Multipathing and AIM-54s

Right, wehraboo because saying that particular US plane is OP, right?

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Amount of people agreeing with me under the original post says otherwise, child

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Not just saying but whining, yes. But more than that, also providing disinformation as to why it is op when that disinformation is obviously wrong is just more than saying that something is op.

Theres always going to be a few noobs agreeing with you even when you’re wrong because they know no better lol.

You saying it is wrong does not prove in any way that it is, in fact, wrong

Also calling someone wehraboo without even understanding what that means is so dumb

If you would look through this whole thread, there won’t be any people defending the position that F-14 is not currently OP other then people who predominantly play US TT

Right, everyone who agrees with your position is a skilled player and nice person, and anyone who disagrees with it is just another noob

Delusional ami mindset as it is

If you don’t believe me i guess i can just post videoproof

Quote me where i called someone a wehraboo

And with your logic people who predominantly don’t play it (have no experience in flying it) call it op while referencing disinformation as their proof

Anyone who bases their opinion on wrong information and lack of knowledge is a noob.

So you think you have the right to decided which information is right/wrong? Man them yankees are so self centred it is almost unbelievable

I don’t decide it, the concept of incorrect or correct decides it. If an apple is green, you claiming it to be yellow is wrong information because it is not true information, therefore your information is WRONG.
If you think that i can’t call your disinformation out then you’re quite wrong there buddy.

This is disinformation. Proof: 30sec burntime on Vimeo
This also proves that you are incorrect, it proves that you lack knowledge and it proves that you are noob because you don’t know what you are talking about.

as all of your previous posts in this thread say, you presented absolutely zero valid proofs to the conversation, you are a hardcore US main which means that you have zero meaningful exposure to other tech trees and cannot analyse the objective effectivity of a US plane’s performance versus other planes, and you are an average murica patriot, which on itself means that your opinion is just worthless

You just don’t want to confront your skill issue lol.
“hardcore us main” i play the french mirage 2000 more than the f-14 even if i have more aircraft unlocked in the US tree
And guess what the mirage 2000 plays against? Yes, the f-14.


which proves what, exactly?

That you were wrong. it is video evidence of the rocket motor staying on for 30 seconds instead of couple seconds. That is clear proof of your lack of knowledge.

yes and mirage 2000 is not an early cold war jet without/with really primitive RWR

What difference does your video make if it obvious that the contrail ends way before the missile gets any close to you?

And? You’re trying to change goalposts now. Your first goalpost was that i never go against f-14. Now you’re saying that i go against it but not in primitive jets. I also mained bunch of us aircraft with trash missiles and primitive rwr and the matches used to be usa vs usa which meant i had to go against f-14 and guess what, no problem. It doesn’t matter whether you have rwr or not if you have skill.

It makes the difference that you were wrong, you posted disinformation and this can only happen if you are a noob who doesn’t know what they were talking about.
Guess ill just reject your opinions because they’re based on your lack of knowledge


I sucked at avoiding ARHs when they were released. Honestly, I don’t mind the multipath change that much as a TT player. I don’t miss hugging the ground and being forced into furballs with Gripens. Just learn to stay away from furballs and to avoid the few missiles that will come after you.

Holy moly, useless to read this thread in full.

A compact summary of this thread is

Opinion 1: Rebalance F14, its too strong at 60m multipath

Imo the F14 has been buffed a lot. although it is not a direct buff to the aircraft itself but in favour of it while being in a “low” BR where countermeasures are less and rwr’s of most aircraft are not advanced enough to identify the phoenix.


More like
Opinion 1: Posts blatant disinformation to exaggerate the capabilities of f-14 as an argument to try and make it seem op
Opinion 2: Telling the OP of this thread to learn to play the game while confronting said disinformation

Nothing changed except you have to fly below 60m instead of 100m.
If that is too hard for you, then maybe you should practice more low flying.


You’re not supposed to predict whether it goes for you or not, that is a skill issue. Always assume that it is going for you so you can always prevent any from hitting you that you don’t see.

Im not american and ofcourse you start bloating out racism when you don’t have any other reasons as to why you refuse to confront your skill issue


Ofcourse, breaking forum rules with racism, personal attacks and what not. Guess ill just have to flag you then, bye.

The most skilled of players arent doing that anymore lmao