Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

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they are defenetly less close to or at top tier that’s for sure (A.K.A only me)


some of the exemples

I just noticed that there’s an Argentine camouflage in the Israeli tech tree. Specifically, on the AML-90. What’s curious is that in WT Live, this camouflage was meant for the French AML-90, but it seems Gaijin deliberately placed it in the Israeli TT. Perhaps this is the reason behind the change regarding Argentine vehicles in the German TT.



I wouldn’t read too much into it. Gaijin kinda randomly puts skins in trees if they can go multiple places. e.g. The UK Hunter FGA.9 has a Swiss hunter skin, even though there’s a swiss hunter in the German tree, or the Hungrian 2A4 skin on the German 2A4

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I know, I’m just trying to interpret why Gaijin decided not to give Argentine planes to Germany.

I also noticed that there is a Chilean mask, another from Ecuador, and one from Venezuela. Maybe Gaijin will make LATAM a sub-tree, idk. What is certain is that Israeli military technology has a strong presence in LATAM. Maybe it just means that.

Before making any sub trees and nations I want them to rework them.

As the current system of filling that 5th line with something not only harm their parent nations but also the sub too.

This suggestion would fix both and make the nations more healthier imho.
Plus it would work marvellously when we are getting more faction nations.


I have always agreed with this. However, Gaijin seems determined not to listen. I think they will first give a sub-tree to each nation, or at least to the minor ones as they have been doing, before adding a new one nation and before reworking the TTs. In that sense, among the minor nations, we still have Japan and Israel without a sub-tree (and China, although unlikely even if we consider Taiwan).

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I would say that the next two sub-trees will definitely be for Japan and Israel, in that order.


Japan can have Malaysia and Thailand.
Israel can have Chile and Singapore.
China can have North & South Korea.

I just find it odd how we are getting two subs per nation now


Due to the fact that they denied Argentina to Germany, I would also consider Argentina as a candidate for Israel, even along with Chile. The military relations between Argentina and Israel are as extensive as those with Chile.

Yes, it seems to be the case. This update confirms it with Benelux and India. By the way, Chilean_Thunder was working on a South American sub-tree for Israel.


Don’t forget Italy with Romania and Hungary too (Not with this update tho)

I mean for Israeli air they could get more things like the Mig-21 & 3 ect without getting a sub line.
But yea I feel like Chile is the best.

Oh I must take a look at that when it’s done.

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That’s true, and we also forgot about the Scandinavians.

I was 100% in agreement that Chile is a VERY good option for Israel. lol It’s normal for the British to prefer Chileans over Argentinians, and I respect that. However, I’m not trying to argue with you, just aiming to stay objective.
Argentina’s situation in War Thunder has changed, and the chances of seeing more Argentine vehicles have decreased. Therefore, it’s reasonable to consider other possibilities, and Israel is the best option to see more Argentine vehicles.

I don’t want to delve into historiography here, but the relations between Israel and Argentina date back to the early 1980s. Israel supported Argentina during the Falklands War, and to this day, we continue to have joint projects. Even Chile took its 2A4 tanks to Turkey because Israel is carrying out the modernization of the TAMs with the TAM 2CA2.

Furthermore, if nations are receiving at least two sub-trees, Chile and Argentina are definitely a great combination for Israel. I mean, I don’t see the need to choose between one or the other. Israel needs both.

By the way, Gaijin has been dropping some subtle hints LOL.



thing is FGA9 came before the F58 same with the german 2A4 before the hungarian one, the AML90 was in the french tree first im pretty sure, also if I remember arent the later TAMs being upgraded by israel

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USS Midway, USS GYATT (with missiles) or USS Alabama is what I’m hoping for


I could maybe see USS Alabama, I doubt USS Midway as we dont have carriers and jumping to the Midway is pretty dumb, I think Gyatt is the most likely due to it being the first DDG


Well it’s a French vehicle, yep it was in France alone at first, before coming to UK thanks to SA subTT, then Israel.

It exist with a dozen of variants and we still have only one, i’m sad about that too.

Yeah you are right, Alabama could be like the Mississippi but Gyatt would be the most interesting and realistic. Maybe the midway one day, it’s the only carrier I have a connection to.

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We don’t even have carriers, maybe you shouldn’t be hoping for Midway. Alabama is also similarly going to be a no since Gaijin is currently allowing only 1 battleship with 16-inch guns and she’s from 1921.

The destroyer with the very unfortunate name could be a good one, first DDG and all. But I imagine they want something a with a bit more draw. Like Gangut that’s been leaked recently. I can’t believe Russia has gone this long without an event BB anyway.

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The one with the 60mm mortar and 20mm autocannon would be a menace due to its high speed and low profile.

I have some eyes on the variants with 6x SS11 missiles alongside the same 90mm but all variants looks cool :p