Map design.. Why devs are doing this?

Devs accurate map desigh meta in a few months…
Absurd killzone design.

Captura de tela 2024-09-01 071426


Why make good maps when you can make bad maps?


So according to your post… all the large maps are bad cause they’re newer.

If that’s not what you meant, I implore you to research the subject of maps in WT.

Your* map design since it’s your image and you’re not a developer.

That image doesn’t help… it’s not constructive to just voting on the page:

Edited due to suppression from those that like the bridges removed.

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You need some text interpretation. That image represents what devs are doing to the maps over the updates…


That image represents YOUR views as you are not the developers.

There are 10 small maps available at major MBT BRs [8.0+].
The other 21 of the maps are medium sized [which includes live-server Eastern Europe].
And 12 of the maps are large.

The game has a surprisingly balanced amount of maps.

One bad change out of dozens of maps does not make a behavior.

Thats not a anti-large map propaganda. its a critique to the maps changes… we need more diverse maps and devs are turning all of them in a corridor with 99% killzone…


its a exagerated view that represent what i perceive devs doing, “include sarcasm here”


That’s called a lie.

Also, 1 map out of 43 maps is not “all maps”, and it’s not even on live server.

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Sadly, 38th parallel suffered the same fate
It was wide map but over time the map sides started shrinking (In very first iterations of map, you could even get on the dam itself) to what is current map


Looks at red zones in confusion…


To be fair, 38th is one of the 10 small maps available to MBTs.
IDK what the permanent solution is to maps at this time myself.
I do know that increased rewards over the course of the match may help.

Which are only on <5 medium sized maps currently, and I’ve been opposing them since prior to their introduction.

You know very well yourself that Gaijin won’t introduce map based multipliers

I think the issue here is Gaijin taking the easy way out instead of fixing the map altogether

  1. Sneak spots, flank routes, Concealment spots are being built-up or covered
  2. Flanking regions that are not built up are covered in red zones
  3. For the past year or so you get pushed into a CQC / MOUT environment almost every match
  4. Recent screenshots coming from Dev shows even more restricted maps
  5. Tactical gameplay and vehicle utilization like berm drilling, going hull down or gun down is being reduced.

Sorry to say, but in map rotation for the past how long has always been the same few maps with the same corridor push down the middle to the cap.


Wouldn’t the Holland map fit there too?
Basically only one side of the river bank is playable with little wiggle room to the sides


Very much got covered in red VERY quickly.


I didn’t say map-based, I said time-based.

1- Yes, on dev server for 1 map. Every other map has the same or more flanking routes than before.
2- This is an issue I agree. Solution is to do build up… but then it starts to look like Breslau if done too much.
3- This is largely due to players’ map preferences since most maps 8.0+ are not CQC.
4- Eastern Europe is the only one thus far.
5- Berm drilling was never popular. And hull down is still as popular as ever, in-fact it’s more common thanks to the changes on Sweden.

That version of the map is only available to lower BRs if I remember correctly.

I genuinely don’t get the point of the whole putting 3 capture points in a straight line they’ve been doing for a number of maps.

The objectives might as well not exist in such a map, their existence does not impact the gameplay dynamic in any way. You cannot react to heavy resistance on A by diverting to C knowing C is undefended and too far for the slow and heavy tanks on A to respond in time.


You are given 1 free cap on A/C, fight over B in the middle of the map with minimal/no flanking sightlines and side roads into/behind B (as if going behind B would even matter given the entire enemy team is moving in a straight line towards B so setting up an ambush is much less likely to work) and the enemy has their C guaranteed. You can try to back-cap, but they don’t need to divert any resources from their frontline to re-cap C, the tanks that respawned will re-capture it anyhow.

You can’t even try and do hammer-and-anvil approaches because side routes that existed have been turned red or blocked off.

I remember trying to get an angle on a single-cap map by going the long-way around in my comet and suddenly I was told “you’re gonna be executed in 20 seconds unless you leave.” It was a narrow path, so good luck turning around and reversing in a british tank is an exercise in futility.


It’s less than 10 maps, and almost all of them are from prior to 2020.
It’s my preferred method of play sometimes as it makes flanking easier.

Both wide and “line” capture points hold value.

This is not a sniping game, tanks aren’t meant to “tank” - Gaijin Staff


I see @SadLamer is claiming that thousands of players are trolls for opposing Eastern Europe’s changes.

I told everyone to use the M4A2 in a 2019 event. I got over 500 frags in the M4A2 during that event alone, and its BR went from 3.7 to 4.0 during the BR changes after the event.

Glad you understand sarcasm like myself.

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