Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

its only 11.7 in ground

that’s still top tier ground with 10.3 ground ordenance

What? What Phantom? Nerfed?

yea, but you wont have to face the 13.0 jets^^

Ye? But just do it. Didn’t stop y’all from giving SAF’s Gripen air-2-air equipment (pretty sure air-2-ground as well) it never had irl, simply cause it wouldn’t have been able to perform without all that )))

that’s not gonna help me a lot against pantsir and Tor

Idk, having a lot of thermal guided MAVs is certainly a step up over just 2 non-thermal ones imo.

not directly, but increasing the efficiency of what jt faces also indirectly nerfs it

its a step above lgbs i would say as well

quick Q, is the same being applied to the F-15JM & it’s AAM-4s? no idea if it’s to manuals, but just curious what the devs are thinking

What Phantom faces F-15C at 13.0?

nvm it’s the german doa pos.

one isa giving a plane a plane a fictional loadout for balance and the other is to fighter getting 4 more mavs



AAM-4s are 60kg heavier, they can’t be carried on the wings, although 4 AAM-4s and 4 AIM-120s might work

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The F-15J(M) can’t carry AAM-4 on the wing hardpoints. However Japan had both AIM-120Bs and LAU-128 rails for their F-15s, so an 8 AMRAAM or possibly 4 AMRAAM and 4AAM-4 loadout might be possible.

This was also passed as suggestion, so we’ll have to see what they do

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Bruh moment

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Not before a while

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Oh yeah good idea 🙏 👍

Not anytime soon

Proven capability

Still proven capability for AIM-9M but Skyflash is bs

Proven capability again and also balance decision so they could stay at least reasonably comparable with competition

And now we’re back to F-4F KWS LV. Can you prove that it could or carried/used triple racks?

Also take into account that F-4F is not the same as US F-4E since initially it lacked proper weapon computer. That came later with Peace Rhine upgrade and stayed untouched for air-to-ground weapons since then.


ETA is about autunum or winter 24/25. But they should add it in thist update because new missiles without new jets is stupid.