Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Because the UK actually used the vehicle over the US, which didn’t. And Canada spent WW2 building not only for itself but also for the UK everything Canada built was also meant to be used by the British during WW2.

The UK was an operator nation of the thing. Besides parts are a very bad argument. As I could go around claiming a number of vehicles can’t be American as they use Canadian-built parts. and other nations could do the same for X and Y.


Correction. We are asking for a replacement country not additional countries.

South Africa is already too late. But there is desperate hope we can stop getting soviet C&Ps and instead get some actually good Canadian or Australian stuff. With the exception of the odd item here or there from Australia and New Zealand, the main emphasis should be on Canadian stuff. They have some really inetersting native built stuff that is far far more interesting than anything India ever built


that was my desperation for a solution. Because swiss F/A 18 are nice … But no A2G, everyones on their multirole fighters while germanys best case gonna stay the Tornado or the f4f ice with 2 mavericks

The post was from Maveric5I50 there for the merkava that wasnt Renzo

the problem is that plenty of bigger britain mains said the same

fair enough, but realy not relevant i feel like

i am not arguing that, But fact is, it was build in germany with a german 130mm and got a new german armor kit looks similar to the revolution kit of the leopard.
It is not the armor chosen for the chally 3
It was tested in germany
And it is not being adopted into the British service.
So the claim for the vehicle is open, thats a fact. Even if i think germany doesnt need it. There is a reason the suggestion mods accepted it for germany in the first place

Thats the thing, you know good enough. There is no replacing. That wont happen. There is only adding on top no matter how much you complain about it. Gajin just plenty of times they rarely care about or concerns

its austrian developed, just used french parts just saying

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as i said.

India is a gian market for gajin they are exploring. They wont stop that golden geese. You guys might not want russian vehicles. But it might be exactly what the indians want

I meant to say is Renzo a troll for keep bashing us Brits and using government approved sources like reddit of all places lol.

And the Ram hull is mostly American, based on the M3.

Indians want to be in the UK? Huh, form the few I’ve seen online that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Yes, I have no doubt they want to be in War Thunder but not in the UK.

gajin doesnt care. Indians want their vehicles. its in UK sucks for them, but wont stop them from paying

And so are the Australian Sentinel tanks.

May I ask what TT they are in?

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Other than training, what service did the Ram or Grizzly see?

They should be in the US tree.

really cool the damage adjustment for missile, but PARS pls too???


No. Gaijin wants to be able to just C&P Soviet vehicles into every TT instead of spending money on the unique British or South African built stuff that can only go to 1 TT


bad example the T-90S is plenty of unique and different to other T-90s

i mean look at the 2a4 i think that one is handled way worse and lazily by gajin

Still a T-90 at core over something like the Challenger 1 Falcon. I doubt it took more than 5 minutes to remodel it


longer , that shovel attachment alone is quite unique and would have eaten up a good bit of time

and the mig-21?

Take the Mig-21, slap a radar from the Su-39 into it, Cograts, new 11.7 premium


its air, air doesnt realy have unique models. You get the best mig 21, its the swiss hunter situation all over again