Map rotation is completely destroyed

It is a common opinion that many don’t mind a bit of waiting for something in WT.With you on that.

Nope, not a fact.
Pretty sure you getting the same map, is because of you repeatedly leaving immediately and trying again.

The topic is full of images where you can see even playing the battles you are stuck in the same maps.

I check your repalys and here is your map rotation even playing the battles:
Screenshot - 2023-11-19T134916.379

Ohh surprise you are stuck in the same maps like all the others…


New maps ALWAYS have their frequency increased while they are new…was always like that…it allows “showcasing” the maps…

I dont think it is only data collection…and i dont recall Gaijin saying so. I may be wrong of course. I was under the impression that i was getting my liked maps visibly more lately…since last major update or so…(my disliked map is Vietnam, i dont recall the last time i saw it).

I have no idea what you are talking about…“completely destroyed” is a strong expression…i play on different maps almost every time…i get two in a row on occasion. I checked a couple replays listings…they DO show maps repeating on the same timestamp BUT usually with different players.
I do see a few repetitions on your map list, but also that the maps are 1min apart or even same minute. This probably means you are quitting the maps and restarting…and by doing this you do get the same map more.
THIS^^ is probably the reason and the effect…but it is only noticeable for players that quit matches a lot…so hardly “completely destroyed” as most players won’t even notice it. You can either play a few minutes or wait a few minutes…or keep trying and quitting until you get the map you want. Bear in mind that the game is not expecting players that quit maps until they get what they want…it wouldn’t work if everyone did that as players have different preferences in maps…

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Maybe you can check the topic…

Not is not, is the actual state of the map rotation.

This never happend before the addition the night battles options. So no, is not somehting NORMAL.

I waited for HOURS for obtain exaclty the same maps.

Lets try again, before the addition of the night battles options nad Gaijin touched the MM, you can leave a battle before start and was very rare you enter in the same map, specially when you change another nation and BR. But after the night battles dissater right now youa re stuck in the same map and even playing the map is very very possible you get the same map again.

So please stop acting like this is normal or always been there because is not true.
We are talking about 52 maps plus variants and just a completely destroyed map rotation can give you the same maps over and over and over again.

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@GhostSoph I check your replay and you only played 3 or 4 battles per day, with that low volumen of battles is altmost impossible you can suffer the same problem.

But even with that, 17 of november you played 4 battles (Sinai, Sinai, Maginot, Maginot)

You really think with 52 maps plus varinats that map rotation, is normal???

I said above…Maginot is one of my liked maps :) so i am assuming this is deliberate. You can see above average Maginot on my list.

I dont have time to play long sessions…so i admit i am not sure if this has an effect…but if players dont leave early, replay listings are usually very varied for most players…with each page having few repetitions. Like all RNG…you can get the same map twice in a row…three times is very rare.
AGAIN…if you go RANDOM looking at players replays listings you will see each page having many different maps. If you look for repetitions…you will find some :)

BTW…i can admit that SOMETIMES the rotation seems to “reduce”…some days it does happen…but it is rare…
AFAIK…a “normal” player (that does not quit maps a lot) will NOT notice anything wrong…hence me not agreeing with this being a strong issue.

Map issues do happen. I had days with above average repetitions, had maps that seem to disappear and had days with some map coming up a lot…
I just don’t see a big issue…

In only one minute i find 5 similar topics about wtf is happening with map rotation.

For people only play one nation or 3 or 4 battles per day is not a big issue but for peopel play more battles and several nations is PURE PAIN.

I think the post is in response to a new phenomenon,that is the issue not one of preference or tolerance.

Just curious…people who DONT QUIT matches…is it an issue?
Or is this pain for this group?

I get the same map back to back often, even if my first game took like 10+ minutes to finish.

Yep. So do i. Perhaps more than would be statistically probable if all maps were RNG…but perhaps the lineups we choose change those parameters.
BUT…i look at your replay list and i see LOTS of different maps…

You see the same maps even playing the battles, is boring repeat the same thing over and over again, specially when the topic is full of screenshoots.

Pain is see how Gaijin and his people dont move a finger and prefer hide the problems behind “is players fault”.

I do get different maps, but getting the same map/mode/side back to back isn’t really fun to me, especially when you consider we have a metric ton of different maps.


No it happens when not quitting.I had a couple of repeats of Stalingrad ,one from each end which is fine ,then flanders which i never get ,4 times.I like Flanders and its new so np. It’s a new thing ,not sure how or why.No maps banned or disliked currently.

Just checked my last 25 battles:

  1. Abandoned Town - Domination
  2. Sinai - Conquest
  3. Poland (Winter) - Domination
  4. Karelia - Domination
  5. Ash River - Domination
  6. Ash River - Domination
  7. Ash River - Domination
  8. Normandy - Domination
  9. Spaceport - Conquest
  10. Battle of Hürtgen Forest - Domination
  11. Battle of Hürtgen Forest - Domination
  12. Normandy - Domination
  13. Maginot Line (Winter) - Battle
  14. Falnders - Domination
  15. Japan - Conquest
  16. Battle of Hürtgen Forest - Domination
  17. Aral Sea - Conquest
  18. Golden Query - Domination
  19. Volokolamsk - Conquest
  20. Abandoned Factory - Conquest
  21. Second Battle of El Alamein - Domination
  22. Maginot Line (Winter) - Conquest
  23. Mozdok - Domination
  24. Abandoned Factory - Conquest
  25. Golden Query - Domination

Well there was 3 Ash Rivers in a row, but it looks just like a normal random fluke.

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Just curious…is Ash River a favorite map of yours? I mean…did you choose it as a favorite in game?

The same map for near 10 minutes, remember 52 maps plus variants and you only get the same map for ALL nations in ALL BRs … but everything is fine !!!

Nah, I don’t have any favorites. Marked a few with dislike that’s it.
Probably just a strange coincidence. I don’t usually experience the same map over and over again at all.

“You have the same maps over an over becuase you skip the battles”

Played Italy 4.0 leave the battle after few kills and see how my team is decimated , lets play again with Sweden 3.7, killed by arty when try cap a zone, honestly i can spawn again but just play in the same map is boring so lets try again with Germany 6.7 OH SURPRISE THE SAME MAP AGAIN, 2 kills but my team mostly composed by WW2 tanks is balanced by full postwar allies teams ok lest play USA this time aaaaaannddd THE SAME MAP AGAIN…