Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It is yea, and that’s also my argument here for F-4F ICE to receive tripple mounted Mav Ds. To keep it relevant in the gameplay loop until something better can be added. Cause at the moment the only alternative to it is the Tornado… lol.

Me when i quote the unofficial South African Airforce website

Feel free to provide evidence it does use Mav Gs irl in that case.

Refer to what I said literally there:

I never once mentioned that it hadn’t changed at all. All I said is that nothing has changed in terms of A2G capabilities.

Regarding my Eurocopter comment I might have outdated information about the subject.

Though sometimes gaijin doesnt do that, sometimes a nations just doesnt get an equal item for a few patches or just a singukar patch. Its weird when they choose to do stuff. Like why add both sweden and SAAF gripen at the same time then bo with mig 29. why the mig 29 on russia was basically on par with the german one and so fourth. Weird decisions all around.

like it’d be nice to have 6 mavs but that won’t really help this phantom a lot

still getting clapped in air and SAM’d in ground

The thing is AIM-7F and later models dont need CW in order to be guided. Instead they rely on MPRF radar returns.

Id have to look at the document for AN/APG-76 but to my knowledge it doesnt have the ability to use SARH. Additionally the Barack II also never used python 3’s only python 4’s alongside the fact it didnt use Aim 7’s.

Are they going to work on some of the older reports this update ? (For example: R13M/M1 wrong burntime or AIM9P-3/4 reduced smoke motor)

You’re aware this just introduces a lovely contradiction in that case, no? One where a vehicle gets a free pass at X thing because balance but another vehicle doesn’t get a pass for thing Y because reasons.

Of course, that still leaves the question of whether LA’s new weapon/ballistic computer allowed it the use of more modern Mavs or not unanswered - but even it it doesn’t, again, we already have aircraft in this game that are given weapons they could not use simply to make them better.

Case in point, there is really no reason to not give ICE tripple mounts for Mav Ds, the next best alternative to it is pretty much just as useless, so just do it and make the ICE better.

SAF JAS39C is no different from other export Gripen C’s. That’s more than enough reason to give them these missiles because this capability comes as standard. I dont think F-4F or F-4F KWS LV specifically had ability to use triple rack Mavericks “from factory”. Do you have proof that weapon computer could even allow for more than 2 Mavericks?

Mirage 2000-5F for example cant carry for more than 6 missiles irl because weapon computer doesnt allow for it. Same with F-16C Blk 50 and carrying more than 6 A2A missiles. There are available triple or twin racks for AIM-120 but is the weapon computer is not capable of operating with more than 6 of them.
It’s not as simple as you think to just slap a triple pylon into the plane.

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Yeah but Warspite, Vanguard and Indomitable all balance it out.

HMS Invincible is painfully ironic though.

Now you’re just changing the goalpost. We’ve moved from “never used” to “couldn’t use”, and I’ve given you examples of vehicles that could not use their in-game equipment (Ariete due to its cannon not being equipped with K900 breechblock that was needed to fire DM53 or French Tigers with HOT-3s without an ability to fire them). Do tell me why you keep disregarding those, but are willing to make the F-4F ICE an exception - that’s some pretty disgusting double standards. Btw, do you have evidence Gripen C’s ballistic computer can use Mav Gs? This goes both ways.

It’s not as simple as you think to just slap a triple pylon into the plane.

Ah, must be why so many vehicles in this game just do that?

I’m afraid you mistaken Barak II for Kurnass 2000 which used APG-76. Barak II had APG-68

My bad then

Are you really arguing this point

It is well know that the Gripen can use Mavericks

The only A2G weapon it can use on a triple rail is Brimstone

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the fire control system.has to be able to work with the triple mounts which is easy on aircraft that were made with those in mind

the F4F, or rathwr All F4Fs were build in the early 1970s without the ability to use -any- Mavericks and only in 1983 when they were first upgraded their new FCS received the ability to carry 2 Single AGM65 mounts

since this ain’t a standard F4E at no point in time we can assume they added any of the standard F4E systems that would allow for the regular ordenance of an F4E to be carried we have to assume that these Phantoms were technically unable to use the triple mounts for AGM65s


Which Mavericks? SAAB doesn’t specify )))

If you guys wanna argue against ICE’s triple racks based on a technicality, I can do the same back to you.

we have to assume that these Phantoms were technically unable to use the triple mounts for AGM65s

@someweirdname I get that, but there’s already many exceptions that have been given stuff they could not use just to make them not DOA in X gamemode, ICE is simply the newest member of that club.

I’m not fat, I’m big boned.


it wouldn’t change it’s DOA status of this pure Fighter at all

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