Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Gonna keep it 100% dawg, I’d rather have a poor subtree than another eternally half-baked stillborn tech tree like Israel.


No I mean both trees get it since both operated it

I agree personally I think any more then 10 TTs is too much

I’m very much hoping that Yugoslavia, if it’s added independently, isn’t treated like Israel.

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Isn’t it like the lead game directors (dimitri or sum) fav tree? On a side note just found out US beat Pakistan

I guess it’s agree to disagree. Thailand is looking much more likely and I hate it when nation mains get picky. Should have build more military vehicles if they want to get picky.

Unfortunately for you Gaijin disagrees.

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Poland, Korea, and Yugoslavia are the only nations I could see getting halfway decent trees. I really hope that they do and aren’t subtrees, since I don’t play subtrees, but I’d also rather not have another half-baked disaster like Israel taking resources away from the rest of the game.

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Which is unfortunate but I suppose I wont complain

And if Japan cant get SK at least give us ASEAN

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??? I’m not getting picky? I’m just stating I’d rather not see another stunted disastertree like Israel.

in some cases its justified, british mains being pissed we get copy paste eastern slop from india, which even then will literally be like SA and will never go past 10.3 in ground, since the T90S is their best tank

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I remember when the Hungarian air sub tree was shown off in the teaser, I thought the Yak 9 was Yugoslav due to the roundel and I nearly had a heart attack thinking Yugoslavia would go to Italy.


India has a T90M equivalent and even a superior variant technically

and later UK can get russian and french aircraft LOL

(mirage 2000 with R73) hehehe

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Cant wait to grind the Rafale and Su-30MKI in the same tree :D


I believe it was directed more towards me.

do they? the best I could find was the T90S

Man needs to adjust his replies off of scattergun mode then.

They do it even has its own native produced ammo and internals I believe

oh boy, surely it will be good (clueless)

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Really hoping for north Korea one day.
I need myself a Chonma ho