BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg) Ground Forces Techtree

Long enough.

Foldered Scorpion 76/90s for Belgian light tank line, also 76 for UK and 90 as Premium.

i left most copy paste out of my “extended tree” but i could make a bigger one with the copy paste added that fully focuses on lineup quality lol

Copy paste avoidance is good but I’m a big CVR(T) fan so I’d want them in!

UK and Belgium were the only major users of both Scorpion (1500/701 vehicles) and Scimitar (325/153 vehicles), so would be the only two TT with them. Both countries developed them differently and would have different NV, TI, mods, etc.


Are you sure it’s spaced armor or is it ERA?

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helloooo found new ammunition for the Cockerill Mk III gun on some SIBMAS’ and M113s;

Current ammo pens 250 mm (which isn’t remarkable)
NR 478 pens 300 mm, and the NR 220 pens 330 but has a lower muzzle velocity
Might need a slight rebalance, maybe not


Capture d’écran (678)

With ammo:

Capture d’écran (677)

400 mm of pen, nice (pls add)


OMG yes! You’d be surprised how often you whiff a shot with the 250mm shell, and so many vehicles use the 90mm. 250mm sounds like a lot of pen but you’d be surprised how many times you hit but fail to pen, especially when most tanks you versus at that BR are heavy tanks.


it’s mostly just HEAT getting caught on some volumetric bs + low post-pen damage
but more pen definitely helps



hellooo again we could also add this AMX-13 with a Cockerill Mk IV A3 cannon (APFSDS!)


I thought the Belgians didn’t use the Scorpion 90
turns out there’s at least that lol, but interestingly enough it has the earlier Mk III cannon (can’t fire APFSDS)


Another interesting add-on would be several other variants of the Cockerill®3000 Series of turrets. (one is already suggested as the aa variant).

The 3030 manned ATGM turret aka “3030 FSV-AT”

  • Vehicle Integration: Tracked or wheeled 6x6 or 8x8 chassis (on a Piranha IIIC in picture above)
  • Turret: Welded ballistic aluminium
  • Crew: 2 in turret, 1 driver (1 extra technician possible)
  • Main armament: Mk44, MK44S, XM813 | Single shot – 5 round burst – full auto | 255 30x173mm rounds in two-drum feed system | «Super 40» option with Mk44S
  • Secondary armament:
    • 7.62 mm co-ax or pintle mount:
      • (7.62mm, 12.7 mm, 40mm AGL)
    • Rockets launcher (ex.g. Thales 70mm rocket system)
  • Ammunition loading: External and under armour
  • Anti-tank capability: Turret launched AT systems (multiple types possible, such as Thales 70mm)
  • Protection: 8 smoke grenade launchers | APS, Acoustic Gunshot Detection, LWD
  • Sights: Identical Commander/Gunner Sights (Hunter/Killer) | Dual axis stabilized | Day/night
  • External cameras: 360° cover
  • Elevation: -10° / +60°
  • D/R/I Day: 18 / 9 / 5 km
  • Thermal imager: 15 / 7 / 3.5 km
  • Ballistic protection: Up to level 5 STANAG 4569

Depending on the AT missile it could be 10.3 (with spikes), or 11.3 (with Thales 70mm).

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Be prepared to see even more Cockerill stuff in the future, and not just turrets this time ;)


Oh yeah there’s still a lot of Cockerill vehicles we have to find

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I am hyped for that Belgian fast boi that goes 110kph

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It’s not the fastest Belgian boi we have… 😏

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We out here at 200km/h with our remote controlled, retractable ATGM weapon system, while being bulletproof against machine guns.

When you say it out loud the Cockerill i-X really is crazy xD


And don’t forget the “stealthy appearance management with adaptive camouflage”!


200 kph ultimate cancer-flanker 😎


Looks like a land rover with a cannon on the roof(reminds me of vehicles in apocalyps)


Update for the tree:

Four new vehicles have been added. These are:

  • CV9035NL MLU [Techtree, Dutch Line]
    Midlife upgrade for the Dutch CV90. It has hardkill aps and spike missiles.

  • JPK-90 [Techtree, Tank Destroiyer Line]
    Belgian version of the Kanonenjagdpanzer 4–5. It also has a laser rangefinder.

  • Valkyr (CM 90) [Premium]
    Armoured car fitted with a cockerill turret and tested in Belgium.

  • Scorpion 90 [Event]
    Scorpion tank fitted with a 90mm Cockerill gun, the tank seen on the photo is a Belgian Scorpion.

Small BR/Rank changes:

  • SIBMAS Scorpion 90 (Early) from 6.0 to 6.3.
  • AMX-PRA from Rank 3 to Rank 4.
  • CATI 90 from Rank 4 6.7 to Rank 3 5.7.
  • SIBMAS H.20 from 6.7 to 7.3.
  • M113 C&V from Rank 5 7.0 to Rank 4 6.3.
  • YPR-765 PRI from 7.3 to 7.0.
  • M113 C&V Prototype from 6.7 to 6.0.