Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

The T-90SM and T-90 MK.3/ Bhishma MK.3

I also think the indian choice is questionable, although I also partially don’t like the other options that much. I’m very much against just unncessicarily porting other nation’s vehicles to different nations just because.

Which is why I was and still am against tanks like the M1A1 AIM going to britain.

I really like the idea of the upgraded jordanian CR1s. Could make for decent 10.7-11.0 vehicles in either the SA or vickers line.

I hope not 10.7 or 11.0 as they would DOA since we dont have a single tank at those BRs

also if we must have copy paste slop I would still far rather have a nation close to the UK and one that still actually fucking uses western tech not the sorry excuse india will be in the british tree

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They’d easily be 11.0 or higher to my knowledge

If tanks added to a BR gap are DOA, why do Japan mains want tanks to fill the gaps if they would almost all be DOA?

KE-W with a crewless turret is pretty easily 11.0 material, since the Merkava Mk.3s are also 11.0.

difference is, japan with the right sub tree would get a meaningful amount of additions at those BRs a single Jordanian challenger 1 would have no place in any line up, no point up BRing the other challenger 1s and cant bring it at 11.3 or 11.7 as we have literally 7 or 8 other challenger 2s all that would be better then it

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Subtree is one line only though usually. They could only really get 2 vehicles in 1 br bracket which would still leave gaps

I mean look at the SA tree, it has other tanks not in the actual line, the ZTA3A and the ZT-35 and the other 2 AAs I cant remember how to spell lol

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Bosvark and Ystervark.


Man, I’m just so excited to finally get a Harrier II

Update today ?

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Tomorrow, probably.


No idea. I was voicing my excitement at getting the Harrier II when the update comes out, whenever that may be lol.

Aren’t updates normally Thursday? Or am I just remembering wrong.

No, tomorrow Hungary plays against Germany, European Football Championship. There is no update.
And I hope Germany doesn’t win, otherwise the F4 ICE will definitely lose two AIM 120s, and each Leopard two cm of armor.

What does that have to do with anything?

Tuesday, with Wednesday being the next day with the most releases.


The data from our Lord confirms this.


We are still lacking a trailer isnt it ?

Afaik trailer comes the day before the release, so perhaps trailer today if it’s tomorrow?