changes is it any surprise that existing tactics failed after the changes.

Don’t forget that there is more than enough data to practically remove it as a factor from the game for relevant missiles entirely.


You know you are sorting by victories, not matches in;


My AB stats are more complete, and much more current than my RB ones. Can you post those for me?

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you literally have disproportionally more matches played with US then anything else? all of your matches played for other nations combined are less then ones played with US?

you are just an average 16 yo internet edgy kid, which doesn’t even have any planes higher then 10.0 BR but you still try to argue with people about 11.7 plane? no wonder you are from US, delusion is being strong with this one

your AB stats are absolutely irrelevant because if you stop being so ignorant and take a look at the topic itself, you will realise it is tagged as AIR REALISTIC


And so I, somehow don’t understand how the tree I main functions or where it could be considered strong or weak. With how matchmaking is always mixed in AB, I have a pretty good idea of where issues are in said lineups. and how they fit together outside the Fighter-centric Phone box TDM that is ARB, and even then Air Conquest and Domination modes give a fair insight into what it’s like.

Its brave of you to assume my age. Have you at all considered that it might not have anything to do with my birthday, or my age.

Want to bet? Even though you could freely check my AB stat card to be sure.

So I can’t have an opinion, come up with way to improve it, read though primary and secondary sources, collate excerpts, find and report bugs, foster discussion and assist with refining arguments to be used to convince others of things.

Simply because I don’t spend all my time flying around in circles pretending I know what I’m doing or how air combat works, Don’t forget that characteristics for all modes are interlinked in most cases.

I have a feeling that might be slightly short sighted of you to discard everything out of hand, simply because I haven’t jumped though all of whatever arbitrary hoops you have constructed, it is a forum after all.

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I did forget about a lot of those aircraft. But it presents a lesser issue compared to the previously mentioned attack aircraft. Only the Su-17M2 presents an issue at 10.3.
F-14 Early’s main advantage is the ARH missiles, which would be still the lowest BR ARHs at 12.0. Both launch and RTB (with much better results recently) or launch and act as a support aircraft is possible. It has a strong flight model, inferior to F-16s but superior to most others of 11.7 or below. Let’s not forget the simultaneous guidance of 6 AIM-54s possible on all F-14s, making it much more effective. In comparison, the 13.0 J-11A has only one.
F-14B is entirely possible to go to 12.3. It has AIM-9Ls, AIM-54Cs (with much better IOG than AIM-54As) and better maneuverability. In addition, the 680 possible countermeasures make the aircraft usable even in the hostile IRCCM and Fox-3 environment of 12.3.

If you know / expect that they are coming and respect the threat they pose they are easy to deal with (especially if they are spammed at you), its only if you get ambushed

See my post in this thread about effectiveness of AIM-54.

They don’t always get stuck with US pilots or teams so there is some explanation of the changes, also I don’t think fox 3s being able to see F-4Cs would be a good thing.

F-4C is 10.0 in ARB, would not see them anyway. Regardless, I’m not saying that the J-8F should be lower, only giving it as an example of a large BR change (11.7 to 12.3) that happened due to addition of ARH to a plane. The strengthening of the F-14s due to the nerf to multipathing poses a similar change in effectiveness that justifies an increase in BR by one step for each of them.


For, now since the majority are yet to fully adapt, as people get used to it and procedures and tactics are developed and propagate further Spamming missiles will be less effective since longer flight times provide a greater chance that the target will not enter the scanned volume around the predicted point of intercept due to lack of updates and changing course often enough while still traversing towards your objective.

That slows target engagement way down and forces the F-14 to support the shot for the duration of the flight(AIM-54’s launched in STT modes should not / don’t go active and must be supported the whole way to the target) reducing Situational awareness limits options unless they trash the shot.

The polling rate of TWS is fairly low(especially in comparison to other TWS capable aircraft), and risks entirely dropping TWS tracks (of which the AIM-54 can’t reconnect the datalink, so missiles in the air stop updating the predicted point of impact) due to it spotlighting the selected track file combined with the 80 * 4 or 40 * 6 TWS patterns.

As such there is only very specific Target geometry that allows for both all six missiles to be launched at different targets and for them all to successfully make it to their target (let alone accounting for distance, closure rate, travel time, flight path and defensive maneuvers etc.), sure it is unique to the F-14 at that BR but it would be rare to ever be useful when approaching its limits.

Sure, though I would like to see the AWG-9 / AXX-1 interaction be fixed(unable to be slaved or used to direct missiles) and the radar improved, the AIM-54C at least be partially revised first, or otherwise a longer sustained level of elevated performance be maintained. The same way that IRCCM missile’s impact lessened as defensive tactics were developed and propagated its still slightly early, and we’ve yet to see emergency measures like the R-27ER that appeared three days after the update.

That requires 4x AIM-9 carriage, which limits you to 4x MRMs(AIM-7 or -54), 2x BOL (2x 160) would be more realistic for a long range configuration so you don’t need to pick between Sparrow or AIM-54 parity. Also if they do correct the BOL on the F-14 (predates the development /acquisition of BOL IR so should only be able to take chaff) or revert the BOL IR performance changes it may be useable, but in comparison to other Fox3s, it obviously underperforms in most respects and with advanced RWRs detecting launches is much less of an issue.

Though there is also either variant AIM-152 (A3M), AIM-120 (F-14D) as a prototype should things reach that point.

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Here’s a revelation for you, US Navy RWR until F-14B is equally shit.

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here’s a revelation for you, numnuts: other countries do not face missiles, countering which is entirely dependent on RWR until 12.3

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