Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

The video comes with the release, at earliest within an hour before it.

I hope for today, this release start to feel long to me x)

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Yeah that’s a well done subtree for the most part

It’s much too late for today.

Do you mean its too early?

No, he meant too late for the update to be today

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Enough boat, giv update now


give a surprise missile bote. neptune missiles on end of the line ita small bote line not enough

No, late. It’s too late in the day for anything to happen.

@Smin1080p anything on this now that dev is closed?


If 80 kg of TNT is good ,then how do you call the 900kg TNT in Type 93?

its not all about explosive mass, its a patrol boat with 8 torpedos, and they are pretty fast also pretty sure IRL the SET-72 is a wake homing torpedo

Any updates would generally be shared on the report itself.


A torpedo with the speed of light and 80 kg of TNT is not going go kill anyone except PT boats.

Hi Smin, Should we stay tuned to the news today or is that it for the day?

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Hope you had a nice vacaction.
And are rested to withstand the pure forum chaos again

okey dokey

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Project 11451 boats, thanks to their high speed, towed sonar array

Which it has modelled internally on the devserver:

were supposed to search for enemy submarines.



It confused me when I first saw the X-ray.So it turned out to be a sonar?

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