I think player are fed up with constantly shrinking maps, and those edits just represents such frustrations.
But feel free to disagree
People making memes to point out the constantly recurring problem?
Who would have guessed. If only there was a solution that would solve the issue of some players preffering bigger and some smaller maps… if only.
It’s not that though, it’s the misrepresentation and exageration of things to make the issue and ignore the points raised.
So you are saying that all those 3.6k people did not understand simple description Bridges destroyed north part of a map inaccessible and voted based on that picture which appeared there quite later ?
That all those people are stupid ?
Didn’t say that at all, I’m more pointing to the narrative that some carry on, whilst passing this out and egging on the outrage as being manipulative, and by extension, extortionary towards gaijin.
Berlin, Breslau, Advance to the Rhine are very good maps that Gaijin’s map designers should continue to orientate themselves on. Historical places where you get a War Thunder feeling and not feel like you’re in Duckburg.
Debatable on the first 2, but Rhine is the best designed map ingame. It only gets hate from players who think small=bad, and players that don’t know how to play it.
It allows for tons of movement, but it isn’t open.
My strongest memory of Rhine is M5A1 16 frag match, and Abrams absolutely decimating my Type 90 and my team’s T-series tanks.
Berlin is ass, Breslau is just Rhine but big same with Sweden and Rhine is giga-ass: blind corner streetfighting + soundwhore fest, same issues as Seversk, Ardennes, Eastern Europe small, 40% of Normandy and Aral Sea.
Best Map is Maginot and any other answer is objectively wrong, I will accept Sinai (either version) as a runner up
Learn to play it. It has a ton of cover, which allows you to move all around the map if you aren’t deaf.
It has good flanking, good brawling, most tanks can be effective on it, and it rewards movement.
I wouldn’t call it the best, but that’s fair. The smaller version of fulda is also pretty good too.
mb, sub 7.3 Rhine is decent
Breslau is still horrible though
lol People false-flagged my post cause I’m criticizing the changes on Eastern Europe.
Thanks for the proof that we’re correct.
Single spark ignites the forest fire only if there is a drought for a long time.
And Gaijin is making drought in many ways for a long time. Map shrinking is just one of them.
Many of those who consider themselves the spark are just main charactering it and being deaf about the true solutions.
It’s so obvious all the time.
If you have such ideas for maps, then break out the CDK and make one suitable for the game.
Ok father Fouras… this change was solution to what exactly ?
My idea is not to shrink playable area… I don’t need CDK for it…
There has been dozens of proposals related to maps, some of them really simple and really good, which would fix many issue and improve the game play considerably, but did Gaijin ever truly listened to the community ?
Don’t try label me, then go off in a tangent about how upset you are that things aren’t done in your manner…
Go grab the CDK, and make a map.
You did not answer the question…
See I’m GSB player, so while I think that such map changes are absolutely terrible, I have no problem to take a plane as a first spawn and bomb folk on a ground when they are cramped on a tiny map and easy to find. So there is not really much to go tangent about except Gaijins approach to problems and attitude to player base.
Your asking the wrong person intentionally to try showboat an agenda.
You can by all means get out the CDK and show everyone what you think a mission should look like, and by doing so, understand the difficulty of learning and getting into it.
The real issue with map designs is Gaijin.
-Dumbing down maps=Dumber far less experienced players. So let’s not make German Mains even more incapable than they currently are. Cause looking at low tier and I’ve not had one match in recent days where they managed to win. But thankfully they can comprehend->I’m bombing said location STAY off it to an extent. Had only really 1 incident but the person was chill. Cause i warned them in advance prior to it occurring.
No Idea why you are attacking me here Alvis as I made zero comment on the issue.The forum is already littered with my views on Gaijin’s map destruction so no idea why you think I would be defending them over destroying another of my favoutite maps.
War Thunder seems to be in a destructive free fall currently.
There is nothing I can do to stop it and your somewhat baffling comments certainly aren’t helping.
People are angry,maybe you could spend less time trying to derail the thread and show more empathy with your brothers and sisters.