Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I mean both germany and france worked on it so i dont see a reason why they both cant get it

the embt yes
the leo is purely a project from the german side

Thats what i meant my bad, look great for both tanks though. Though if it does get added to the game gaijin might only add it to france because of the df 105 only being on germany lol seriously though that is probably a few years away.

there is 2 other embt variants before this one first lol. And once both lines are established there is not realy a excuse to deny it

The snail does as it wants, reason is not something to trust here lol

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Pleasantly surprised I could actually read and understand the article lol. The difference between the two in culture is significant but in terms of the languages themselves they are very similar, I would compare it to British vs. American English as they differ in pronunciation and a small handful of words, are attached to pretty different cultures and are mutually intelligible for the most part. Catalan vs. Valencian is linguistically more akin to dialect vs dialect than language.

And if they did add it what are the chances one of the very few different words is used. And they could mix the pronounciation up + radio/echo effect to make it impossible to tell

Another 3rd gen fighter with ARH MRAAM in the future

  • MiG-21-93 with R-77
  • Kfir 2000 with Derby
  • Cheetah C with R-Darter
  • F-5EM with Derby
  • F-5E Tiger III Plus with Derby
  • F-5TH Super Tigris

I’m quite concerned gaijin forget or lazy add Rb 99 on JA37D Viggen this major update

Mirage F1 MF2000 would be researchable vehicle after Mirage F1CT. but Mirage F1EM VI (RMAF) maybe early aircraft premium-pre order pack in rank VIII


The Ja37d going up with the ja37C taking its place leaves bigger gaps in the TT it wpuldnt be worth it.

I don’t think you know how different Arabic dialects are, especially the more you go west. It’s a miracle we can understand each other to a certain extent.

A lot of people probably don’t realise to be fair, but the new Leopard 2 is most definitely a German only development. Had France had any part in the turret development they most certainly would’ve slapped their own optics on it.

Im biased but I’d personally prefer to see the EMBT Ascalon go to France only on the provisor that a new EMBT eventually comes along using the Rheinmetall 130mm which would go to Germany only. I think that is fair and ensures uniqueness between the two tress’ top-tier.

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jup pretty much what i said right at the start as well

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I think any new tanks being built by defense companies should only be added to in game nations if they are actually adopted into service by said nation or sub nation. There are plenty of vehicles built by nation specific companies that aren’t adopted or used. That’s also why I’m against the AbramsX being added as it was not adopted, merely being used as a step off point for the next service tank in the US.

In any case, adding Catalán and/or Valencian to the game would be like adding Bavarian to Germany or something, hahah.

the problem with that one is that it only was a mock up, it wasnt functional as far as i am aware thats the problem
Prototypes definitly should be part of the game. They play a big part of war thunder. It just gets complicated in cases like this. But its pretty obvious how it should be done

I do agree overall, but exceptions should be made when there is nothing to be added in it’s place.

AbramsX is a prime example. The SEPv3 already has counterparts in game, and the SEPv4 isn’t significantly different in terms of in game things. So with the next major leap of MBT strength the US either needs to go back in time by adding tanks like the CATTB with a 140mm or needs the AbramsX. Assuming that it will be a couple years before we get to see whatever the M1E3 ends up being.

wasnt the problem it being a mock up?

They did test fire the turret on a test emplecement so it could fire iirc.

yes, but all other features werent actively working
thats the same reason the thropy for challenger 3 got denied

It was functional, and I’ll caveat what you said with the prototypes, I’m cool with prototypes tested by the military as part of the choosing who gets the contract. It’s just when vehicles are made and no interest was ever given by a nations military that we have in game. I think we could probably get some clarification from CMs on whether they need to be tested or in service before being able to be added but I’m just putting my opinion out there. I do understand the want for things developed by nation specific defense companies though.

True, and even if it had functioning systems, we wouldn’t know half the stuff about them.

That is why while discussing tanks like the modern EMBTs, AbramsX and the new Leopard 2 that was posted yesterday is fun, we won’t see them in game for the years to come.