Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

@Smin1080p Is the F-16 Block 50 receiving the same PIDS+ pylon the F-16AM Block 15 MLU?

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What’s the source for this and the source for the Li-1 having a smokeless motor?

Thats the good question. I have seen claims for L/I-1 smokeless motor, but no source to back it up.

It should have the same engine as a normal L I believe. Ausrüstung und Technik: Die AIM-9L/I

That would make it not smokeless

germany is waiting for their own strelas lol

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M4A5 is not a Sherman(also the name comes from a cancelled order by the US making “M4A5” paper), The Ram II is older than the Shermans all altogether (albeit by a month). The Grizzly is a different vehicle.

Both are based on the M3 hull, which is about it(The ACs form Australia are also based on the same hull from what I hear)


Not trying to take away from Belgium but why did they get 2 F-16s and the dutch 0?

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I mean they could make the Dutch one premium or a SQ.


They must have bribed gaijin with waffles


Dutch were too stingy to do that :(


Non amraam F-16 is possible as premium I guess these days.

Pre order skin like this would be cool


Now since I’m back at home I’ll give you a few links.
For Germany

Argentina & Polish F-16s, not wanting the Hungarian’s to get their 2A7HU, German’s wanting the Dutch & the Swiss as their subs as well as Austrian vehicles for Germany, Kf-41, the Challenger with the 130mm, Polish K2 ect.

So yea keep bashing us Brits is just beating a dead horse over and over again at this stage is just unmatured.


this one could work to


you choose a very bad quote of me their, that was from a guy that wasnt even german. It was a US player complaining germany shouldnt get an F-16 and rather should get greece.
So yeah bad quote from you

poland and argentinia have already been denied, so possibly switzerland or turkey as solutions.
That makes 2 same as UK currently has, while UK is asking for additional countries.
That is not me mentioning how quote is from a guy that literaly posted nothing else and is just complaining /ranting without much knowledge

you are literaly quoting one of the biggest german fan forum trolls. if you take that seriously that is one of your own mistakes


small number of salty people which arent true. They might fear a repeat of the sweden situation which is valid and should not be repeated

like i said denied

that ones open for possibility to solve the A2A problems of germany

that is one i rarely hear. generaly they dont have anything that would help germany in the first place

you mean the german vehicle? their is plenty of KF41 versions germany can get which arent the hungarian one

like it or not but that is partly german as well
as i said

ignoring polish vehicles being denied. Its for the meme of the gathered Panther tanks in one tree thats it

Difference is, that the Brits are very serious of their demand of canadian or australian vehicles
While compared to that, german ones are specialy for the problem of the A2A problem. Its not that we want all those nations. Those are the nations that could possibly give us a solution to the problems.
Since nations get denied in case of dutch, argentinia and poland. Naturaly we looked elsewhere for possible solutions.
The only ones continueing for those nations are literaly the uneducated ones that dont know about gajin clearly saying they wont add more of those nations to germany.
While for the brits you guys do continue to ask for canadian and australia even when gajin stated as well they wont add them to it.

In my perspective, germany and uk share many aspects. We have just as many possible vehicles and developments. If we realy compared their real life capabilities their wouldnt realy be much of a difference.
But here we are UK has 2 dedicated sub trees which bring diversity and 1 vehicle even solving a massive problem for the British air tree.
While germany has 0 dedicated sub trees and is looking for 1 possible solution to solve a massive problem in their air tree


It’s an M3 hull using US built engines and transmissions. That was enough to get the SK105 in the French tree after a forum meltdown. Why would the Ram be any different?

thats not a good point


It’s a great point. Why should the standard be different?

Yea I meant to quote the Spanish F/A-18 comment my bad on that one.

I mean who to say Renzo is a troll especially taking things from reddit seriously I mean come on lol.

Small number yea agree but Renzo is doing the same here which I keep pointing out just because people say things here doesn’t auto mean it every British main.

It’s not there now iirc but the guy said if you have a Indian PM there for you want Indian vehicles.
So I asked him about a curtain Austrian leader being in Germany so does that mean Austrian vehicles should be added to Germany. He the agreed.

But it’s mainly as still is a British vehicle just saying lol.

The main reason why we want a Canadian and an Aussi sub is to replace the ones that doesn’t make sense like Indian and South Africa. That point is often over looked we want them to replace not to add more on top of South Africa and India.

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Uh, the SK105 is mostly french. The entire turret for example, is based on the French FL-11 turret. Kinda a bad example?