Mitsubishi F-15J

thats the same document already used in the report

Just not sure what year F-15J they have in game right now, if its after 1984 it should have radar with TWS

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Pre-MSIP engines were F100 IHI 220E ? Worth making a bug report for the dev server or do you think they will add it in?





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In regards to your comment on the F-15A radar report. Are the referenced pages enough information?

“All APG-63s manufactured since late 1979 have incorporated [PSP]”
in addition to the chart that shows TWS after 1984.

You said the F-15A in game is a 1990s spec National Guard version so seems like it should be PSP and have TWS.

F-15A/B was in production until May 1979, this reference is to the F-15C/D.

Japan started replacing their F-104s with F-15Js, which are C equivalents, in March of 1984

if the F-15A is 1990 in-game, what year is the F-15J that we have?

At least 1986, there is AN/ALE-45.

There is already APG-63 PSP report for 15J internally


220Es were 100s upgraded to 220 standard. So them being 220Es and not 220s implies the F-15J at some point used 100s, that were then later upgraded.

Since we will likely get 220/220E on later F-15Js I’d say the difference in engine performance helps make this one a bit more unique and I am in favor of keeping them unless it really is ahistorical.


With the wing ripping fixed, it flies surprisingly well at high speeds, retaining so much energy.

I’m still curious if there’s any extra drag coded from the pylons if you bring wing fuel tanks and then ditch them. Model wise they seem identical so I’d assume it’s the same but I have no data to confirm. Might make sense to go min fuel with both wing tanks and dump them when getting into the fight to have an advantage against others.

I did watch a video and heard claims that the AAM-3 is pulling similar Gs to 9M and not 40Gs as described, but not sure if it’s placeholder from 9M copy?

yeah the wings not ripping as crazy feels so nice.

i did hear that from General Lees video but not sure if that’s true. and sadly i don’t have access to the AAM-3s yet.

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On the missile spreadsheet it says 40G’s, though the autopilot may be limiting it, or any other numerous factors.

I talked with Lee, and he said Jaek tasted them side by side and the AAM-3 barely pulls harder so hopefully we can look forward to it being buffed before live?

Also, I noticed the AAM-3 is smokeless on the dev? Do we know if that is accurate, I haven’t seen footage or tests of the missile, but my assumption was that it did not have a smokeless motor.

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Eagle radar

Also sent my first post to Bowie.
2023-12-08 (15)


Hopefully yea. I’d imagine it’s a placeholder mostly and we’ll see it adjusted next week.

As far as smokeless I’m not sure, but I’d imagine it would be if other missiles of the era are smokeless?

A question, what can we expect about its radar? better than F-16C? or what?

You would be comparing a 1980s radar to a late 1990s early 2000s radar

In Game
Same and also underperforms to real life capabilities

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It should be better than the F-16Cs. The power difference is substantial.

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Has anyone started making a report on adding Bank-To-Turn technology into the game? The report about adding BTT to the AAM-3 didn’t go through from what I saw, and the dev who closed it asked the reporter to make a separate report about BTT missiles.

The report in question that was closed:

Also leaving my AAM-3 HOBS suggestion here now that I think about it:

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might want to ask the French bug reporters, they likely have done something or are at least planning to drop a bug report for dual plane stuff with how they’ve been fighting for the magic 2 for ages now

on a different note, is anyone planning to drop a report about the AAM-3’s IRCCM? presently it uses the exact same irccm and values as the 9m, but from what we know it should have an ir/uv seeker and the closest analog in game we have is the stinger which has both FOV clamping and seeker shutoff


I have no plans to drop a report about the IRCCM right now, but I may start looking for sources for anything I can find on the IRCCM.

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the F-15J ingame is pre-msip (year 2000 model) but it still has the wrong engines along with the wrong loadout (A/C never had bombs)