Supposing that’s true, do we know when the next DMM event would be?
that is something that i have no idea on.
and looking for the War Thunder DMM right now it’s only doing the Anniversary event and Seasonal event. so pretty much nothing going on.
At this rate this plane isn’t even gonna be top br when it’s added bruh
If you think some special feature is gonna somehow fix this plane and make it good, I want you to try and think of a time that gaijin has ever NOT disappointed you.
we’re cooked
For air it wont be, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. For ground it probably will be
That dev comment is talking about the ambiguity in implementation for making the data link work across multiple targets with multiple missile launches.
English is kinda finicky like that.
During that time of testing, I could never get datalink to work when hard locking if the missile lost lock. Which is what prompted my initial query if it even works at all or if I’m having bad luck. So that was the context. Their reply implies because it could introduce ambiguity in TWS with multi target launches, so they removed it altogether
“implies” is the key issue with your continued usage of that dev comment as backing for your point, the dev comment doesnt say that DL doesnt work.
“missiles no more receive target position via datalink after target track lose, even if the target track is re-established”
this is the crux of the misunderstanding, i believe. “target track lose” refers to the jet radar lock failing, not the missile seeker.
The important part I think is:
So there is no way to switch from “IOG+DL” to “IOG” and than back to “IOG+DL”
Because they were quoting me regarding the AAM-4:
I’ve looked at a couple of my replays and even hard locking the target doesn’t give the missile DL and instead it’s just IOG after losing TRK. For reference, this is with the AAM-4.
The example in question was me using TWS on a drone and even though I never lost track with TWS, the missile went from IOG+DL to TRK to IOG. So that’s the context from which they replied to me with. My question at the time was trying to see if what Alvis was saying was a good technique, i.e. hard locking the target for maximum information to the missile.
Having said this, I have yet to reproduce this currently which is why I think it’s either a replay bug or something did in-fact change since then (about 4 months ago). I’m leaning on the latter but some confirmation would be nice.
I’ll probably test again later tonight in both ground and air rb with both TWS and hard lock to see if there’s a difference. While the entire start of the conversation is moot (as AESA is being added anyway for two aircraft this update), it would be good to know if it’s worth keeping the radar on for a better hit chance at the cost of constantly broadcasting your location.
Might be a little late to the party but I would be interested in joining said discord if possible
I hope we won’t have to wait too long for this.
Does it get MAW?
I could be wrong, but I don’t believe it does
For what it's worth, I found this video adjacent to the other person that @Allowed_Name_123 referenced (MiGan Fox-3):
It explains that DL is maintained until main aircraft loses lock, even if temporarily, then DL is never regained.
So in a sense, you can use DL to potentially keep the missile on course if it loses lock, but only if you maintain that TWS or hard lock from start to finish. Though, its effectiveness is questionable as the DL updates might not be fast enough to get it close enough to proxy fuse.