Mitsubishi F-2

Well with how WT models AESA it’s just a better PD radar so it won’t change the kill rate. Expect F-15J(M)'s radar but with better TWS (as in it hard locks the TWS targets to get better track data)

I don’t get why Gaijin went through the trouble to fabricate a fake F-16AJ, when they could’ve added XF-2A instead.

That’d take over a year to be introduced into the game, and F-16AJ isn’t a fabrication.
Gaijin should’ve worked on Thailand earlier but hindsight is 20:20.
That or introduce F-15J with AIM-9Ls and AIM-7s instead of what it has currently.

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I would have expected the XF-2A quite a while ago now.

Makes me think they are holding it back until they release the F-2 and then have the XF as a new premium…

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Oh hell no.


Do we really want to advocate Gaijin by clinging to words after what they’ve done?

Yeah, with current realisation it’s basically a better PD. I should have used word “may”

Okay lol, I knew you were going to go debating what few actually meant. The usual consensus is between 2 and 10 yes but it’s all context specific. If Gaijin wanted to state it won’t be here for a couple years, they’d say so. It’s like saying the F-22 will be here in a few major updates and also telling people it will be here in 2026.

The “may” is referring to that it could have one or several of those features and that not all is required to be classified as Gen 4.5.

I’m inclined to agree that it’s not probable, especially as sub-tree options are more likely.

My response to the word “few” remains, the rant was being conjured over 6 posts ago and I only posted it to the reply you addressed.

Just the utter tomfoolery of the word “few”… -_-

I am not upset at anyone BTW, and I apologize if my posts come off in any other way than me attempting to bring calmness and less stress in general.

Things I never did for $100,000.
A rant about me hating the word “few” is not arguing about what it means.

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I meant that I know you’d bring it up as a counterpoint because it’s ambiguous enough to take either side lol

Its not so much the aircraft thats being added thats the issue…its the fact that the one thing the F-2 is known for is being added to other nations FIRST which was the whole point for it not being introduced. This was even mentioned as being the reason in the AJ blog…and yet its not here…i mean if it is due to lack of information or the model isnt ready i understand…but we have gotten no word on it and everytime we do its just “There is no word on this aircraft” how do you think thats makes us feel?

Yup that’s the huge crux of it. We want an update so we know what to expect.

RU and US mains ask Gaijin about Su-30SM and F-18C? “Not this update”
JP mains ask about F-2? “No information at this time”

Why the different messaging? The response the RU and JP mains at least implies that it is coming, just not this update. The reply to JP mains implies there are no plans at all right now and nothing has changed on that front. THAT is concerning and why we are not being patient.


I would expect at least the exterior model of the F-2A to be worked on.
But the way Smin said it made it sound like work hasn’t even begun at all.

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“There is no word on this aircraft” makes me think it is being worked on for this update but doesn’t look like it will ready.
It’s not an outright denial like usual. It may slip in at the end(huffs cope)

Thank you for the clarification, I still don’t consider it a counterpoint personally.

I’d care more if it was more than just Rafale [I’m not counting Kfir cause that’s trash compared to these two].
Cause Rafale? A lot of public information on it with little translating necessary.
Makes sense it would be ready around the time of F-2.

Now, if F-2 isn’t ready by the March update, I’m going to start complaining.

Likely cause it’s so close to being done and have no concrete information on which update it’ll be ready by.

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I mean even if its not im willing to wait for the next update its just frustrating you know? but it is what it is.


Sorry for being late , I got this picture about 2 months ago and the modeling of the F2 seems to have been done a long time ago, but I can’t be sure of it’s authenticity.


Yea it’s impossible to verify as anyone can make a 3d model.

However, Gajin contracts vehicle models to other companies so I’m sure they have it done way in advance and it is ready to add in a dev state (obviously they don’t have time to work on it or it’d be here already).

In addition the picture does have the tell tale black nose for the AAM-3 which is seen in game in adverse weather/lighting conditions.

Outside that the quality is so low it’s hard to match the AAM-4 to what we have in game

In the future, I suppose this japanese 4.5 generation fighter aircraft might be event vehicle rank 9

The first nation 4.5 generation fighter aircraft with AESA radar before other countries

XF-2A can’t be rank 9 since it can carry only AAM-3 and AIM-7. Yes, it should has AESA radar, but with only SARH missiles it can’t be this high. Even now it’s max rank is 8 with BR ~13.0. Also, that one of the saddest parts. It could have been added right after F-16C with 9L and AN/APG-68!


i think
this is just a speculation, they want to have or need to have a collaboration with DMM to add F-2
so unless DMM having a new event or update, i don’t think it coming soon
just a speculation though…