Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

I don’t see why you’re getting upset and trying to insult me. I’ve had nothing but a civil discussion with you about this. If you truly feel that you’re cheated by the specific tanks you mentioned, then we can say if a tree needs a spot filled then sure have a tank that was exported and not used. Pretty sure that’s what was mentioned earlier anyway. But in the grand scheme of things not every vehicle created needs to be added, they just don’t. If it has a purpose to fill a spot and wasn’t used sure I guess but if it’s just padding an already existing BR bracket then no.

Beat sand…?

that on arguably got tested by the german military. It somehow ended up in a german festival /event where they showed it of in action.
Honestly his whole argument about nation testing etc is completly stupid.
Because in some capacity the nations are always involved in the development even if they dont end up using them themself


no i just think your take is incredible bad and is already countered by plenty of vehicles in the game
you just dont seem to understand that everything you are arguing for is already the state in the game

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That is true. The Leopard 2 A-RC has/will be tested by the Bundeswehr as well imo because it’s part of the 2Ax development.
This whole argument just doesn’t really matter tbh because Gaijin will add whatever they want. Be it a prototype, demonstrator or in service vehicle.


This is assuming that they will model that western “quality over quantity”, because as of now the majority of the western MBTs aren’t doing too hot.

they still have their own voice line, i agree that they are bad overall, many other crew lines sounds weird for natives as well, doesn’t justify the need of a “Northen latam” voice lines as you claim. Imo the mayor issue with the spanish crew lines isnt the accent but the voice lines itself, fx on the vrcc they call the apfsds “casquillo” or how they they call a tank “tanque” instead of the " carro de combate" which is the proper term specially for a tank crew

do you realize that we have a single english setting?

So do two wrongs make a right? When do we stop with putting just anything built in the game. There does have to be a line and people have to have some self control over some nationalism. There’s a huge list of vehicles then that could be thrown in that were built by companies but not used or tested. I just don’t get where the hostility comes from when all of a sudden an opinion doesn’t meet people’s expectations of what their nations should look like

same with the embt, its literaly the tank prototype to lead into the EMBT, of course the nations armys are testing it and giving input how the mgcs should end up in the end

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as we pointed already out. All the tanks in question are getting tested by german military either way

Out of the western MBTs right now that give me more most trouble I’d say it’s probably the Leclerc and the Abram’s (damn turret ring) but honestly even the Ariete works well for me. Also thank you I remember it was you now that mentioned that things could be added if they fill a missing slot, that does make sense in the long run

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You are so hellbent on the one time I mentioned “Northern LATAM” many days ago, instead of the constant mentions I make about simply separating LATAM from European…

The only time I mentioned further variants was in a case scenario of making more variants. But ever since, I’ve simply suggested making Teo variations; LATAM and European.

A single English setting with 5x variants; U.S, G.B, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

And it’s far fetched to ask for 2x distinct variants of Spanish…?

The differences between Latin Spanish variants and European Spanish are way more numerous and bigger than any potential difference between any of the ingame English variants. In War Thunder, the English variants vary mostly just on voice acting, while the two Spanish variants would be entirely different dialects not just with different pronunciations and intonations, but also different vocabulary and grammar.

They could perfectly even be different game settings.

Anyway, it’s not like this is anything important or relevant hahahah (let alone ontopic)

How old are you?

we have a single english setting and 5 different crew lines, not variants.

we already have 2 of them, they are bad overall but it is better than nothing when we just have a grand total of 5 vehicles.

different english variants with different accents and words, at the very least dont put south american lines in a spanish vehicle, its like putting american english on the UK for no reason


I don’t get why you keep saying export vehicles like nations have never tested vehicles that are exports. You keep saying as if there aren’t vehicles that are exports weren’t at one point competition failures for requisitions by different MOD’s. Or were used by a Military at one point and phased out and exported to others. I don’t get your line of thinking than an export means the nation itself never tested it.

man i would get mad too if the wall i’m talking to keeps comming with the same argument seeing that the argument dosent have any grounds to stand on, You just keep ignoring the fact that those export vehicles werent tested by the nations and they are export yet the nations are still using them

then the guys whole argument fails either way as well, because in some capacity we tested the exports as well of course


Not arguing for or against you or the other guy. I just keep seeing you repeat that and it’s a perplexing statement.

Happy to see the Vextra 105 dovbleg !

But i guess it’s still WiP, nothing about it’s pen (should be not 320mm anymore like at the start of the devserver but more around 488) or other stats except max speed.