Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I think any new tanks being built by defense companies should only be added to in game nations if they are actually adopted into service by said nation or sub nation. There are plenty of vehicles built by nation specific companies that aren’t adopted or used. That’s also why I’m against the AbramsX being added as it was not adopted, merely being used as a step off point for the next service tank in the US.

In any case, adding Catalán and/or Valencian to the game would be like adding Bavarian to Germany or something, hahah.

the problem with that one is that it only was a mock up, it wasnt functional as far as i am aware thats the problem
Prototypes definitly should be part of the game. They play a big part of war thunder. It just gets complicated in cases like this. But its pretty obvious how it should be done

I do agree overall, but exceptions should be made when there is nothing to be added in it’s place.

AbramsX is a prime example. The SEPv3 already has counterparts in game, and the SEPv4 isn’t significantly different in terms of in game things. So with the next major leap of MBT strength the US either needs to go back in time by adding tanks like the CATTB with a 140mm or needs the AbramsX. Assuming that it will be a couple years before we get to see whatever the M1E3 ends up being.

wasnt the problem it being a mock up?

They did test fire the turret on a test emplecement so it could fire iirc.

yes, but all other features werent actively working
thats the same reason the thropy for challenger 3 got denied

It was functional, and I’ll caveat what you said with the prototypes, I’m cool with prototypes tested by the military as part of the choosing who gets the contract. It’s just when vehicles are made and no interest was ever given by a nations military that we have in game. I think we could probably get some clarification from CMs on whether they need to be tested or in service before being able to be added but I’m just putting my opinion out there. I do understand the want for things developed by nation specific defense companies though.

True, and even if it had functioning systems, we wouldn’t know half the stuff about them.

That is why while discussing tanks like the modern EMBTs, AbramsX and the new Leopard 2 that was posted yesterday is fun, we won’t see them in game for the years to come.

honestly i completly disagree that pretty much cripples any western nation and their development.
Chinese and russian nation have an inert advantage if you start that because every development project / the companys themself are seen as part of their military.
Having multiple developer companies in a nation should be an advantage not an disadvantage

Did it came out earlyer this day or just now?
Also first Camonetting on a non premium Vehicle?

that anyway, if they get added at any point it propably even is when i dont play war thunder anymore

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you realize that we have 5 english variants because we have vehicles of each of them?, there is no point to add “northern latam” when the only spanish speaking nations in game are Spain and argentina which each have already their own voice line, specially when there are plenty of vehicles that are already in game and still lacks their own proper crew lines

JA37D receive Rb 99 and up to 12.3 BR

You trying to get over sweden tech tree unlike other countries because no domestic swedish fighter aircraft 11.3 ~ 12.0

objectively false,

if we get RB 99 for JA37D it would move to 12.3 BR (similar to the J-8F)
its top air-to-air loadout would then be 2x RB 74 (AIM-9L) and 4x RB 99 (AIM-120B)

then i would also suggest adding RB 74 (AIM-9L) to the JA37C and increasing its BR to 11.3 (same as JA37D currently)

this would change the gap in swedish fighters from 10.3 → 11.0 → 11.3 → 12.7 → 13.0
to a more gradual 10.3 → 11.3 → 12.3 → 12.7 → 13.0

I would say it doesn’t cripple western nations in game, an argument could be made of quality over quantity in that regard. But while defense companies and their parent nations military usually have close hand in hand partnership I would not consider them together solely because one is what we mainly base the vehicles in this game on and the other is an actual company out to win contracts and make profit. I’m not out to prevent nations from getting vehicles, I’d just like to keep it in the realm of realism that they are actually used you know? After all the tanks you showed off would benefit my German / French / Italian line up regardless haha

JAS39A early could fix that issue, just give it 9L and no HMD it would fit perfectly at 12.0 similar to F-16A

or just add a danish or norwegian F-16



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