Mig23ml battle rating

Top speed listed on statcard does not mean missile goes said speed in all conditions.R-24R has longer range and reaches far out targets far faster.


Even when migs pre fire me the half a Mach difference 70% of the time means I wish the engagement

As long as they remain in your radar’s cone, the aim7 will still track them.

There isnt any real situation in-game where a missile will reach its max speed. For example: the r27er has a listed max speed of 5.8m. However, even at 8km alt and going over mach, they hit a wall at about 4.7m.

Of course other factors like thrust, burn time, and lofting will greatly affect the effectivness of the missile.

It feels like the r27 has a slower acceleration to me.

That’s why i say chaff/evade as well, they can mask also… The problem is the radar , not the missile.

Depends on the situation. In side-on attacks, you usually dont have to evade at all.

For more head-on attacks, there are many times where an enemy was not able to get outside of the cone before the missile hit.

But i do agree that the radar is what holds it back.

theyve got about the same range. r24t can be used but in arb theyre worse than r24r in 90% of situations. if f4e had 9ls. it would be 11.7 at least.

There is no “half mach difference”, your aim7e2 has never once ever went mach4 when you fired it in war thunder. Those are not real stats. They are purely for what if scenarios in perfect optimal conditions that are never met. R-24R is always faster in reality.

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Hey if you have the data, like @UnknownDistance had I’m all ears. But the Aim-7E rips off the rail.

(Btw what ever happened to Unknown I wonder?)

There is a but in there. R-24Rs have IOG. So there is a good chance of a hit, even if the Mig-23s radar looses track, the key is to not try and relock and just let the missile go on its own or something to that affect.


He got banned. Click on his profile

For what?

In the case I was talking about, IOG would be very difficult to use.

The only way IOG would work in the case would be for you to unlock the chaff right before their their plane leaves your radar cone.

Of course having IOG is better than not having it in the end.

Having multiple accounts on the forum or something to that affect, says on his profile

I could be wrong, but if the target began to notch and chaff. Cant you just switch off your radar (in the mig-23) and the missile then switches over to IOG. So long as the target doesnt change direction significantly, the missile would then still hit.

I dunno why they would ban him from the forums specifically for that but oh well

You are correct. Although, as long as they are still in your radar cone and you have a lock on something, the missile will continie to track them.

Even if they chaff and your radar switches to the chaff, keeping the lock will allow the missile to continie guiding towards their jet.

J7e is love. And will absolutely shit on anything below 13.0

J7e is great and all but that is a little farfetched

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Lol I’m being a bit dramatic but in a dogfight, idk that anything other than a gripen or a really good f16 pilot stands a chance

m2k, mig29, f-14a, yak141…

And that’s just for pure dogfight performance.
All those are probably better except the f14a which is on par because if both are played very well they just end in a stalemate but the f-14 can ditch while the j7e can’t.

What I mean by stalemate is that the F-14 should be going 2C at high speeds and the J7E doing counter 2C since it can’t really force the 1C against the F-14, but the F-14 can’t get a good gun solution because of how fast and wide the F-14 needs to be rating in the 2C against the J7E

Also, you don’t need a good F-16 pilot to crush the J7E since it vastly outperforms it