Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

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yes forgot its 5 per year

May / June

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you have to admit it looks nice though

I’m sorry but to me it looks god-awful compared to almost every other 4th gen fighter, especially from front and side

In the Spanish army, only Spanish is used hahah (and English for international communications and as common knowledge for manuals, etc)

Besides, in your example, if they were all from Valencia, they would use Valencian in any case, not Catalan :P (they are different, my mother is Valencian and they hate when Valencian is said to be Catalan, hahahah)

With these new event we can now see where the June one would be released.
The Christmas update always release around the 15-20th.

So that 2 now what will have a firm pattern on : D

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i do know a bunch of planes lost EFS, F-16A and others

finland has the same issue sadly, very few actually unique finnish vehicles

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Good addition to add in 2+ years. Hopefully Gaijin has at least improved the MBT situation of most other nations in game.

nothing new just 2 planes that were already ingame that got them

devblog says tier 6 now, tho the good against aircraft quote is interesting

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Fair enough about the Spanish only in military

Trust me, most Valencian people do not appreciate people suggesting that it’s the same language, because the “same language” argument is usually linked to the Catalan argument that “Valencia is nothing but a part of Catalonia” instead of a province and community of its own with its own history and identity.

@MS_Phantasm besides the embt 140 ascalon they seem to have announced an leclerc with an 120mm ascalon as well called leclerc evolution.
That one will be purely for france!

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Looks like we’ll have to wait for next week to see any peaks at it though

jup, would be to boring if we out everything before hand

Just a teaser photo would be nice
I need to see the new shiny thing that is 180% coming to WT yes yes

well will be one heck of a debate either way for the embt ascalon…
I mean that one is debatable if it should go to germany. But that some french are claiming the new leopard come on u dont need to sink that low and grasp at straws

I think that’s mostly confusion about the turret etc due to EMBT muddying the waters for a casual observer. I wouldn’t read anything more than people desperate for a decent MBT, a common trend with all the “we should get this” arguments.

sadly no, their argument was its knds so the leopard is french as well when told the embt ascalon could end up in germany as well