Make japanese 30 mm planes playable again!

Pretty sure right after the nerf of japanese 30mms other people and I talked about it. But nothing changed since then as gaijin seem to care only of top tier these days I will talk about it again. Like a half a year back (actually it might be almost a year at this point) japanese ww2 30 mms were nerfed - have now slow muzzle velocity, very inaccurate and Ho-155 got removed its only working shells (He tracer). Even before that they were not perfect. They had slow fire rate and had very few shells, but at least when they did hit they hit hard like 30 mm should and flied straight that was the reason planes that used them had 1-0,5 higher br than if they would have with different guns and same air performance. Now half of the 30 mm planes are horribly inaccurate and other half is horribly inaccurate + have no working ammo belts.

The type 5 still somewhat work unlike Ho-155 as it kept its HE tracer with working fuse. Tho its still horribly inaccurate and thing like Kikka could go at least 6.7 as it literally has 50-100 now inaccurate shells.

As for Ho-155 now is literally best bet to use the default as stealth are horribly unreliable getting “hit” most of the time with bloody broken fuse that rarely ever connects and everything else is just AP as with pretty much two useless AP belts.

Ki-200 now is completely useless as it only has Ho-155s and is sitting duck at 8.7. With the little chance it gets to shoot anything at that br let alone in up tier its completely unplayable now with useless shells.

There are only a few options for Ho-155. Give it belt with HEF-I shells as those are only ones that somewhat work rn or give it back HE tracers that Type 5 kept or fix fuse of the HE ones. Even with that fix the planes still dont deserve their BRs as if the horribly inaccurate guns are historically accurate it should go down in br. As Ki-200 for example with its german counterpart Me-163 should be at same br 8.0 as they both have horribly inaccurate 30mms with little shells exept german version ammo belts work while japanese dont. Plane itself is still worse than the Me-163 with less fuel, worse energy renetion etc. , only Ki-200 used to have good accurate guns which it does not have anymore.

Or Ki-84 Hei with 30 mm is whole 1 br higher than the same plane that is missing 30mm which dont work and its better off using accurate and working 20 mms and 12,7 mm with a lot more ammo than having half of the armament 30mm Ho-155s and facing jets with 6.3 prop plane that has its flight performance back in 5.3 and again was this absurdly overtiered because it used to have good accurate hard hitting guns.

And dont even get me started on R2Y2s that were changed from bomber to fighter losing airspawn. Sitting at 8.0 facing things ~300 km/h faster than itself. Sure it has 4 Type 5s that still somewhat work with HE tracers and can get kills. But its really relying on people letting you kill them with half match begin over before you even get to the battle. Or you mostly just get guided rocket in the face which you cant really do anything about.


Japanese 30mm tracer round nerf

*Edit literally tested the stealth shit with Ki-200 today in testing map on those Mig 15s there are and 7/8 hit rounds just did “hit” and 1/8 caused fire. Like wow Ki-200 is litearally unplayable rn with stealth belts. Really better off just using default to have at least 40 of those 120 rounds work. But rather just wait till they fix this nonsence.


the german 30mm is also a tragedy, 102g and still sometimes gets “hits”
why are these HE cannons so weak?

Maybe due to fuze delay. In-game a fuze delay has practically no meaning and is just a downside.
In reality it increased the damage from having the shell explode inside the plane.
Of course that means that it can also explode away from the plane, when it just grazes the aircraft, resulting in a lot less damage.

Even large calibers can hit a plane and deal no substantial damage but the larger the caliber the less likely it should become.

Edit: I checked the fuze delay and it’s 0.1m which still results in heavy damage in the game.
However when you hit armor, and be it armored glass, it can result in very low damage.