Mitsubishi F-1

F-1 No. 70-8207 of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron with AIM-9Ls at Misawa Airport. Sept. 13th, 1992

The Mitsubishi F-1 is a twin engine strike aircraft that was used by the JASDF from 1976 to 2006. Based off the earlier Mitsubishi T-2, it was the first domestically designed supersonic combat aircraft to enter the service with the JASDF, where its primary roles included anti-ship attack and ground attack. It was powered by two Ishikawajima-Harima TF-40-IHI-801A afterburning engines, which is a license built version of the Turbomeca Adour Mk 801. Equipped with four underwing hardpoints, one fuselage hardpoint, and two wingtip missile rails, the F-1 could carry an array of fuel tanks, unguided and guided bombs, rockets, anti-ship missiles, air-to-air missiles, and other miscellaneous ordnance in addition to the internally mounted 20mm JM61A1 rotary cannon. In terms of internal equipment, the F-1 utilized the J/AWG-12 FCR, J/ASQ-1 FCS, J/ASN-1 INS, J/AWA-1 anti-ship missile control system, J/APN-44 radio altimeter, J/A24G-3 air data computer, and the J/APR-3 RWR system. In addition, the F-1 utilized the 97JP-1 Kai optical aiming system. The F-1 saw service in the 3rd, 6th, and 8th Tactical Fighter Squadrons.

Carried Ordnance:


  • AIM-9B
  • AAM-1*
  • AIM-9E
  • AIM-9P-3
  • AIM-9L


  • 500lb Mk 82
  • 500lb GCS-1 Type I*
  • 750lb JM117
  • 750lb GCS-1 Type II*
  • 70mm FFAR rocket (carried in J/LAU-3 or RL-7 rocket pods, 19 or 7 per pod, respectively)
  • 127mm ASR rocket (carried in RL-4 rocket pods, 4 per pod)
  • Type 80 Air-to-Ship Missile (ASM-1)
  • CBU-87/B cluster bomb


  • 220 gallon fuel tank
  • AN/ALE-41K chaff pod*
  • CBLS-200/A target practice pod
  • SUU-21/A target practice pod
  • A/A37U-15 target tow system with TDU-10/B towed aerial target
  • JAQ-1 maritime surface target*

*Although not listed in J.T.O.1F-F1-34, photographic evidence points to the capability to carry noted ordnance

Pictures of Ordnance:




imageF-1 No. 90-8224 of the 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron carrying AIM-9Bs, rocket pods, bombs, and drop tanks at Iruma Airbase. Nov. 21st, 1979.

F-1 No. 80-8218 of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron carrying AAM-1s, bombs, and drop tanks. Location and date unknown but due to the presence of the Shimokita Peninsula tail marking, this image was taken after 1979, because the marking was adopted a year after the squadron moved to Misawa Airbase in 1978.

F-1 No. 80-8218 of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron being loaded with AIM-9E (?). Location and date unknown, but due to the presence of the black panther tail marking, this image was taken during or after August 1983, which is when the tail marking was adopted.

image2 F-1s (No. 90-8229 and No. 30-8268) of the 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron carrying AIM-9Ps and drop tanks at Tsuki Airbase. Jan. 27th, 1997.

F-1 No. 80-8267 of the 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron carrying AIM-9Ls and drop tanks at Tsuki Airbase. Nov. 28th, 2004.


imageF-1 No. 00-8248 of the 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Ibaraki Airport shown equipped with 750lb JM117 bombs, ASM-1 anti-ship missiles, and 500lb Mk 82 bombs. In the foreground there are 2 RL-4 rocket pods. Nov. 24th, 1991.

F-1 No. 90-8230 of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron equipped with 500lb bombs and 70mm FFAR rockets. Location and date unknown.

F-1 No. 00-8250 of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron shown with 500lb bombs, 70mm rockets, GCS-1 Type I (foreground, right), and GCS-1 Type II (foreground, left) at Misawa Airbase. Date unknown.

F-1 No. 00-8250 of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron shown with 127mm ASR rockets, ASM-1, bombs, and a CBU-87/B cluster bombs (foreground) at Misawa Airbase. Date unknown.


imageF-1 No. 00-8248 of the 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron shown with AIM-9Ls and 220 gallon external fuel tanks with special livery of the 6th TFS at Ibaraki Airport. Nov. 24th, 1991.

F-1 No. 90-8233 of the 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron equipped with a CBLS-200A ground attack practice pod (inboard) and A/A37U-15 tow system with TDU-10B target (outboard) at Misawa Airbase. Aug. 10th, 1994.

F-1 No. 30-8269 equipped with JAQ-1 maritime surface target (inboard) and AN/ALE-41K chaff pod (outboard) at Misawa Airbase. Sept. 10th, 1995.


Nice to see you here


Likewise, although it does suck that we basically have to start again with pretty much everything…


I was thinking…
T-2 Early premium should get 2x AIM-9E at 9.7
T-2 in the main tree should get 2x AIM-9J at 10.0
F-1 in the main tree should get 4x AIM-9L at 10.3

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Reading about this strike aircraft in Japanese wikipedia and websites, they claim that they fitted one chaff dispenser inside airbrakes. Can someone explain what this means ? is it possible to mount countermeasures inside airbrakes ? Here is the translation from wikipedia:

“Also, no chaff or flare was installed, and it had to rely on the primitive method of inserting the chaff into the speed brake”


Some sites even claim that some of the aircraft used external chaff/flare dispensers such as this one:

“it lacked any self-defense electronics. Some aircraft were equipped with
external jammers and chaff flare dispensers, but many remained unprotected in the end.”


Hmm that’s interesting well we know they can carry chaff pods but never seen flares. Would be cool if we can find at least one with it. F-1 is good but all it’s missing is flares to stay competitive.

The biggest issue with the speedbrake countermeasures is that while many of us are aware of the alleged existence of the chaff inside of the speedbrakes, we just don’t have any technical nor photographic evidence so we don’t really have a clue about anything specific. As for the externally mounted countermeasures, we do have pictures of various types of JASDF aircraft carrying the AN/ALE-41 chaff pod, including the T-2 and F-1.

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is there any reliable source about chaff pod or pictures? What specific chaff pod was that?

I also remember that F-1 had countermeasure pods yet I couldnt find any solid information in internet so I ended up thinking that my brain makes up fake memories.

Edit: Ah I see, MaterialWharf3 says it was AN/ALE41 chaff dispenser and I guess this is the picture of T-2 with the pod:


so why there is still no aim9L for F1…


The entire plane is basically useless at 10.3


Both T-2/F-1 just stuck in mud

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Kept dying over and over again to all-aspect missiles…
This thing is ACTUALLY hopeless


I got a tali on mine lol.
Just quietly thankful I’ve already gone past it in my tree, even past the god awful first F-4EJ lol

We know that the F-1 can use chaff, the real question is if it can use Flares even if it is only on flare/ECM pods where you have to sacrifice a weapon slot to equip it

so why there is still no aim9L for F1…

Because if Gaijin adds AIM-9L’s to the F-1 they will also uptier it to at least 11.0 where it stands no chance, the F-1 with AIM-9P’s already have a hard time against the All Aspect AAM slingers like the A-6E TRAM & Su-25 (and unlike those two aircraft the F-1 isn’t slow) which are 0.3 BR lower than it, giving it AIM-9L’s and the increase in BR as a result will makes it far worse

If F-1 had flares it would be a solid plane at 10.3 but sadly it never got them. Even if gaijin went with a non historical approach and gave it flares , what flares would it even have?

4x 9L is not a balanced loadout for 10.3.

4x9L for a Mach 1.8 Aircrafts with abilities such as it can defend from non all-aspect R-60 despite having no flares/chaffs???

Huh no,…

Sadly, this plane on 10.3 BR is useless without flares. It should be moved lower in BR (9.3, max 9.7) or get AIM-9Ls.

Most likely the ALE-40 I believe. But then again, it was for naval defense so what use would that have IRL, apart from the obvious chaff load, but they had different pods for that as well.

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It’s not useless, it simply should be played differently

At 10.3, 4x AIM-9P3 are absolutely great.
It is capable of dogfighting MiG-21’s up to the SMT/MF (not Bis or equivalent)(you might know what you’re doing to do this)
It is also are far than enough against F-4’s (it is better than C and E variant in dogfight and have good chances to avoid missiles before that)

It does lack Flares/chaffs, but others aircrafts of the same BR also lacks those,…