Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

if you cant tell it was a joke making fun of @Hyrikul trying to say italy and the UK shouldnt have gripens from their sub trees, america can have their AV8B, not like it changes much most people will still just use the F16C for CAS

As a Japan Main i do not approve of a Nerf to one of two Heavys we got.
Also Heavy Tank No.6 is probably my Fav Tiger.
I even dressed him up as a Russian :D


Russian Captured Tiger is not real, he cant Harm you.


The KV-1B is indeed the most iconic one. But there’s another that could be added: KV-1A - Klimi a Finnish KV-1 model 1942
(The one you talked about as well I believe)

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The plant will take years to be set up. So far all Hungarian KF41 were build in Germany. Got added to Italy anyways. Wish Germany would also benefit from these mechanics. Like getting an Italian F-16. But somehow it never works this way.

Bruh what lol ?

Well… If there is no plan for Spain… Then Spanish AV-8B+ could be kinda interesting for Britain

This is the 4.7 i mentioned as its the same as the KV-1C but with the original zis 5 gun. Now tell me whybit should be allowed at 4.3 to bully people who cant pen it. Armor wise it should be 4.7 gun wise it should be 4.0 but again no lineup means it either seal clubs or gets clubbed. You also mentioned theyd get more vehicles and you didn’t mention anything outside what i did. I’m just saying thats why i suggest the kv-1b because it fits the br lineup thats available. Adding a tank that doesnt fit the br of a nation sucks (type 87 rcv p bei g 7.7 2ith nothing else except 7.3)

Oh. I didn’t notice the quotations 💀
They gotta tone down the copy paste though France didn’t need F-16s

I think they were just being facetious?

This thread would be a better place if we stopped being so hostile with one another.

There’s room to discuss C&P without assuming the worst about others


maybe because Hungary is a Italian Sub nation? and italy isnt a sub nation of germany? also crazy export tanks that are used by nations in game go to the nations in game


That was unneeded. But everyone should get the vehicles they actually used

true lol

France didn’t, Belgium did

Still the sexiest a Sabre has ever been

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yeah no I just let you go on a bit, was curious if you thought i was serious or not lol

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Idk, I suggested 4.7 also, but 4.3 is not really clubbing as these can be easily one-shotted by many 3.3 and 3.7 guns. 4.7 against 5.7 with Zis-5 is though, but not impossible, only mobility is the big drawback then.

Adding a non-meta BR does suck, I agree.

Ah well, it was only a matter of time.

Still, I don’t understand the point in adding a fake camo for the ship. The dark grey from the most well known picture would have been more than enough… Here it looks like a German E-boat.

Imagine crying about Italy is a nation like that was added in 2017 that some coping right there.

I can’t believe he said that

Once again BeNeLux should have been its own TT. But Gaijin has shown they don’t do research with two statements now.

So our best hope is for Gaijin to add this:


Regardless you see the point im making, the 1942 makes sense on russia but not for finland/sweden, there just isn’t a viable line for it to play. Kinda like the cv9035 the 9.7 line is an spaa and another 40mm boi and thats it. The only 9.3 that imo is worth bringing to 9.7 is the t72m1

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