Mig23ml battle rating

Top speed listed on statcard does not mean missile goes said speed in all conditions.R-24R has longer range and reaches far out targets far faster.

Even when migs pre fire me the half a Mach difference 70% of the time means I wish the engagement

As long as they remain in your radar’s cone, the aim7 will still track them.

There isnt any real situation in-game where a missile will reach its max speed. For example: the r27er has a listed max speed of 5.8m. However, even at 8km alt and going over mach, they hit a wall at about 4.7m.

Of course other factors like thrust, burn time, and lofting will greatly affect the effectivness of the missile.

It feels like the r27 has a slower acceleration to me.

That’s why i say chaff/evade as well, they can mask also… The problem is the radar , not the missile.