Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

not mine but would’ve been funny to see some people freak out for real

Hello! Are there plans to replace AIM-9L with AIM-9M for the planes that still have AIM-9L at 13.00?

Many users understandably consider AIM-9L unfit for 13.0, particularly when R-73-armed planes start out with their said best missile (R-73) right away from stock, while AIM-9M planes must go through a large stock grind with AIM-9L until finally unlocking 9M, the R-73 equivalent.


It was funny while it lasted.

I would love those!! Of course I’ll plant a Dutch flag on them and then use my Fokker G.1A as air support!!

France never used (more like, couldn’t use) HOT-3s on their Tigers.
SAF never used 9Ms or SkyFlash missiles on their Gripens
Italy never used DM53 on their Arietes

The “never used” is no longer an argument that can be made when it comes to modifications/equipment here, especially since it concerns the balance of the vehicle in question.

uh naw god no my Phantom is getting passively nerfed now

yes, but i was talking about its current sight, or rather, the seeker of its missiles, isnt stabilised

while it is on other jets

it’s not like additional mavericks make it any better at 12.7 ground

its only 11.7 in ground

that’s still top tier ground with 10.3 ground ordenance

What? What Phantom? Nerfed?

yea, but you wont have to face the 13.0 jets^^

Ye? But just do it. Didn’t stop y’all from giving SAF’s Gripen air-2-air equipment (pretty sure air-2-ground as well) it never had irl, simply cause it wouldn’t have been able to perform without all that )))

that’s not gonna help me a lot against pantsir and Tor

Idk, having a lot of thermal guided MAVs is certainly a step up over just 2 non-thermal ones imo.

not directly, but increasing the efficiency of what jt faces also indirectly nerfs it

its a step above lgbs i would say as well

quick Q, is the same being applied to the F-15JM & it’s AAM-4s? no idea if it’s to manuals, but just curious what the devs are thinking

What Phantom faces F-15C at 13.0?

nvm it’s the german doa pos.

one isa giving a plane a plane a fictional loadout for balance and the other is to fighter getting 4 more mavs