Map design.. Why devs are doing this?

God i miss old fulda. I saw it ONCE!!! in sim roation only once!!! Other whise its tiny shit version of good big map.


I don’t remember seeing very many positive opinions of the larger version of Mozdok. It was spawncampy, unbalanced, and not that enjoyable.

The small one is actually a pretty good map, and is a great medium range, rural map.

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I agree.

Personally I disliked it not because it was big, but because the map wasn’t very good in general…

If Gaijin made a proper depiction of the 38th parallel then it wouldn’t be a bad map.



Alas, unfortunately the WT devs are falling into the game-developer noob trap of dumbing down the game ‘to appeal to a broad audience.’

Dumbing games down doesn’t work. It has never worked. Consumers aren’t stupid.

Yet developers (and marketing people - I strongly suspect) continue to fall for the trap. It never truly hooks the short-attention-span COD/Quake players you want to attract (because 5 minutes later they’ve gone off to other things). It just ruins the game for everyone else.

See also - the flawed logic about decompressing BRs and ‘muh queue waiting times’. These daft map changes are no different.

If Razervon is defending them as brilliant you KNOW Gaijin have truly messed up…


Please stop discussing other users behaviour on forum and focus on topic.

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Holland is the worst as well, they not only re-used a previously map, completely wrong setting as well for Holland, bunch of AI generated nonsense with more English than Dutch, and on top of that they instantly ruined it with make half of it off limits.

Like you literally designed this map weeks ago and it’s already in need of adjustments, at least in their perspective.


Someone needs to create a cringe of WT topic and post this thread in it. Wow. This is prime try hard war thunder at its finest. Full of dude who’ve never seen combat calling each other liars missing blatant sarcasm…….

I’m talking specifically of this image which went everywhere on the various platforms…


The fact that people have made edits and exagerated the issue have riled up a lot of people.

And this transposes to the post above…

What’s combat even got to do with this?


I think player are fed up with constantly shrinking maps, and those edits just represents such frustrations.
But feel free to disagree


People making memes to point out the constantly recurring problem?

Who would have guessed. If only there was a solution that would solve the issue of some players preffering bigger and some smaller maps… if only.

It’s not that though, it’s the misrepresentation and exageration of things to make the issue and ignore the points raised.

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So you are saying that all those 3.6k people did not understand simple description Bridges destroyed north part of a map inaccessible and voted based on that picture which appeared there quite later ?
That all those people are stupid ?


Didn’t say that at all, I’m more pointing to the narrative that some carry on, whilst passing this out and egging on the outrage as being manipulative, and by extension, extortionary towards gaijin.

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Berlin, Breslau, Advance to the Rhine are very good maps that Gaijin’s map designers should continue to orientate themselves on. Historical places where you get a War Thunder feeling and not feel like you’re in Duckburg.

Debatable on the first 2, but Rhine is the best designed map ingame. It only gets hate from players who think small=bad, and players that don’t know how to play it.

It allows for tons of movement, but it isn’t open.