Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

What did I miss?

It was not. Smin said Argentina is not Germany sub tree.

A tree and a nation are different.

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He said it’s not a sub tree, not that it isn’t a sub nation.

he literaly says it in the 2nd pic

He said its not sub tree nation in the first post

this one as well

Assuming I also don’t hate what German mains do.

Problem is that they at least mostly ask for vehicles they desperately need, unlike british mains asking for the M1A1 AIM and Centauro RGO when those were added.

or those were we participated in the development, which is legitim i would say

Since when ? As for the AIM it’s simole even for you to understand. We don’t want India as a sub as now it’s more allied to Russia than us Brits.

Unlike the T-90 the Aim is still relevant to the British tree.

As for the Centauro I’ve not seen anyone as for that.

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you might not want it, but its a fact its part of your tree now. And you have to deal with the “consequences” one being it further limiting any further nation additions for you

when the premium got announced many said it would /should go to UK i remember that as well


india strela 10 when

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Lets give all MBTs to UK, Chinese ZTZs (Because Hong Kong was british colony), M1A1 AIM, T-90, Leopards, Merkavas (because Palestine was its colony too), and turkish tanks too
Dont be modest, least based british main

If we are strictly talking about the PLA garrison in Hong Kong they do operate a handful of ZSL92s. Well, not like that Britain 6.7-7.0 lacks vehicles, at least its better than the ratel

All I need to understand is that a bunch of nation mains want to hand pick some of the best vehicles from different trees to be added to the british tree.

And yes the T-90S wasn’t a good squadron vehicle, they should have added one of foreign upgraded CR1s instead.


Italy still waiting for the Hungarian strela

Next update France will get their Leopard 2A6, and unsurprisingly gaijin will release the Leopard 2A4 as a new pack for France. Touring Leclercs and Ariete is pure suffering, so gaijin will just release the Leopard 2 to France and Italy. What a simple and brainless solution, so much so that one wonders if gaijin has to pay for a professional planning team to plan this game update, after all, the schoolboy next door to my house should be able to do the same thing. At the end of the day, with all the countries flying Leopard 2s and T-80s, we have a really balanced game!


Oh yea conveniently pick reddit which is worse than the fourms lmao.

But I do agree with your top point

When have we asked for a centauro RGO? The main vehicles we have have complained about are the swiss hunter for germany, as germany had minimal reason to have it with france probably being a better pick, but the BEST pick would have been britain as it would have given us a hunter thats actually worth playing. The only reason our hunters got “re balanced” was due to the absurdity of th ebr of the swiss hunter, and its still the same br as ours with better missiles, flares, drop tanks, agm 65s… I was only anoyed about the austrailian abrams as it implied gaijin would start to give america austrailian vehicles in the future.

Early canadian vehicles should have gone to the british, the m4a5 was based of a grizzly chassis (which was a licensed brought Sherman chassis). With latter leos going to germany.

The class 3p was made in south africa, by south africa, with a german company providing its engine. It should be moved to the british tree, just like how the shot kal was moved from the british tree to the Israily tree.

I would grind other nations if i wanted them, what i want are the more unique vehicles from these nations that are more related to us than some random nation that gave them an engine, or some other piece of technology. Especially when it comes to thigns like the challenger 130mm, we couldnt dare ask for a leopard variant but you want to try and claim (a most likely useless tank or you as the challengers are sadly usless) challenger that was modified by a German company and was never gonna even be looked at by it the country?