Mitsubishi F-15J

Did the JASDF use AIM-9Ms?

If they didn’t, yet they added it to the F-15J, then I suppose you could add the GBU-8s to the F-15J as well.

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they did not, GBUs and such could be pretty effectivly argued, be nice to have them. I’m sure in the event of a war the USAF and JSDF would share supplies so 9ms would be used on them and suchlike

I agree. I’m just stating what is likely the only reason it doesn’t have them right now

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isn’t this pic a case of could but never would?

pretty much, but that’s the same for the American F-15A. For game purposes it’s fine, silly to complain about really

for game purposes it’s fine yeah, but it’s annoying when the people have wanted the eagle for over a year now and they can’t even add the eagle with proper stuff, considering all the community projects about the eagle and how to add it and they don’t even do it right.

It came with a nearly perfect FM aside the overload issue. Better than even Russia’s gotten in a long time.

Someone did. I’ll find you the bug report but ultimately it was denied because Back-to-Turn mechanic isn’t in the game.

Bug report: “AAM-3 should use dual-plane maneuvering”


(Community Bug Reporting System)

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Oh yeah I saw that one, that’s the one I was talking about. A shame it didn’t get passed, but now we at least know they want a proper report on BTT missiles for adding that tech to the game.


“The remaining sources indicate the static thrust of the engine without taking into account channel loss. Not a mistake.”

Both calculated for fully spaded jets
f-16aj in game F100-PW-220
9000 kgf afterburner thrust.
10781 kgf “static” afterburner thrust from open sources
F-16aj have 0.8348 air intake efficiency(Or whatever it is called)

F-15j in game F-100-PW-100
8510 kgf afterburner thrust
10854 kgf “static” afterburner thrust from open sources
F-15j in have 0.7840 air intake efficiency

Correct me if I am wrong.

How is f-15 with bigger air intakes which are also dynamic for more efficiency are worse then f-16 one?
This not a bug looks like bullshit to me.

EDIT: by testing the same for stock su-27 efficiency ratio is 0.92. Aren’t su-27 intakes smaller?


Why does the F-15 feels so much heavier and more bus like than the F-4EJ kai

It does. Angle of attack made wrong I heard.

Dev server instability?
Cause it feels different in test drive than in match.

If flown both in matches on the dev server

Not just AOA but things like roll rate
The control responses just feel like they take ages to react to input




If you think the thrust is underperforming you can perform the maximum thrust short takeoff procedure and compare to the manual. Drag will not be a significant factor here, and it will rely instead on acceleration. Use takeoff flaps.

It states to apply full aft stick at low speeds until nose pitches to 12 degrees attitude. Hold this attitude until takeoff.

At 30,000 pounds, nose wheel should pitch up at 80 knots, wheels up at 108 knots. Total distance to takeoff should be no more than 900 feet (275m).


if anyone’s curious jaek_ did a quick side by side comparison of AAM-3 and AIM-9M ~1:39 mark

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