Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


AAM-4s are 60kg heavier, they can’t be carried on the wings, although 4 AAM-4s and 4 AIM-120s might work

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The F-15J(M) can’t carry AAM-4 on the wing hardpoints. However Japan had both AIM-120Bs and LAU-128 rails for their F-15s, so an 8 AMRAAM or possibly 4 AMRAAM and 4AAM-4 loadout might be possible.

This was also passed as suggestion, so we’ll have to see what they do

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Bruh moment

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Not before a while

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Oh yeah good idea 🙏 👍

Not anytime soon

Proven capability

Still proven capability for AIM-9M but Skyflash is bs

Proven capability again and also balance decision so they could stay at least reasonably comparable with competition

And now we’re back to F-4F KWS LV. Can you prove that it could or carried/used triple racks?

Also take into account that F-4F is not the same as US F-4E since initially it lacked proper weapon computer. That came later with Peace Rhine upgrade and stayed untouched for air-to-ground weapons since then.


ETA is about autunum or winter 24/25. But they should add it in thist update because new missiles without new jets is stupid.

aye, I knew that, I was asking to see if they’d fudge it, chuck some AMRAAMs our way bridge the cap, or just leave us with the AAM-3 short range AAM advantage (over the F-15C). (I’d much rather a 6xMRAAM & 2xSRAAM loadout personally, I just prefer radar guided AAMs)

it cant it needs a specific modification that attaches the HOT-3 missiles to the eurocopter and the french eurocopter didnt get this modification afaik

I wonder if the KWS will drop to 12.3 or stay 12.7, 8 guess once the radar is finished it might be a decent bvr fighter but idk if flight performance should keep it at 12.7 same with the F.3 tbh

Except as @Godvana had had proved multiple times in the previous weeks/months, they literally could not guide HOT-3s due to lack of proper guidence equipment (only the KHT was outfitted for that). The closest equivalent to this that I can think of is Ariete firing DM53s (they wouldn’t be able in real life due to 53s egregious firing pressures in hotter climates).

Still proven capability for AIM-9M but Skyflash is bs

Sure, but following your train of thought tripple racks for F-4F ICE along with better Mavs would also be a proven capability (cough F-4E cough).

Proven capability again and also balance decision so they could stay at least reasonably comparable with competition

Refer to what I said in the first paragraph.

Can you prove that it could or carried/used triple racks?

Same rails as F-4E (therefore there’s nothing that stops them from being mounted). The only caveat you could grasp onto here (and you have) is the ballistic computer, but that aspect of the F-4F underwent upgrades twice, once under the Peace Rhine and once under the KWS-LA programs.


He’s saying that having six or two AGM-65 on F-4F ICE doesnt change how balanced the jet is which is exactly the reason why it doesnt need ahistorical loadouts.

On the other hand if SAF JAS39C didnt receive AIM-9M and instead got historical IRIS-T it would be overperforming compared to every other jet in game. Thats why it received something ahistorical for balance.


I predict 5th gen IR AAM seeker for 4th gen fighter aircraft and early 4.5 gen fighter aircraft at 13.3 BR next year. but gajin not ready this year

Could you perhaps elaborate more on this topic?

Same with the Barack II which again doesnt have an illuminator for its AIM 7’s and should only be capable of AMRAAM. The radar it has is a family relative of the A-6 radar series, an/apg-76 is part of the family of the A-6 radars which were designed specifically with use of AMRAAM. Its loadouts were too advanced so they gave it ahistorical stuff for balance.

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It changes how good it is in GRB. Do you have evidence of SAF’s Gripens using Mav Gs?

Because I don’t see them listen anywhere…

I doubt it would perform as good as it does now in GRB without Mavs.

where do you even get 400-500 vehicles?

here there are less than 200 vehicles between both suggestions, not to mention that there are not 70% of unique vehicles


I believe its an ahistorical buff to keep them relevant in the gameplay loop until we get new things. Gaijin may have also used the excuse that the gripen for sweden can and has mounted them and part of the gripens selling point is it can mount almost any weapon available. Again weird that they wanna pick and choose with these changes.