Polish F-16 for Germany, instead of F-4F ICE

All the other nations that have been sub-par the last few updates are being fueled by the German Main tears here.

Polish Sherman VC and Polish ORP Garland in UK tt, so UK should have Polish F-16 also? What about US? They have a hidden Lanovski’s P-47M-1-RE which is Polish also. Should US also get a Polish F-16?


-1 Polish F-16 has no business being in a German tech tree. The sheer desperation in this post is noticeable.
If you absolutely need to have something from a other country then take Greece.


FINE. We’ll take the Turkish F16… Hehe Mr Bean GIF - Hehe Mr Bean Tongue Out GIFs

or spain, we can get the spanish F/A 18, it has CAS ability which the swiss one lacks

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Btw, you are saying that germany should get greece RAFALES , france aint gonna be happy

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Those will be going to the US TT because the US has 1 Greek aircraft in its TT and therefore is a sub-nation



Germany is self sufficient major nation as Russia and US, no need in vehicles from other nations.


So same as france and UK and they still got multiple sub nations. Thoser 2 have just as many vehicles and developments as germany.
Whats your argument for them?

Seriously, when you hate on a nation just for the sake of hating better just stay quiet


Mfs be hating just to hate

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France already has one of the best ingame air forces. Espcially the CAS potential is very good. They didn’t need the dutch stuff, but got it anyways.


Why not take the Danish F-16?

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you mean denmark thats part of the swedish tree most likely?

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It still has 0 vehicles in Sweden 🤷

i take it you missed the introduction of the CV9035DK?


It would appear so

Still doesn’t take away the Danish availability to Germany until confirmed to be part of Sweden by someone who has a voice on the matter

i mean they said skandinavian vehicles would go to sweden

You just want to avoid switzerland to germany dont you?

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That’s one part of it, but considering that the topic is about Polish F-16 you can assume my stance on that too

I mean they can add Danish vehicles to other tech trees as well just like they did with Romania and Canada