Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Of course.

No cursing please X(

This game is getting boring my dudes…
I’ve been playing this game for almost 8 years now - grinded most of the Tech Trees - but now everything feels like playing all nations over again.
The nations aren’t even unique anymore. All nations feel the same because all nations have the same lazy copy-paste vehicles instead of unique ones.

And when you look at the old-warthunder-forum:


Suggestions - War Thunder - Official Forum

You see so many unique vehicles with stats documentation - then i always wonder: “why haven’t i seen this in the game yet?” - this has already been published for almost 6 years.

Instead of the most fun looking, unique and historical rich vehicles - we get C&P import vehicles.

That makes grinding and playing this game really, really boring and worse of all: “Repetitive”.

I’m sure i can say this on behalve of lots of veteran players.


i couldn’t have said it better myself, 12 year vet here, same feeling


My friend has just noticed the US (Event) Merkava 2B and the Israeli Merkava 2B have different models and armor

wouldn’t surprise me, knowing how assets are treated lol give them 6 years and it will get fixed

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The Event one has additional composite screens on the turret roof and an additional .50

Someone should absolutely report this (I dont know how and itll be a pain on mobile)

to be honest with you, there would be no point, they only just put a drag chute on the Arado Ar 234 plane and its been in the files for a long long time (prior beta 1.27 patch)

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Thats fair but someone should still do it just in case

Tell me something new lol

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all we want is Quality of Life upgrades, bring balance to all missing vehicle types on all nations that need to catch up, and for the love of god, give us dynamic maps that change when frighting on them, new targets to kill, attack and defend, not just cap A,B and C.

That’s all we ask for


What id give for a UI overhaul and a overhaul of some core mechanics like CCRP


Oh, careful with this one
Some old guards would raise their pitchforks in protest and keep saying that “there’s nothing wrong with current UI!”

(For the reference, I don’t really mind)

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id give my left nut

When it will be tradeable at market? Want to buy one.

I still remember Alvis having a melt down over the sub tree UI suggestion lol


Its more the lack of configurability. There should be no reason for why each and every element couldnt be toggled on/off at will, maybe even adjust the opacity and position for everything as well.

Especially from a sim player. Really annoys me that in aircraft like the Lightning that have a really visible in-cockpit radar screen, that I cant just disable only the radar panel

Lighning HUD

Now that drag and drop UI element was added
Why not apply that to loadout menu?

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Yep, exactly things like that. Come in its 2024 not 2004

i thought you where reply to my comment then hahaha