Mitsubishi F-2

I stand corrected then, can it lock onto targets though?
Putting it to translation machine, it translated purely just for navigation?


Wait a minute, that’s not a helmet mounted display. Thats a head-up display.

What the text says its “images are projected onto a heads-up display or multifunction display” for what i understand

Isn’t that basically the panel with monitor like the F-16AJ used for radar and when targeting with AGM?

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Ye My Bad i tought they were the same thing, then idk it’s pretty late rn so i won’t search till tomorrow

Nah it’s fine, i did something similar when i sleep deprived too
Especially with how classified and somewhat random japanese equipment is.

What i was looking for a helm like this



but for the F-2. been looking for them from photographer shooting the F-2 but still no luck

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When the F-2A got it’s new AMC, it was provisioned to use an HMD along with AAM-5s and ASM-3 functionality. F-2s likely got HMD functionality when AAM-5s were integrated on the airframe which is exactly what happened with the F-15J getting it when it integrated AAM-5.


Does this specifically said it’s an upgrade for the F-2?
Or this is an upgrade for other plane INCLUDING the F-2?

It’s specifically the F-2 and covers basically all the upgrades from the base version. A lot of stuff like JDCS(F), JDAMs, ASM-3 and it’s HARM sub function, and A2A capability upgrades were dependent on a more powerful Advanced Mission Computer, so the doc just talks about everything that came with the new AMC

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Iirc early F-2’s did have J/APG-1 but lacked J/ARG-1 which are needed to use AAM4. If they want to add the F-2 in its most early state it wouldn’t have AAM4. So a early F-2 would be more like a better F16AJ and still lack ARH capability. Could pair well with a better F15J, ones better at CAS the other is “better” at AA.

F-2 with AAM-4 in fact differs only in the presence of this J/ARG -1 so I think they wouldn’t add “the earliest” F-2

So we might see HMD on F-15 and F-2 with AAM-5 or after?
I had hopes we will see it earlier

Yeah, HMD was added for the planes adopted to AAM-5 as part of the kit

Makes sense since they added HMD to use AAM-5 against targets outside of AAM-5 FOV

I mean its not a good comparison but they have added “filler” planes with few differences like F16A and ADF. It is an option if gaijian want to push back the ARH update

It looks like JASDF just don’t have GBU-8



New F-15J MSIP also won’t have AAM-4, only AIM-120. AAM-4 is too good for the game now. I guess, we’ll see 2 versions of the F-2. One “early” with AAM-3/AIM-120 and one “late” with HMD and AAM-4/B/5 (anyway, HMD is not that good without thrust-vectoring missiles, so lack of it on the “early” version is not smth really bad). And both versions will be at higher BR than F-15J MSIP. But maybe Gaijin will give newer missiles to old planes and then my prediction is wrong.

That is only partialy true. When it was upgraded it got better radar too

What upgrades it got?
J/APG-2 was introduced later with AAM-4B

Ah sorry my bad I forgot that there was twi upgrades for it and that the radar was swaped later

Not really the F-15, but the F-16AJ proposal did include TV guided bombs which would’ve been GBU-8. For some unknown reasons Gaijin specifically removed them from it, despite also ahistorically basing it on a Block 10 airframe which in the US tree does carry them.

F-15J never used aim-120, it might be compatible but its still being tested with even newer versions of the F-15J. F-2 straight up wont be able to use aim-120 unless there are changes made to it.